Poplar Class
Please remember to scroll down the page to see what we have been learning about.
Welcome to Poplar’s Class' information and blog page. Here you will find general class information and see what we have been up to in our learning.
Class teacher |
Mrs Rennison
| |
| Support staff | Mr Mason Mrs Roberts |
| PE days |
PE will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure your child has a PE Kit in school. This needs to simply be a pair of black or navy shorts, a plain white t-shirt and a pair of pumps or trainers for going outside. Black or navy zipped hoodies can also be worn in cold weather.
Children can wear their school kit all day on PE days if they wish - please note they are not permitted to wear other sports clothes. |
| Homework |
Homework will be given out every Friday and will be due the following Thursday giving the children 6 days to complete it. This will consist of a piece of English and Maths. In year 6, this is paper homework which can be written on and returned to school. |
| Reading and Computing |
Our school expectation is that your child reads at least three times a week at home to an adult. This needs to be recorded in your child's reading record and signed by an adult. This record needs to be brought into school every day. We will check this on a Monday morning and children achieve a reading sticker on their bookmark. Once their bookmark is full they will receive a brand new book to keep as a prize :) If your child needs to change their reading book, they can change it as and when needed. Your child will also have access and passwords to Purple Mash. Their usernames and passwords will be put in their Reading Record Books as soon as we have them all. |
| Contact us |
If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to speak to us. You can catch us most mornings before school or wait to speak to us after the children have been released to parents/carers at home time.
Or you can contact us via our class email address: poplar@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk |
We very much look forward to working together this year to ensure that your child has a great last year at New Moston.
Reading morning
Week 1
The fire service came to talk to UKS2 about safety on Bonfire night, they discussed the dangers and risks when handling or being around fireworks.
Autumn 2- Week 1
Year 6 visited Crucial Crew yesterday ; we learnt about keeping ourselves safe.
We learnt about safety on the railways, being safe online, keeping safe on public transport and the importance of making the right choices.
Week 7
History- Celebration afternoon
Week 5 and 6
Poplar class have had another two very busy weeks.
In English, we have been carrying out research on William Shakespeare and have started to write out biographies on him. We have also had a 'zoom' meeting with the author A.F. Steadman. During the meeting, we created our own unicorn characters which was really fun!
We won the golden plate! Well done Poplar
Poplar were delighted to take part in live, online interactive writing and drawing session with Sue Pickford Cheug.
Meet Poplar's Eco-Warriors Shu Ying and Holly
Meet Poplar's newest JLT member!
Week 1 and 2
We have had a fantastic first two weeks in Year 5/6. We are extremely proud of how the children have returned to school and the amazing work they have produced already.
In science we have investigated soluble and insoluble substances linked to our science topic on reversible and irreversible materials. In DT this half term we are making savory pies, therefore this week we did some pie tasting. In PE we have been focusing on our reaction and response skills.
Here are a few photos from our first 2 weeks.
Gulliver's World
Empathy Day
This week Poplar Class went to Manchester City as part of our fieldwork for our Geography learning. We interviewed members of the public to find out the answers to the questions we devised as a class.
Mrs Rennison was so proud of us all. We were confident, polite and impeccably behaved.
We did New Moston Primary School proud.
Geography school trip to Manchester
Three super readers- well done!
Science experiment- making different size parachutes and testing the air resistance by recording the time it takes the parachutes to fall.
Science investigation- gravity and air resistance.
As part of our DT lesson we went on a walk to look at the traffic lights and watch the sequence. We learnt that the traffic lights do not follow the sequence of red, amber, green, amber and red instead they follow the sequence of red, red-amber, green, amber and red. We timed how many seconds the traffic lights work for.
This week we won the lunchtime golden plate award! We had lots of fun celebrating.
The Big School Clean Up
Chicks 🐣
World book day- Breaking the rules!
We had lots of fun exploring WW2 artefacts.
Attendance award goes to Tiwa and Abolarinwa for 100% attendance so far this academic year.!! Well done to you both what a great achievement.
In Art this week we have been learning about different colours and how they complement and contrast with each other.
Design Technology Day
Today we put our design into practice. We made our fruit taquitos. We learnt new skills along the way. Kneading dough, measuring ingredients accurately, cooking the taquito as well as creating a filling. Take a look at our pictures.
Welcome back to the new term. This term our main topic is "Can any good come out of war?" We will be learning about: Germany’s invasion of Poland which caused France and Britain to go to war with them,
how many children were evacuated from cities to live in the country side, due to transport issues, all food was rationed and many people started to grow their own food.
We will be using the book Goodnight Mr Tom as part of our English lessons and Whole Class Reading to support us with our understanding of war.
Please take a look at our Topic Plan.
PJ day for Children in Need!
The year 6's had a great time at crucial crew
Week 8
30th - 3rd November 2023
✏️English - After completing our instructions on defeating the White Witch from the book Narnia, we have now started our new book called 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' by Onjali Rauf. In English we have identified the features of journal writing and have been learning about active and passive voice.
🧮Maths - Over the last 2 weeks, we have focused on division. We have been practicing long division and have applied these skills to solving multi-step problems.
⭐️ My Stars ⭐️
👩🏼🏫Teacher's Award: Tiwa
🖋️Handwriting Award: Loni
Graffiti writing in Art
🔎Our Topic - We have finished our topic on The Great Plague and the children have learnt so much! We now know how The Great Plague started and what life was like during the time of The Great Plague. We have finished our DT work, creating our own moving toy - take a look below, they look fantastic!
Moving toys
Show racism the red card
This week we have enjoyed learning about L.S Lowry and have even had a go at drawing his famous town and street scenes.
We have been having lots of fun in their music lesson, playing the Xylophones to the 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' theme tune.
In PE the children have been practicing team building, problem solving and working together in a game of 'river crossing'
A great end to the first week back, we had a fantastic time in the sun on the BMX bikes and we were able to follow the track to perfection.
Archive 2022-23
Coronation Day
Attendance Award 🎉✨
This week Poplar class won the attendance award for being the best attending class in UKS2.
Well done everyone!
This week in DT, we researched, designed, made and then evaluates our bridges. We thoroughly enjoyed working as a team and reviewing and designs as we went along.
Please check out our amazing bridges
Building bridges
In DT this week, we looked at different beam shapes and the impact these have on the strength of bridges. We had to investigate the strength of different beams but making them from construction paper. The challenge was that we were not allowed to use glue or sticky tape. We tested them to see which beam shape held the most weight.
World book day 📚
Can you guess what character we are?
SAT's Parent Meeting
Please find the below the information from the SAT's Parents Meeting being held on Tuesday 7th March.7
Mrs Toshkezi
We had a fantastic pyjama party yesterday. We watched a film in our comfy clothes, cuddled our favourite teddies and ate some yummy snacks. The children have worked really hard this half-term and I would like to say a big thank you all for all of your effort. Keep it up Poplar Class!
Dear Parents and Carers,
As a reward for filling our pom-pom jar, Poplar class will be having a pyjama party on the afternoon of Tuesday 14th February. The children may bring their pyjamas in their bag, ready for a well-earned treat afternoon. No food will be required as this will be provided by myself as a thank you treat to the children for all of their hard work this year.
Kind regards,
Miss Robertson J
On Friday, your child will have brought home a pack. Inside this pack, there is knowledge organisers for maths and SPAG. This is everything a Year 6 child has to know. Booster letters for those child who are invited to morning booster lessons, starting this week (30th January 2023). There is also a letter outlining your child's current attainment and progress from Key Stage 1. If you have any questions please contact your child's class teacher.
Below is a copy of the letter 'Ways to help your child at home', with the live links.
This week, we've had fun creating water turbines in our geography lesson. Since we have been learning about the benefits of using renewable energy and how hydroelectric energy works, we thought that we would have a go for ourselves.
Our classroom has been covered in blood this week...
Before you start to worry, it's only artificial blood! As part of our science unit, we have studied the circulatory system and we thought it would be fun to create blood replicating the four main components (plasma, white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets).
Can you tell what resources we've used to make our blood model?
We've started having our bagels for breakfast this week. Yum!
Bagels for breakfast
Good evening, due to a paper shortage in school, this week's spellings are being posted on the blog. They are -
Year 5:
Year 6:
Have a lovely weekend :)
Reading morning
Thanks to all the parents who came in this morning to read with our children.
Crucial Crew
Year 6 had a fantastic afternoon at Crucial Crew. We learnt many different ways to keep ourselves safe out in the community and what to do if we felt unsafe.
Wow! Look at some of the Anglo-Saxon art our class have been busy creating. Observing from a variety of sources including photographs and digital images, the children have used complimentary colours to produce illuminated letters and shield and helmet designs. Great job everyone!
Alongside our classwork, some of our year 5 children have been busy zip-lining, caving and team-building at Kingswood this half-term. I would like to say a big thank you to you all. We had a wonderful weekend and it was lovely to see the children overcoming their fears, challenging themselves and encouraging others. Here are a few photos from our adventurous weekend (see Facebook for more) …
In our History lessons, we have been learning all about the Anglo-Saxons. We have learnt about who they were, where they were from and what life was like in Anglo-Saxon villages when they settled in Britain. In our Geography lessons, we have used our 6-figure grid referencing skills to read maps and locate places and symbols. Here’s some of our topic work.
Well, what a fantastic start to the school year we have had in Poplar Class!
This half-term, we have been busy immersing ourselves in the book Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo. We’ve developed our drama skills by creating freeze-frames, written character descriptions and letters of advice and are in the process of story-mapping the battle between Grendel and Beowulf. Take a look at some of our work J.
Archive 2021-2022
Wow, what a fantastic week we have had. From designing our very own theme park to writing poetry. We even joined in on a World Record Breaker. All the children have worked incredible hard and I am so proud that they are all keeping their standards and expectations high.
Star of the week.
I could not choose one this week, so I picked 2.
Cobey K - For excellent effort in all this learning this week.
Safiya - For knocking my socks off in history, recalling facts from previous lessons and growing her brain with lots of new knowledge.
Handwriting award
Alfie J - has been trying so hard with his presentation and handwriting.
Maths award
Safiya - for excellent collaboration and team work when designing a theme park.
We have got lots of fun activities planned for next week. I can't wait!!
Star of the week
This week it goes to all of Year 6, who have worked so hard to prepare for next week. An extra special well done to Zac, who has really pushed himself this week.
Reading Champions.
This goes to Kobie for being absolutely amazing and never giving.
Also, Mr Feio, who read with expression and had a captive audience during our reading morning.
Well done everyone. Keep it up!
Reading morning.
It was great to have so many parents turn up for our reading morning. It was great to see you all enjoying reading with Poplar children.
We have had a great week. We started with an investigation into friction.
Maths Champion
Maison and Bonnie
Reading Champion
Star of the Week
Safiya, for always having a smile on her face and trying so hard with her learning even when she is finding things hard.
Reading Champion of the week - Abigail B
Maths Champion of the week - Tyler G
Star of the week - Jael M
World Maths Day 2022
We had a fantastic day. The children in Poplar class looked amazing dressed as rock stars. We had our very own Blockbuster Maths challenge and spent the afternoon rocking away like the true rocks stars we are.
World Maths Day 23/3/22
Today is World Maths Day.
Below are some ideas of activities you can do at home with your child.
We hope you enjoy doing some of them.
In P.E, we have been working on team work, communication and resilience.
Maths Champion.
The first Maths Champion in Popular is Oliver, who has been working extremely hard learning his 3s, 4s and 8 timetables. Well done Oliver!
Our first Reading Champion is Niamh, who without fail reads ever week. Well done! Keep it up.
Star of the week.
Kevin has shown a real dedication to his learning this week, going the extra mile to achieve and do more. Keep up the hard work.
Some of our amazing artwork, showing the D-Day landing in Dunkirk. Well done Cassie, Graziella, Saher, Cobey K and Daisie H.
Poplar have produced some amazing writing this week. We have wrote setting description linked to Rose Blanche. Here are just a few pieces of writing, well done Lily, Alfie and Graziella.
Star of the week.
Well done Graziella, not only producing some amazing writing but a fantastic drawing of the D- Day landings.
Star of the week.
Well done Alfie for getting star of the week for producing some excellent writing. Alfie really thought about what he was going to include in his diary and was constantly improving his writing. Keep it up Alfie.
Poplar have produced some excellent work this week. We wrote diaries in English, linked to the book we were reading, Goodnight Mister Tom. For our daily mile we were joined by Pippa.
SAT's Revision Websites
Below are a list of websites you may wish to use to help you.
The English area of the Bitesize website is packed with activities and questions to help you prepare for the National Tests in English.
These revision pages have been put together by Woodlands Junior School to help students with their revision. http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/literacy/index.htm
The Maths area of the Bitesize website is packed with activities and questions to help you prepare for the National Tests in Maths. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/maths/
Top Marks has a wide range of Maths games to brush up on all your skills. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?Subject=16&AgeGroup=3
Woodlands Junior School has several fun online interactive activities to help you with SATs . http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/maths/index.html
https://corbettmathsprimary.com/content/ (videos and worksheets)
https://www.mathsisfun.com/ (good for revising formal methods of calculation, including fractions)
https://www.math-aids.com/ (create your own worksheets on subjects you have found difficult)
This week we have been learning about Christingle which means 'Christ's Light' and it is a symbol of the Christian faith. We really enjoyed learning about Christingle and making our own Christingles.
Christmas fair
We had great fun decorating biscuits for the Christmas fair, they look fantastic!
Remembrance day- Lest we forget
🌟 Superstars of the week! 🌟 21st October
My superstars of the week are:
Daisie for her beautiful presentation in all of her books, Daisie takes a lot of pride in how her work is presented and to Harry for trying really hard with his letter formation and remembering to use his finger spaces.
Teacher's award
Luca produced a fantastic piece of art work in the style of pop art for Black History Month and Kevin who always puts 100% effort into all of his learning- well done.
Congratulations to you all.
We are all very proud of you.
Today in school was "GIVE RACISM THE RED CARD" in support of the campaign we all came into school wearing something red.
In our science lessons we learnt about irreversible and reversible changes. We decided to bake cupcakes to see whether any irreversible or reversible changes happen. Everyone had great fun baking and the cupcakes tasted delicious!
Eco warriors
Meet our Eco warriors- Mason Power and Abigail Bryne.
🌟 Superstars of the week!! 🌟 17th September
This weeks award has been have been extremely difficult, I have been very impressed with the effort you have ALL put in to your work this week- well done.
My superstars of the week are:
Cassie May Pulman for her beautifully presented learning and lovely joined handwriting and Charlotte Kenney for her impressive knowledge and showing great enthusiasm about the environment and climate change during our English and Topic lessons.
Congratulations to the both of you.
We are all very proud of you.
In topic we are learning about the different types of national disasters, we have looked at how they have occurred and how other countries have been affected by them.
This week we had our very own Poplar debate on whether natural disasters are a form of punishment or not and are we responsible for them.