School Logo

Cedar Class

Please remember to scroll down the page to see what we have been learning about.

Welcome to Cedar's Class' information and blog page.  Here you will find general class information and see what we have been up to in our learning. 


Class teachers

Miss Harvey


Support staff

Mrs Timmins 

Mrs Parr 



PE days

PE will be on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Please make sure your child has a PE Kit in school. 

This needs to simply be a pair of black or navy shorts, a plain white t-shirt and a pair of pumps or trainers for going outside. Black or navy zipped hoodies can also be worn in cold weather.

Children can wear their school kit all day on PE days if they wish - please note they are not permitted to wear other sports clothes.




Homework will be given out every half termThis will be in the form of a grid. The children will have a selection of activities to choose from. They must complete one piece of homework from the grid each week. This can be handed in as a paper copy, photograph or uploaded to Google Classroom. 



Reading and Computing

Our school expectation is that your child reads at least three times a week at home to an adult. This needs to be recorded in your child's reading record and signed by an adult. This record needs to be brought into school every day. We will check this on a Monday morning and children achieve a reading sticker on their bookmark. 


Once their bookmark is full they will receive a brand new book to keep as a prize :)

If your child needs to change their reading book, they can change it as and when needed.  

Your child will also have access and passwords to Purple Mash. Their usernames and passwords will be put in their Reading Record Books as soon as we have them all.



Contact us

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to speak to us. You can catch us most mornings before school or wait to speak to us after the children have been released to parents/carers at home time.


Or you can contact us via our class email address:



We very much look forward to working together this year to ensure that your child has a great year at New Moston.

DT - Design a bridge using paper and cello tape 🌉

Computing 💻 Plan a blog post. 📝

Italian Day! 🇮🇹 Pizza tasting and paint like Michelangelo 🍕 🎨

PE - Invasion Games

History - Parent Celebration Afternoon

Biographies- feature spotting!

The children in a Cedar class impressed me today with their feature spotting skills. We explored some different biographies and the children identified all the different features they could see. 

Kingswood 2024! 

I would like to say a massive well done to all the children who went to Kingswood this weekend. It was great fun to watch the children step out of their comfort zones and try something new for the very first time! 

I know that all the children in group 1 had an incredible time exploring the caves, shooting arrows, climbing Jacob’s ladder and flying down the zip line. 

All of year 5 should be very proud of themselves because we certainly are!!! 👏🏻

Homework - design your own maths game.

As part of our homework challenges the children were able to make their own maths board game. Jemima created this beautiful maths game and played it with her friends in the lunchtime nurture club. She explained all the rules clearly and enjoyed being able to share her game with her friends. 

English - Macbeth character description.

In English the children have been working hard on their character descriptions. They have been enjoying the tale of Macbeth and focusing on the characters, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. They have used their wide range of vocabulary to create some well structured character descriptions, using whiteboards to focus their ideas. 

History- Anglo-Saxon timeline

We worked as a team to order and create a timeline showing the key dates and events that happened for the Anglo-Saxons. 

PE - ball skills

This week the children have worked hard practicing their ball skills, reaction and response through a game of endball. 

DT - Pastry tasting

The children in Cedar class had a great time tasting lots of different pastries as part of our new Design and Technology unit. They used all their senses to explore a range of different pastries including: cheese and onion pasty, peppered stake slice, chicken and mushroom slice and chicken and bacon pasty. 

Transition day - Anglo Saxon weaving.

Art day - The Martin Brother Walley Birds

Cedar Class went to Manchester City as part of our fieldwork for our Geography learning. The children had the opportunity to travel by train to Manchester (a first for some!)  before they interviewed members of the public to find out the answers to the questions we created as a class. The children were incredibly well behaved and extremely polite when approaching and talking to members of the public! 


Well done Cedar Class! 


The Golden Plate Award

We were very excited in Cedar class when we won the lunchtime Golden Plate Reward. All our hard work and incredible behaviour around school and particularly at lunch times was recognised by the lunchtime staff, who nominated us for this award. As a reward the children enjoyed some extra free time outside, a great way to end a day of hard learning! 

Computing - Game Creator

During our Summer 1 term, the children worked very hard in our computing sessions to create their own online game. The children could design, edit and review their own online games. Creating interactive and challenging mazes for their friends to complete. Collect all the rewards but don't get caught by the enemies! 

Science Experiments - Friction

Science - Shadow Puppets

In Science this week the children were able to experiment with light and investigate how shadows are formed. The children created their own shadow puppets to show that when the light hits an opaque object, the light is blocked. This is how a shadow is created. The shadow will always be the same shape as the object that is creating it. However, by moving the light source the size of the shadow can change. 

Children in Cedar Class had lots of fun being able to hold the chicks that were hatched and kept in our EYFS unit. 

Science Investigation - How does light travel?

In Science. the children have had lots of fun investigating how light travels. The children used the different pieces of card to show that light travels in a straight line. When a piece of card was moved, the children could see that the light would no longer pass through and was blocked by the card. 

PE - Floor Work

This week in PE the children were set the ULTIMATE challenge. 

After having mastered 'the plank' in previous sessions the children were excited to be set a new 'floor work' challenge. 


Each child had a tennis ball and were instructed to perform a plank, while balancing the tennis ball on their back. If this wasn't enough... they then needed to use alternate hands to remove the tennis ball from their back and place it back on from using the other hand - Without the tennis ball touching the floor!!! surprise

World Book Day - Break the rules.

World Book Day 2024! 


This year our World Book Day was inspired by David Walliams' book, "The World's Worst Children." 

Instead of dressing up as characters this year, the children were given a 'once in a lifetime' opportunity to... break the rules! 


Children were allowed to break any of the following rules: 

1. Wear school uniform.

2. Have sensible hair styles and undyed hair. 

3. No nail polish allowed. 

4. No face paint or glitter allowed. 

5. No cuddlies to be brought to school. 


As you can see Cedar class thoroughly enjoyed breaking these rules and had a marvellous day! 

Welcome back to the new term.

This term our main topic is "Can any good come out of war?"


We will be learning about: Germany’s invasion of Poland  which caused France and Britain to go to war with them, how many children were evacuated from cities to live in the country side, due to transport issues, all food was rationed and many people started to grow their own food.


We will be using the book Goodnight Mr Tom as part of our English lessons and Whole Class Reading to support us with our understanding of war. 


Please take a look at our Topic Plan. 


Music - Words Can Hurt

How does music bring us together? 


This term the children are going to be looking at a new piece of music called "Words Can Hurt"

Words Can Hurt teaches us how important it is to say nice things to people and to not be mean. It is very easy to say things without thinking about the impact they might have on someone.


The children worked really hard to learn the different sections of the song on the glockenspiel, before creating a class performance. 

PE - Like Clockwork

This week the children got into groups of 4 to work within one square of a grid. They each sat down and passed the ball in sequence (1,2,3,4,1) - carefully rolling the ball across the floor. 


They then challenged themselves, by standing up and repeating the process. The children continued to pass the ball in a sequence using a pass of their choice. They were challenged to pass the ball as many times as they could without dropping the ball. Each successful catch added to one point. The team with the most points were the winners of the game. 

PE - Stance: Static Balance

This term in PE the children are learning all about Static Balance and using their co-ordination. In this unit, the children will develop and apply their stance and footwork through focused skill development sessions, modified/non-traditional games and sports and healthy competition.


This week the children practiced their balancing skills on a beam. Using only the ball of their foot the children would balance on the beam without losing their balance and falling off. This still was then challenged with their partner gently throwing a tennis ball for them to catch. 


The children had great fun and learned a lot about their co-ordination and balance skills. 

ART - Check out our awesome Graffiti tags that were too good not to display!

PE - In Cedar Class we love to warm up our bodies with different stretches, before we get ready to steal the treasure!!

Recent learning - Music and History 6.10.23 :)

PE days!

Recent learning - History and Science 21.9.23


Archive 2022-23

End of year disco!

PSHE - Diversity

World Environment Day

Today we had a visitor who told us lots of information about how to reduce plastic usage. We then created our very own greenhouses and planted sunflower seeds. Stay tuned to see their progress!

National Empathy Day

Today we learnt about the importance of showing empathy. We listened to an amazing poet and created our own acrostic poetry. Well done Cedar! 

Thursday 25th May 2023

This week, we have been writing a biography based on the fictional character Kissin’ Kate from Holes.

National Numeracy Day


Today we celebrated our love of maths for national numeracy day. We completed a number of fun activities :) 

DT 12/5/23


This week in DT we’ve been testing kite prototypes using different materials, stay tuned for more updates next week :) 

Lord Mayor Visit


This week we were visited by the Lord Mayor herself! The children made a card to thank her for all of her support and hard work. We then had an assembly and found out lots of interesting facts about the Lord Mayor :) 

King’s Coronation Day


The children had a brilliant day for the coronation and enjoyed it completing different activities. Their artwork as a key stage looks amazing on our displays! 

They also enjoyed creating portraits of the King and Queen and completing a Royal Family quiz in class :) 

Monday 24th April

In DT, we've learnt about paper being a Chinese invention. In our lesson, we tested different types of paper in a number of different ways before making our evaluations.

Thursday 2nd March - World Book Day

Wednesday 1st February 2023


Happy new month! In English, we have been learning about balanced arguments and how to debate. Therefore, we split into half and had a spirited debate about whether or not Zoos should be banned. 


Here are some pictures of us working hard in our teams!

Friday 27th January 2023


In Geography, we are learning about natural resources, including renewable energy. We learnt about how Hydropower turbines can generate electricity, which is extremely important in today's climate. We then had some fun designing our own Hydropower turbines! 

Friday 20th January 2023


In Science, Cedar are learning about the Circulatory System. We found out about different blood components and even made our own!!! We made Plasma, White Blood Cells, Red Blood Cells and Platelets. 



In Art, we have been learning about abstract art using palette knives. We practiced using them to create artwork similar to Leonid Afremov's! Here are some pictures of our artists at work...

As there was no paper on Friday, here is your Maths homework for this week below. Please complete your answers on a piece of paper and bring them in on Thursday as usual! 

Homework for week beginning 21.11.22

Friday 11th November 2022

A big thank you to the parents that came to Cedar's reading workshop this morning, the children loved it! As we know, listening to children read regularly not only boosts  their abilities but also promotes their reading pleasure! Here are a few pictures that show this...

Friday 4th November

In PSHE, we have been learning about the importance of personal safety when growing up. To showcase our understanding, we had fun with some sparklers in preparation for Bonfire Night! Here are a few pictures of the children enjoying themselves :)



To celebrate Halloween, Cedar had fun making their very own chocolate apples! As you can see, we got a bit carried away...



21.10.22 Here are some pictures of what we've been learning this week! In Art we learnt how to sketch and in Maths we used resources to make square and cube numbers...

Friday 14th October 2022

This week's stars:

  • Jasmine for a great understanding of factors and multiples in Maths
  • Tyler for always listening in class

This week's stars are:

  • Jordi - amazing commitment to TTRS
  • Layla - a great attitude to her learning
  • Kyle H - fantastic Art skills!

Cedar's stars!

Friday 7th October 2022

Still image for this video
In our first music lesson, we appreciated a classic song...Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi! We learnt each verse and chorus before performing it all at once. Here is a clip of us singing (ignore Mr Clavin's singing voice!!).

This week's stars are Lexi - for a huge improvement in her Maths

                                  Scarlett - a fantastic attitude to learning

                                   Raya - a brilliant letter to Beowulf

Monday 26th September


This week, Cedar will be competing against Beech in a fierce Times Table Rock Star battle!!!

The battle will start on Friday 30th September and will end on Friday 7th October, giving the children plenty of time to rack up their points. As exciting as this will be, it is also very important the children use this site regularly in order to strengthen their times table knowledge. Each child was given their username and password last week so we look forward to seeing the results. GOOD LUCK CEDAR!!!

Good afternoon all!


This is a message just to say a HUGE thank you to all of the children who came to Kingswood this weekend, you were truly superstars! It was lovely to see so many set themselves goals, face obstacles and overcome them through teamwork, perseverance and spirit. 


Here are just a few pictures of some children having a great time (the rest are on the Facebook page)...


Mr Clavin

Kingswood 2022

Archive 2021-22

World Maths Day 23/3/22


Today is World Maths Day. 

Below are some ideas of activities you can do at home with your child. 

We hope you enjoy doing some of them.

Celebration Assembly in Cedar


Isabella and Maizie were extremely proud to be awarded their pen licence today and Harry deservedly won the Teacher’s Award for his fantastic attitude to learning recently.

Weekly Mile 

Cedar Class have been braving the cold weather to get out and about each week to complete their Weekly Mile. It’s a great way exercise and have a chat with our friends....even if it has been a bit chilly!

Reading in Cedar


A big thank you to all the parents who joined us this Friday morning, where we had a lovely, relaxing and peaceful start to the morning. This involved reading books and newspapers, working together to complete word searches and crosswords. We are already looking forward to inviting parents in to our class again.


War breaks out in Cedar Class!


This week we have begun our new topic ‘What would life be like if Germany had won WW2?’. In this topic we will be learning who was involved in the war, how it started, how it ended, what we can learn from it and everything in between!


Class Awards


This week’s Cedar Class awards go to ......Abinsa, for her fantastic attitude towards all her learning and to Isabella, for her efforts to improve her handwriting and presentation. Well done Abinsa and Isabella, and well done to all of Cedar Class for their hard work and effort this week!

Fun with fractions!

As always we have been working extremely hard in Cedar Class week. In Maths we have been adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions and even showing off by simplifying our answers! We have written our Big Write, which was a recount based on the book, The Day of Ahmed’s Secret. Well done to everyone in Cedar for their hard work this week, special mention to Harrison, this week’s Teacher’s Award winner and Tiana, for her high standard of presentation.

Natural disasters become Art in Cedar 8.10.21

This week we have been using our shading and drawing skills to create pictures of tornadoes and volcanoes.


Amazing Handwriting

A massive well done to Skye and Nevaia, who visited Mrs Toshkezi in Year 6 to receive their handwriting pens, congratulations! 

Investigation Week


Once again we have been investigating and experimenting this week in Cedar. We made predictions about how to separate materials and what equipment should be used.

Well done to Louie Howarth, who received this week’s teacher’s award for his fantastic attitude towards learning and to Skye Boylan, who received the Handwriting Award, for her beautiful presentation in her learning.

Cedar Class Scientists

This week we have been conducting experiments to find out how hard materials are and how are absorbent they are. We used the Mohs scale of hardness to scratch the surface of different materials and had lots of fun testing materials to see if they are absorbent or waterproof, we only had a few spills!


Class Awards

This week’s Teacher’s award goes to Denzel Offin, for his fantastic, hard-working attitude towards all his learning and the Handwriting award goes to Mason Carr for showing perseverance and determination to improve his handwriting.



Hello and welcome to Cedar's Class Blog


We have had a fantastic couple of weeks in school after our summer holidays. In Maths we have been focussing on place value, addition and subtraction, in English, we have been learning about the features of a balanced argument, and in Topic we have been finding out about natural disasters!!


Handwriting Award

I have been really impressed with everyone in Cedar Class recently for the effort they have put into improving their handwriting and presentation. One person's handwriting has really stood out and the winner this week was Nevaia Smith, well done Nevaia it won't be long before you get your pen licence!!


Teacher's Award

This was a really tough decision and it could have been awarded to so many members of the class. This week's recipient is Violet Saxon, for always giving 100% effort in all of her learning. Well done Violet!!


It's been a great start to the term, keep up the great work Cedar class!



