School Logo




Hello everybody and welcome to our class page. We have had a fantastic first week back and I am certain we will have a lovely year together. You have shown me just how ready for Year 4 you are and have amsde a fantastic start to your learning. I have been super impressed!


Things to help you coming into Birch Class.


PE  will be on a Wednesday afternoon. Please make sure your child has a PE Kit in school in a small bag. This needs to simply be a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and a pair of pumps or trainers for going outside. Children are welcome to leave their P.E kits in school and we will send them home in the holidays for a wash or can take them home on a Friday. However, they do need to be back in on a Monday for the whole week.


SWIMMING - the letter that went out last week has all the information regarding swimming on it. Swimming will be every Tuesday, with Birch going at 9:20. 


Homework will be set on Google Classrooms. Your child will have homework set on a Friday each week that they are to complete by the following Thursday. Your child will also be sent home with 5 spellings weekly that they are to complete and bring back in the following Thursday, ready for their spelling test on a Friday.


Reading - We expect your child to read at least three times a week at home to an adult. This needs to be recorded in your child's reading record and signed by an adult. This record needs to be brought into school every day. We will check this on a Monday for the previous week. 

If your child needs to change their reading book, they can bring it in and it will be changed by an adult.


Your child will also have access and passwords to Times Table Rockstars, Purple Mash, Google Classroom and Reading Eggs. Their usernames and passwords will be put in their Reading Record Books as soon as we have them all.


If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to speak to us. You can catch me most mornings before school or wait to speak to us after the children have been released to Parents/carers at home time.


Or you can contact us via the email address: 


We really look forward to working together this year.


Mrs Williams and Mrs Bennett

