Fun Friday Challenge - 17th July 2020
Watch the clip above to learn what a food chain is.
Using the plants and animals from our story this week, The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson, can you create a food chain? Think about what comes first in the food chain, then which animal might eat it and so on.
Can you create another food chain using your favourite wild animal?
English Challenge - updated 16th July 2020
Monday - Our story for today is The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson, please watch the video above then write down any rhyming pairs you can hear in the story.
Tuesday - The word 'terrible' is used to describe the Gruffalo, can you think of any other words to describe the Gruffalo? There are some in the story for you to find, then you need to come up with some of your own.
Wednesday - A Gruffalo is an imaginary creature, use the website link below to create your own imaginary creature. Can you write adjectives to describe your new species? What does it eat? Where does it live?
Thursday - Using an imaginary creature you created on Switch Zoo yesterday, retell the story of the Gruffalo but change the Gruffalo character to the one you made.
Maths Challenge - updated 16th July 2020
Monday - Complete the questions below, finding one more and one less than a number to 20. If you finish the questions, ask an adult, sibling or friend to challenge you to different numbers.
Tuesday - Complete the arithmetic questions below. Don't forget to read the symbol in the number question!
Wednesday - Watch the video on 2D shapes then go on a Shape Hunt - write down the name of the shapes and the objects you find.
Thursday - Today we would like you to create pictures using 2D shapes, can you label the shapes you use? As an extension, can you find the number of sides each 2D shape has?
Fun Friday Challenge - 10th July 2020
The weather is supposed to be brightening up tomorrow and over the weekend so I would like you to get creative outside, making natural patterns and pictures. This means using things you find outside to create your artwork. You could use; stones and pebbles, sticks, shells, leaves and petals. Below are some examples to support your ideas, remember to be as imaginative and creative as possible.
English Challenge - updated 9th July 2020
Monday - Our story for the week is Barry The Fish With Fingers by Sue Hendra. Today we would like you to read the story if you have it at home or you can watch it on the video above.
Tuesday - Barry the fish with fingers has many skills that he shares in the story. Can you make a list of all the amazing things he can do? Now can you write a sentence to share a skill you have? Don’t forget your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces!
Wednesday - In the story, Barry saves Puffy from getting hurt. Tomorrow we are going to write a newspaper article telling the story of Barry the hero. Can you think of a title for your newspaper article? Then come up with three ideas for sentences for your newspaper, such as, Barry having fingers, what Barry did to save Puffy and how the fish might celebrate.
Thursday - Today you need to put your newspaper article together; there is a template attached below that can help. Don't forget to send your newspaper articles to willow@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk I look forward to reading them.
Maths Challenge - updated 9th July 2020
Monday - Today we would like you to begin halving by sharing spots between the two sides of a ladybird.
Tuesday - We are continuing with halving numbers today, please complete the questions attached below.
Wednesday - Halving is the same as dividing by 2! Today you have a race to complete, see the Space Race below.
Thursday - Play the Hit The Button Halves Game
Fun Friday Challenge - 3rd July 2020
Today we would like you to make yourself into a mermaid or merman. Use a photograph of your face (if you have one) then make the human body for your top half and a tail for your bottom half. Be as creative as possible and send your creations to willow@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk. There are some ideas below to help get you started.
English Challenge - updated 2nd July 2020
Monday - Our story for the week is The Singing Mermaid by Julia Donaldson. Today we would like you to read the story if you have it at home or you can watch it on the video above.
Tuesday - The mermaid is the main character in our story this week. Can you write a character description about her, detailing what she looks like, what skills she has and what you know about her personality from the story?
Wednesday - If you could perform in the Circus, what would you like to do? Would you be a weightlifter, juggler or fire eater or is there something else you think the audience might like? Draw a picture of your act and describe what it is underneath.
Thursday - If you could be a mermaid for a day, and have your own tail, where would you swim and what would you do?
Maths Challenge - updated 2nd July 2020
This week we will be focusing on addition and subtraction, remember the different methods we have used to help us; counting on or counting back, using a number line, using counters; and the column method for addition.
Monday - Please complete the addition questions below.
Tuesday - Please complete the addition word problems below.
Wednesday - Please complete the subtraction questions below.
Thursday - Please complete the subtraction word problems below.
Fun Friday Challenge - 26th June 2020
Tiddler got caught in the net of a fishing boat which was floating on the sea. Today we would like you to collect 8 items from around your house and decide if you think they will float (like the boat) or sink to the bottom. Once you have made your prediction, write it down then test your knowledge by putting the 8 items into your bucket or bowl one at a time. Take photographs and record the outcome of your investigation, I look forward to seeing what you find out. Mrs Bennett
English Challenge - updated 25th June 2020
Monday - Our story for the week is Tiddler - The Story Telling Fish by Julia Donaldson. Today we would like you to read the story if you have it at home or you can watch it on the video above.
Tuesday - Tiddler the fish is late for school AGAIN, but as the hours pass by his class mates become worried about him, can you help them out by making a missing poster for Tiddler? First think of some adjectives to describe Tiddler to use in your poster. Then, to make your poster, draw a picture and write your description, remember we need to know who is missing and what they look like to help find him.
Wednesday - Today we want you to think about how Tiddler might have been feeling when he got caught in the net and why he might be feeling that way? Tell somebody in your house your answer then think if you have ever felt that way too. You can write down your thoughts and ideas if you wish.
Thursday - Tiddler went on an adventure to find his way back to school. If you could dream up your own adventure, where would you go and what would you do? Draw a picture and write about your adventure. Don't forget to send your adventures to the class email - willow@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk - I look forward to reading about them!
Maths Challenge - updated 25th June 2020
Monday - Our story this week mentions the time; can you remember what times were said in the book? What items in your house tell the time? Write them down, draw them or take photographs.
Tuesday - Today you have a game to play, ask people in your house to join in as you play 'What time is it Mr Wolf?' Remember, each hour equals one step forward, so 3 o'clock means you can take three steps forward.
Wednesday - Watch the video below to support with the worksheet on time. If you cannot print the sheet off then you can draw the clock faces yourself onto paper or draw one clock in chalk and use sticks as the to hands of the clock for each answer. Don't forget to send your learning to the class email address for feedback!
Thursday - Read the clocks and write down what time each one says.
Today is the final day to send your photograph to willow@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk
Fun Friday Challenge - 19th June 2020
Your challenge this week is to research rock pools. A rock pool is a miniature habitat where the three sea creatures in our story live. Can you remember what a habitat is? What can you find out about rock pools and what other sea creatures like to live there?
English Challenge - updated 18th June 2020
Monday - Our story for the week is Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson. Today we would like you to read the story if you have it at home or you can watch it on the video above.
Tuesday - Can you remember what happens in our story this week? Retell the story to somebody in your house. You could draw the characters to help you remember the story.
Wednesday - The hermit crab shares his home with his friends, who do you share your home with? Can you draw a picture of your home and write about who lives in it with you?
Thursday - Can you design an even bigger shell for the hermit crab and his friends to share? Either add labels to your shell or write sentences to describe the new design. Don’t forget your adjectives!
Maths Challenge - updated 18th June 2020
Monday - The hermit crab shares a shell with two friends, we are going to be counting in twos this week. Can you find items around your house that come in two? Write them down, draw them, tell an adult or sibling or you can take photos.
Tuesday - It has been wonderful to hear about and see the objects you have found that come in twos. You have found socks, shoes, gloves and some animals from Noah’s Ark! Today we would like you to count in twos, so can you line up your objects and count them starting from 2. It should go something like this…
Wednesday - So far this week you have found objects that come in two and have been counting in twos. Below is a video by the Number Jacks to help us with our two times tables, have a go at saying them aloud then try writing them down.
Thursday - Now you are ready to try and answer some multiplication questions. We have done these in class with peg boards, do you remember? You can use socks, play dough, coloured dots or paint to help you visualise each question.
**********Willow Class Email Address**********
I look forward to seeing what you have been doing at home.
Please send any work to the following email address and I will reply and send feedback.
Thank you, Mrs Bennett
Dear Parents/Carers,
As we obviously can't have our class photos this year, Mrs Hindle is putting together a class photo for each class as a lasting memory of this time!
If you would like to have your child added to their class photo I need you to send a head shot (from the shoulders up) of your child to willow@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk
(By doing this you are giving your consent to share your child's photo with other parents.)
I would need these no later than FRIDAY 19TH JUNE!
There is no uniform to the image you send just a clear smiling head shot of your cherubs! (Please no snapchat style filters!)
Thank you
Hello there!
Hope you’re all well!
As you now know, Mr Partington is leaving us in July.
We would like to make a video for him. It would be brilliant if the children could record a short message for him, no longer than 15 seconds please!
In addition to this we’d like to make Mr Partington a book of memories. If you have a special memory of him please send to us!
Memories and videos to be sent in for Tuesday 30th June to...
Thank you
Home Learning - Wednesday 10th June 2020
Hi Everyone,
I will be updating the blog every day with new home learning tasks for you to do.
Mrs Bennett
Fun Friday Challenge - 12.06.2020
Your Fun Friday Challenge is to make your own caterpillar – you can be as creative as you want and use whatever you have at home. There are some ideas below to help. Can you write down what you eat today just like The Very Hungry Caterpillar? Mrs Bennett’s caterpillar has eaten one banana and two Weetabix already and she is STILL hungry!
English Challenge - updated 11.06.2020
Wednesday - Today I would like you to watch the video of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle; if you have the book at home you can read along.
Thursday - I hope you enjoyed The Very Hungry Caterpillar yesterday, today I would like you to write a list of the food the caterpillar ate. How many can you remember before watching again?
Maths Challenge - updated 11.06.2020
Wednesday - Find five items in your house and put them in height order from tallest to shortest.
These items can be toys, books or even food like the very hungry caterpillar has just eaten!
Thursday - I have loved seeing pictures and videos of you ordering objects by height from tallest to shortest. Below is a picture of my objects, can you write sentences to describe what you see? eg. The giraffe is taller than the pirate.
Hello Everyone,
It has been so lovely to speak to some of you over the past few weeks, I will keep trying anyone who hasn't answered yet.
You all sound like you are staying safe and enjoying spending time at home; I loved hearing what you have been doing, it hasn't been the same without your stories, drawings and cuddles every day!
If you are running out of things to do at home, remember there are always lots of stories to read, either books or online. I have been reading my favourite story, Room on the Broom, to my little boy and he has started roaring when he sees the dragon to try and scare it away!
I hope to see your smiling faces soon,
Love Mrs Bennett
Hi Willow Class,
I am missing you all very much, I hope you are doing okay at home and enjoying time with your family. I speak to Mrs Whittaker and Miss Walker regularly and they are missing you all too.
Don't forget there is the home learning pack that can be done whilst you are off but not all learning is paper based. You can use Lego blocks as counters for arithmetic like we do in class; learn to tell the time to the hour; take a PE class with Joe Wicks; read a story and retell it using home drawn puppets; create some art work (I have made a rainbow for my window with Henry) and build a den.
Since school has been closed I have been kept very busy by my little boy; we have been playing in the garden, baking, reading, playing with his toys, making dens and been for some short walks (he only has little legs). Here are some pictures from the past two weeks.
I look forward to seeing you all again soon and hearing what you have been up to.
Stay safe, stay inside and be kind!
Love Mrs Bennett, Mrs Whittaker and Miss Walker
For parents:
If you need to contact school please use the following email address
And for any pastoral needs please email
World Book Day
The children had lots of fun wearing their PJ’s. We listened to lots of our favourite stories, we practised yoga linked to the story of The Hungry Caterpillar and some of the parents came into class to do some reading activities.
Spring 1 - Gymnastics
This half term, the children have been exploring how to twist and turn their bodies on the equipment. They have been learning how to perform different balances, jumps and rolls and putting these movements into a sequence. They have loved using the equipment particularly the climbing frame.
This half term, the children have been learning different ways to move their bodies. They have done lots of stretching and curling their bodies into different shapes. They have explored different ways of travelling. They have also looked at different ways to balance and jump. They have used the equipment to put these skills into a sequence. Look at their amazing work!
Willow Class has been destroyed! (Lacey)
We had chairs and tables upside down (Lillie) and vegetables trapped and taped down. (Nevaeh)
Look out New Moston, he is coming back!
We had a visit from Florence Nightingale who taught us many things about her life. We took part in lots of drama activities, which included travelling on a train and taking on the role of nurses and injured soldiers. We had a fantastic afternoon with Florence.

Willow Class Forest School
A warm welcome to Willow Class!
The children have made a fantastic start to Year 1,
taking on every challenge and adapting to the new routine.
The blog will be updated throughout the year with information and photos
so make sure you check back regularly to see what we have we have been up to!
Mrs Bennett