When you have good mental health you:
- Feel loved, safe and secure
- Feel positive about yourself most of the time
- Are kind to yourself during tough times or when things don’t go the way you want
- Feel ok about challenges and trying new things
- Enjoy life and time with family and friends
- Can manage sad, worrying or angry feelings and bounce back through times you find tricky
Some things that may cause your mental health to suffer:
- Falling out with a friend
- Social media
- Bullying
- Worries at home or at school
Here at New Moston Primary School, we give you a voice and a place where you can be heard.
All adults at our school care about you; there is always someone to listen. Speaking to an adult you feel safe with will make worries feel lighter; if you are not ready to do this, a friend could help you by sharing your worry with an adult in school. Remember that all our adults are here to help.
Mr Kinch, Mrs Kelly-Rimmer and Miss Slack in the L.I.N.C are our pastoral team and you can always speak with them too if you feel unhappy or unsafe.
Other help available:
Kooth offers emotional and mental health support for children and young people. On Kooth, qualified counsellors are online seven days a week to provide young people using the service with online counselling, through chat-based messaging via drop-in or booked sessions
42nd Street
2nd Street is a Greater Manchester charity that supports young people aged 13-25 years with their emotional wellbeing and mental health, promoting choice and creativity. We champion young person centred approaches that demonstrate local impact and have national significance.
Call 0161 228 7321
The M-Thrive Team will meet with any child or young person in the community to discuss ways in which community-based services can be accessed to help and alleviate some of the difficulties that may be being encountered and or support with any emotional health and wellbeing difficulties they may have
Call 0161 203 3189
Discover all about the work we do to prevent abuse, help rebuild children's lives and support families.
Childline is a counselling service for children and young people up to their 19th birthday in the United Kingdom provided by the NSPCC
Call 0800 1111
Young minds
Young Minds are a mental health charity for children, young people and their parents, making sure all young people can get the mental health support they need
School Health Service
Call 07507330205
The Mix
The Mix is the UK’s leading digital charity for under 25s, reaching over 6 million young people each year. Whatever issue a young person is facing, The Mix is always there for them – via our website, over the phone or via social media. Our support is free, confidential and anonymous and can be accessed wherever young people are
Call 08088084994