To 3M
I'm so proud I was your teacher.
I've watched you learn and grow.
We worked so hard and had such fun.
How fast the time did go!
Our year was interrupted,
it was too soon to part.
Just know that you will always
have a special place
within my heart.
Love Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 17.7.20
Good Morning 3M!
Today is your last day in year 3, I hope by now that you all know where you are going next year and are looking forward to year 4!
Here are your final tasks. I hope you enjoy doing them.
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 16.7.20
Good Morning.
Here are today's daily tasks.
I hope you enjoy doing them. I have certainly enjoyed receiving the learning from those that have sent it :)
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 15.7.20
Good morning.
Here are your tasks for today.
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 14.7.20
Good morning.
Here are today's activities.
Hope you have a lovely day :)
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 13.7.20
Good morning!
We are now in the final week of the school year, only 5 days left.
Attached are your activities for today. Remember that you can send anything you have been doing to the class email address 3m@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk
Mrs Munro x
Daily Tasks 10.7.20
Happy Friday!
Today's task is arithmetic. Start with the year 3 test and if you want to challenge yourself then you could try the year 4 test :)
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 9.7.20
Good Morning.
Here are today's daily tasks.
I am really enjoying seeing the work that you are doing...keep it up! Remember the email address to send any of your work to is 3m@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 8.7.20
Good Morning 3M.
Here are today's tasks.
Have a lovely day!
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 7.7.20
Good morning
Here are today's tasks.
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 6.7.20
Good morning and happy Monday!
Here are today's daily tasks.
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 3.7.20
Good morning!
Here are your final tasks for this week :)
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 2.7.20
Good Morning!
Here are today's tasks.
Just to answer a couple of questions I have had...Don't worry if you are not able to print sheets out or type on the sheet we send, you can either write your answers on a piece of paper and take a photo to email to me or you can type your answers on the computer in a new document to email to me.
A reminder of the email address: 3m@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk
I look forward to seeing what you want to send to me :)
Have a good day.
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 1.7.20
Good Morning!
Here are today's daily tasks.
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 30.6.20
Good morning.
Here are today's daily tasks.
You can set out your poster however you wish, the template just shows what to include.
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 29.6.20
Good morning.
The start of another week :)
Here are your tasks for today.
Happy Monday!
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 26.6.20
Good Morning!
Here are today's tasks.
I will be continuing phoning today.
I look forward to speaking to you.
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 25.6.20
Today's tasks are below.
I will be phoning again either today or tomorrow to see how you are getting on and have a chat. Don't worry if you miss my call, I will try again or you could email 3m@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk with the best time to phone :)
Speak to you soon
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 24.6.20
Good Morning.
Here are today's daily tasks.
I am really enjoying seeing the work you are sending in :)
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 23.6.20
Good morning.
Here are today's daily tasks.
A reminder of the email address for you to send any completed learning to, or to ask for support if needed:
Keep up the good work!
Daily Tasks 22.6.20
Happy Monday!
Hope you all had a lovely weekend.
Here are today's tasks.
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 19.6.20
Happy Friday!!
It's arithmetic today, I have attached the year 4 arithmetic papers for you to challenge yourself if you wanted :)
Thank-You to those that are sending their learning to me using the class email:
Remember today is the last day for you to send in your photo for our class photo.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 18.6.20
Good morning.
Here are today's tasks.
I am enjoying seeing the learning that you are doing!
Keep it up :)
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks 17.6.20
Here are today's tasks.
I am really enjoying recieving your emails and seeing the work you are doing :)
The email address is 3m@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk for you to send me any of your learning.
Well done and keep it up!!
Mrs Munro
Gentle reminder...
The deadline to send a picture of your child (shoulders and head) to the class email address is FRIDAY 19TH JUNE (this Friday). If you would like your child to be included in the class picture, I need these images ASAP. As it stands, I have only received a small amount of pictures.
Please send a picture of your child to:
Thank you all for your support,
Mrs Munro
Daily Task 16.6.20
Good morning!
It is lovely to see some of you sending your learning back using the email 3m@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk I look forward to seeing what more of you have been up to :)
Here are today's tasks.
Mrs Munro
Daily Task 15.6.20
Good Morning 3M!
Hope you have had a lovely weekend. Here is today's daily task.
Remember, any learning you complete you can send to me via email on:
You can also email me if you have any questions or need any help on the learning and I will reply as soon as I can
I'm looking forward to seeing what you have been up to.
Mrs Munro
Great News!
Our email address for you to send me any learning or activities that you have completed is:
I look forward to seeing what you have been up to.
Mrs Munro
Dear Parents/Carers,
As we obviously can't have our class photos this year Mrs Hindle is putting together a class photo for each class as a lasting memory of this time!
If you would like to have your child added to their class photo I need you to send a head shot (from the shoulders up) of your child to ... 3m@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk
(By doing this you are giving your consent to share your child's photo with other parents.)
I would need these no later than FRIDAY 19TH JUNE!
There is no uniform to the image you send just a clear smiling head shot of your cherubs! (Please no snapchat style filters!)
Thank you
Daily Tasks
Good Morning 3M!
Here is Friday's activities.
I am looking forward to seeing the learning that you are completing :)
Take care
Mrs Munro
Daily Tasks
Good Morning!
Here is today's daily tasks.
We are hoping that the emails will be set up today and parents will receive a message when they are done.
I'll speak to you soon.
Mrs Munro
Hello there!
Hope you’re all well!
As you now know, Mr Partington is leaving us in July.
We would like to make a video for him. It would be brilliant if the children could record a short message for him, no longer than 15 seconds please!
In addition to this we’d like to make Mr Partington a book of memories. If you have a special memory of him please send to us!
Memories and videos to be sent in for Tuesday 30th June to...
Thank you
Hope you’re all well!
As you now know, Mr Partington is leaving us in July.
We would like to make a video for him. It would be brilliant if the children could record a short message for him, no longer than 15 seconds please!
In addition to this we’d like to make Mr Partington a book of memories. If you have a special memory of him please send to us!
Memories and videos to be sent in for Tuesday 30th June to...
Thank you
Daily Task 10.6.20
Good morning!
Today is the first day of daily tasks on the blog.
Each day I will post a task or two on the blog for you to complete and when our class email has been set up you can send me your learning and I can give you feedback on it.
I am really looking forward to communicating with you more, through emails and over the phone and seeing the work that you produce.
I will post the email details on here as soon as I have them
Keep safe, keep working hard and I will speak to you soon.
Mrs Munro
Hi 3M
I hope you are all doing well and not missing school too much. We are missing you.
Since school has closed, I have been busy helping my own children complete their home learning. It is making me miss you even more as you don't complain anywhere near as much as they do!! I hope you are enjoying completing your home learning and doing other things with your families.
In case you all want to show off your times tables at home, the links are below to the songs that we have been practising.
I have been very busy doing some exercises from the doctor to make my ankle better so that I won't have to use the crutches anymore I have also been trying to keep my house tidy from the mess that my own children make it and I have started to learn to play the piano again, I look forward to hearing if you have tried anything new.
I look forward to seeing you again soon and everything going back to normal.
For parents:
If you need to contact school please use the following email address:
For any pastoral needs, please email:
Stay safe, be kind and be positive
Love Mrs Munro and Miss Tyson
This week, to start our learning on writing instructions, 3M have had a look at examples of instructions. We tried to follow them to decide if they were good or bad examples.
Mad Science Hook
Inquisitive Indie joined us today to teach us about electricity.
We all imagined we were electrons and learnt how they all link together to allow electricity to pass through. We then built circuits to make a buzzer sound. We added a switch into our circuit and tried to make the buzzer sound again. Then we tested different materials to see which ones would complete the circuit and allow the buzzer to sound.
We took it in turns to have a go with the electricity inside the ball too to watch it follow our hands to find a way to the ground.
Finally we tried to pop a balloon by passing electricity through it.
During the last week, 3M had a special treat, Miss Maynard came to teach us for the day.
We learnt about and made Christingles and when we had finished we turned the lights off and lit them.
In the afternoon, Pippa came to join us.
Thank-You Miss Maynard and Pippa.
Roman Soldier Hook
To complete our learning about the Romans, a Roman Soldier came to visit us for a day.
Together with 3R, we learnt about life as a Roman Soldier. We dressed as a Roman Soldier and felt how heavy the chain mail armour was.
We also had a go at using shields to create battle formations while 3R threw foam spears at us to try and break through our formation, then we swapped over.
Take a look at the photos to see how much fun we had.
Roman Soldier Hook
Parent’s Celebration
Parents and carers were invited into 3M on Wednesday afternoon to join the children in their learning about Ramadan.
We made prayer mats and good deeds paper chains.
Unfortunately, Mrs Munro was having so much fun, she forgot to take any pictures. However the feedback received from those that attended is:
A great little task for us both to join in with
You’ve helped my child to learn well
We enjoyed joining in with the children to do some activities but would have liked more time
Enjoyed spending time helping
Good communication
Great to see kids in class, they’re growing in confidence!
Allowed children to choose their own design for prayer mats but would have liked more time.
Thank-you for joining us!
We’ve been busy
We’ve had a busy couple of weeks in our topic learning.
We have been looking at healthy eating and the food groups. Then we looked our our skeletons, bones and muscles. We enjoyed having the full sized skeleton to visit in our classroom as it gave us the chance to see clearly what the bones inside us looked like. We cut out and made our own skeletons with Mrs Ross and learnt the proper scientific names for the bones.
We completed this learning by looking at the muscles and how they help us to move. We especially enjoyed using our facial muscles to pull different faces.
Did you know it takes 41 muscles to frown and 17 muscles to smile?
On Thursday 10th October we supported Mental Health Awareness Day and all wore yellow.
We all have mental health, it is about our feelings, our thinking, our emotions and our moods. Looking after our mental health is important.
To improve our awareness of mental health, we carried out a variety of activities. We considered how we would feel if certain things were to happen during the day, eg. Waking up late; being organised; having an argument before leaving the house; seeing someone that makes us laugh. We moved to different areas in the classroom to show if we would feel happy, okay or be finding things hard. Following this, we created some bunting to decorate our classroom with that had positive messages on to either support someone if they were finding things hard or to show a way that we have been supported.
We also created our own superheroes with various powers to help people such as ‘The Hugger’ and ‘The Smiler’.
In the afternoon, we took part in the BBC Teach Growth Mindset and Well-being lesson which was a live interactive lesson. This taught us how to recognise emotions, develop resilience and provided us with tips on how to look after ourselves through things such as deep breathing.
Take a look at the photos of us enjoying the day.
Let there be light!
To finish off our topic about light, we looked at the Hindu festival Diwali which is the Festival of Lights.
We looked at the story of Rama and Sita and we celebrated the festival by decorating our own lanterns similar to those lit by Hindus to help the goddess Lakshmi find her way
Let’s investigate!
Last week, as part of our science topic on light we investigated which materials would best reflect light for us to use in a design for a new school bag to keep us safe in the dark.
The materials we used were:
- cotton wool
- netting
- velvet
- felt
- sequins
- ribbon
We shone a torch on the materials to see how well the light reflected. We were fascinated by the results. We found that the sequins reflected the light the most and in many different directions.
Transition Morning
On transition morning the children visited their new class, with some parents and careers too.
Together we drew around our hands and decorated them to create our class display.
All enjoyed the experience, with some feedback being:
”Very well organised, fun activities which are enjoyable for parents and children.”
”Nice idea for parents to meet the teachers.”
”Friendly introduction to new class.”
”Thank-you for making us feel welcome.”
”A well thought out task with the children”
”Involved everyone”
I hope you will agree that our completed display looks fantastic.
”We are each unique and beautiful, but together we are a masterpiece!”