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Beech Class

Please remember to scroll down the page to see what we have been learning about.


Welcome to Beech’s Class' information and blog page.  Here you will find general class information and see what we have been up to in our learning. 

Class teacher:

Ms Wood


Support staff:


Mrs Hall and Mrs Parr



PE days

PE will be on a Thursday and a Friday. Please make sure your child has a PE Kit in school. 

This needs to simply be a pair of black or navy shorts, a plain white t-shirt and a pair of pumps or trainers for going outside. Black or navy zipped hoodies can also be worn in cold weather. Children can wear their school kit all day on PE days if they wish - please note they are not permitted to wear other sports clothes.



Homework will be given out every Friday and will be due the following Thursday giving the children 6 days to complete it. This will consist of a piece of English and Maths. In year 6, this is paper homework which can be written on and returned to school.


Reading and Computing

Our school expectation is that your child reads at least three times a week at home to an adult. This needs to be recorded in your child's reading record and signed by an adult. This record needs to be brought into school every day. We will check this on a Monday morning and children achieve a reading sticker on their bookmark. 

Once their bookmark is full they will receive a brand new book to keep as a prize :)

If your child needs to change their reading book, they can change it as and when needed.  

Your child will also have access and passwords to Purple Mash. Their usernames and passwords will be put in their Reading Record Books as soon as we have them all.


Contact us

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to speak to us. You can catch us most mornings before school or wait to speak to us after the children have been released to parents/carers at home time.


Or you can contact us via our class email address:


We very much look forward to working together this year to ensure that your child has a great last year at New Moston.

We enjoyed designing our own evil unicorns during our call with author A.F. Steadman today

Meet our new JLT member for Beech Class :)

This week we have been thinking about healthy friendships in PSHE. Here are some children acting out some different scenarios of dealing with unhealthy situations.

During rainbow day today we did some Philosophy for Children. We came up with enquiry questions and discussed the language people choose to describe themselves and how important it is not to use derogatory language. The children listened to each other so well!

We had so much fun at Gulliver’s World yesterday!

Empathy Day

In computing today, we created a 3D house and edited it with different patterns using a range of tools.

We enjoyed making traffic lights and programming them to make the lights change colour!

We used protractors in maths today to measure angles

Science - Testing gravity and air resistance

World Maths Day - we combined art and maths today and created tesselations.

BOOK FAIR - The children have been to look at the book fair this morning and chose their favourite books. The book fair is on every morning 8:30 - 8:45 and afterschool 3:15 - 3:45 this week

PE - Balance and Stretch

Art - Exploring the style of Lowry.

World Book Day 2024

Science - draw and describe how we see objects using light

Computing - Searching a Database

WCR - Goodnight Mr Tom - Partner Reading

History - Looking at WWII Artifacts

PE - Ball control

Art - Identifying primary, secondary and complementary colours

Science - Light. Investigating how light travels in straight lines

Science - Electricity, making circuits

Making Taquitos

Welcome back to the new term. This term our main topic is "Can any good come out of war?" We will be learning about: Germany’s invasion of Poland  which caused France and Britain to go to war with them, 

how many children were evacuated from cities to live in the country side, due to transport issues, all food was rationed and many people started to grow their own food.

We will be using the book Goodnight Mr Tom as part of our English lessons and Whole Class Reading to support us with our understanding of war. 

Please take a look at our Topic Plan. 

Art - Using a range of media and evaluate their effectiveness

Family Reading Morning - Thank you to all the families who came today.

We have been learning to play the glockenspiel in music to The Fresh Prince of Bel Air!

Design and Technology - We have been making moving toys using CAMS

Dyslexia Awareness Week 2023 - We listened to 📚Thunder Boots written by Naomi Jones

RE - How do we know what is true? Distinguishing facts, beliefs and opinions

Some of our class certificate winners on 25.9.23

SCIENCE - Dissolving

Archive 2022-23

King Charles III Coronation Party 


On Friday, Beech class celebrated the upcoming coronation of King Charles III. They had a selection of jam and cucumber sandwiches and in the afternoon they did a quiz all about Charles, his family and the coronation.

Design Technology


As an introduction to our new topic about 'Bridges', children were given a range of materials and instructed to work in groups to create their own bridge that had to hold the weight of a cup of coins. If the bridge collapsed, children had to work collaboratively to fix the issue and make appropriate changes.

100% Attendance smiley


12 children in Beech Class managed to achieve 100% attendance last half term, which meant they weren't late or had a single day off in 7 weeks. A brilliant achievement, a big well done to you all!


Star of the Week smiley


A big congratulations this week to Faith Sherratt for winning our Star of the Week. She has had a fantastic week, displaying a brilliant attitude to all her learning but especially her maths, which she has worked incredibly hard and independently on. Keep it up Faith, well done! All of Beech are incredibly proud of you!

World Book Day! On Thursday we celebrated world book day. Children were able to come in dressed as their favourite book character and Beech enjoyed a lovely start to the morning sharing and reading books that they enjoy. Also, a big thank you to the parents who also joined in, I know the children really enjoyed being able to sit down and read with you :)

Bagels for breakfast. 

The best way to prepare for learning. 

In geography, we have been looking at natural resources. This we were investigating water and how it produces energy. 

Spelling Homework


Good evening, due to a paper shortage in school, this weeks spellings are being posted on the blog. They are - 








The maths homework will be posted on Cedars blog page for you to access this week. 


Have a lovely weekend


Mr Wilson



Good morning. You may have noticed that your child has come home this week with paper homework. This is because we were finding too many issues with children logging on, editing documents and sending it back in and after speaking to children we found they preferred paper homework as well. All home learning set is based on what your child has been learning about the previous week, for example rounding and descriptive language were 2 of our main focuses last week. Home learning has been set at the appropriate level to how your child did in class. Obviously we understand at home there are many other distractions but if your child is struggling with a certain aspect of their home learning please feel free to help them or direct them to google where there a lots of prompts out there to assist them.


Thank you for your cooperation


Mr Wilson



Beech class had a wonderful first week in PE. We introduced some games and races just to get them back into the swing of things. They became very competitive but also showed great encouragement to their friends and teammates whilst having lots of fun. A great start Beech, well done!


Star of the Week!


Congratulations this week to Erin Cahill, who is Beech's star of the week. Erin had a fantastic week writing an amazing character description on Grendel, really bringing him to life. She described how he looked, his personality and his thoughts and feelings. In Maths, Erin also showed terrific rounding skills, demonstrating her ability to round to the nearest hundred thousand. A big well done this week Erin, keep up the good work.


In English we are reading the story of Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo. Here is a link to the audio version that I thought you might like to listen to. This will help you with your writing this half term.


We are going to be writing a character description about Grendel so listen carefully to the way he is described in the story. 

What adjectives are used to describe him? 

What impression do you get about Grendel? 

What other ways could you describe Grendel? 

Archive 2021-2022

Weekly Superstars! ⭐️ 



A huge well done to Shauna for winning secret student, to Barin for asking excellent questions during Secret Student sessions, and to Shazam for trying very hard with your handwriting! Keep up the hard work! 🌟💜

Weekly Superstars 🌟 



What an amazing start to the month! A huge congratulations to this week's certificate winners; to Shauna for an excellent attitude towards your learning during Maths which I know can be tricky; to Saffie for being inquisitive during Project Chameleon sessions; to Jude for reading three times a week without fail and finally to Zac for winning secret student!! Well done all of you and keep up the hard work! 💜  

Sports Day Fun!


For more pictures of Sports Day, head over to our School's Facebook page 🏃 ❤️ 

Weekly Superstars 🌟 



A huge well done to Shazam for amazing contributions to your table during all lessons this week, and to Cooper for winning Secret Student! I'm so proud of both you boys for your efforts this week - keep it up! 😊 

Weekly Superstars 🌟 



A huge congratulations to Faith and Chika on achieving their pen licenses, Dorothy and Kacie for wonderful attitudes towards their learning, and to Dallyce for passing the secret student test!! 👏  

Science Experiment Findings 

23rd May 2022 


Over the past week, Beech Class have been investigating bacteria, namely the fungi mould. To test how quickly mould can grow, we used four slices of bread and exposed them to varying amounts of germs! 


As you can see, the slice wiped on Miss Robinson's keyboard grew the most mould over the last week. It's fair to say I'll be cleaning my keyboard more often! 😦😷

Which Hogwarts House would you be sorted into? 🧙‍♂️💫

20th May 2022

To prepare us for our setting descriptions, we interrogated Harry Potter characters by not just stepping into their shoes... but their hats! The Sorting Hat to be precise!


A magical morning had by all!

This week's superstars 🌟 🏆 

20th May 2022


A huge congratulations to this week's superstars! 


Luke - for an amazing attitude towards your learning, yet again! I'm very proud of how far you've come along in your English learning, you've been pushing yourself to use different sentence structures and it's really paying off 😀 

Saffie - for some beautiful handwriting! I can see you're working hard to improve your handwriting and presentation skills, keep it up lovely!! ✍️ 

Our secret student this week was..... 🥁 Dallyce! When I drew your name this week, I knew you'd be winning this week's prize no problem at all! You're always making the right choices and putting 110% into your learning. Well done!! 👏 

Rainbow Day 🌈 💝 

Tuesday 17th May 2022


A wonderful day of insightful conversations, tolerance, kindness and empathy. A big well done as always Beech Class! We produced some beautiful poems in the style of The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta, thinking about what we as a society can do to support the LGBTQ+ community 🌈 



Music Awards 🎻 🎹 🎸 

17th May 2022 


A huuuuge congratulations to Lexi, Brooke, Oliver and Josh for their hard work and determination in music 🌟😊


What are germs and where can we find them? 🍞 



Today, we planned a 7-day experiment to investigate germs! We wanted to find our how microscopic germs, namely fungi, grow and if how rapidly they grow changes in different circumstances. 


We therefore prepared 4 slices of bread: 

From left to right

Control slice (untouched by hands, kept in ziplocked bag) 

One that the children voted to wipe on Miss Robinson's keyboard 😷 

One touched by all the children's clean hands

One touched by all the children's dirty hands 


The children largely hypothesised that the one wiped on Miss Robinson's keyboard would grow the most mould! Only time will tell, join us again in 7 days for the results!

This week's superstars 🌟 ❤️ 


A huge well done to our stars of the week! You've each worked so hard and shone equally as bright! 



Summer - for incredible handwriting and amazing dedication in your English learning! Keep it up, you're making me and Miss Johnson so proud! 😃 

Mitchell - for amazing progress in Maths! Your hard work and dedication has paid off; you're showing an increasing understanding of fractions and applying your knowledge brilliantly! 🌟

Maisie - for amazing learning in every subject! You're taking some real pride in your learning and it shows 💡 ! Keep shining superstar x

Reading Morning!



Thank you so much to all our lovely parents who spent the morning reading with Beech Class :) we hope you enjoyed your morning as much as we did!

What's a pulley?


Today, as scientists, we defined and explored pulleys, how they're used in every day life and made some of our very own! Those of us who went to Kingswood were able to see how we used pulleys and apply this knowledge to work scientifically!

Superstars of the week!


An amazing week for Beech class yet again for certificates - well done to.... 


Brooke - For superb handwriting and presentation in her Big Write book. This has been a big area for development for Brooke and this week she hit her target! I can't wait to see you the rest of your beautiful learning Brooke :) 


Luke - Teaching Award! You have shown such attentiveness these past couple weeks, particularly in your Maths learning. Your attitude to lessons has improved greatly and it makes me so happy to hear you're enjoying lessons :) keep it up! 


Our secret student this week was... Zac! 

Amazing work Zac; you've been working really hard all week, particularly with your handwriting and in longer passages of writing! Well done super star! 




Project Chameleon 04.05.22


This afternoon, the children spoke in a mature and responsible way about road safety and the impact of alcohol on a grown up's ability to stay safe. We all had a go at wearing goggles designed to show us what an adult under the influence of alcohol might see. It's safe to say you can't drive whilst wearing these goggles, and we here in Beech Class know you can't drive after alcohol either! 



Do you know your levers from your pulleys? 



This week, in Science, we have been using our knowledge of levers to create these amazing waving hands, flags and happy faces! The children were so chuffed with them that they took them home, so you may have seen some of these waving at you in your kitchen :) 


Amazing work Beech Class - well done!

Superstars! 29.04.22


Lots and lots of awards to give out this week! 


A huge congratulations to....


Lexi! A well deserved teacher's award! This week I was looking out for perfect punctuation and you delivered. Keep it up my lovely! 


Mitchell! What can I say about your handwriting Mitchell? You have tried so hard throughout the year and thoroughly deserve your pen license! 


Mercy! You impressed our new teaching staff with your fluency and expression in reading, hitting your personal targets! Well done! 


Dorothy! You have persevered so much in Maths, showing determination and resilience :) I am very proud. 


Our secret student this week was.... Barin! Well done for being the perfect secret student and winning your prize :) 


What is water resistance?


This week, we have been investigating water resistance, enquiring whether surface areas can be manipulated so that objects become buoyant! It turns out everyone was much better at the experiment than I was, and managed to disprove my hypothesis that clay will always sink! Amazing work Beech Class :)

World Maths Day 🎸 🤘

Who was Isaac Newton and why is he significant? 🍎

🌎 🌸 Eco Warrior Duties 🌸 🌎

Dorothy and Shazam working very hard to collect litter!

World Maths Day 23/3/22


Today is World Maths Day. 

Below are some ideas of activities you can do at home with your child. 

We hope you enjoy doing some of them.

Reading Morning 📚 👩‍🏫 


A huge thank you to all our lovely parents who came to read with Beech class this morning! I know the children really valued the time they got to spend with you reading through their favourite books, and we can't wait to see you again soon! 

Superstars - 11th March 2022 🌟 💫 ⭐️ 


A huge well done to Faith and Jude for this achieving this week's certificates! 


Faith you've been trying to hard with your handwriting, and Jude you're consistently setting an amazing example for us all to follow! :) 


Keep up the hard work! ⭐️ 

World Book Day 📚 💜

This week's superstars!! 🌟💜

28th January 2022 


A huuuge congratulations to this week's class superstars! 


Teacher's award: Well done to Dorothy, who was awarded this certificate for being a caring, kind and dedicated friend. For always trying her hardest and making the right choices... you are an inspiration to us all! 


Handwriting award: Amazing work Shauna! Your handwriting is coming on leaps and bounds, I can't wait to see how much more progress you make across the year! 


Keep it up girls! 🌟

Jumping for joy!

This week's superstars! 🌟🌟

21st January 2022 


There were four certificates handed out this week - choosing only two children proved too tricky!! 


Pen licenses: A big well done to Isabella and Maisie! You have worked so hard to improve your handwriting and I couldn't be more proud of you! It was so sweet to see how happy you were to receive them - there were even a few tears!! 


Handwriting award: What can I say, Mitchell?! The progress you have made with your handwriting has been absolutely outstanding. Keep it up and you'll be gaining your pen license in no time! 


Teacher's award: My teacher's award this week simply HAD to be awarded to Michael! Michael, you've come so far this year in terms of behaviour and attentiveness! You show up to every lesson prepared and ready to learn, you ask great questions and contribute even better ideas! You truly are an inspiration to the rest of the class!! 


Super stars - 14.01.2022


The first certificates of the year were awarded to.....


Barin! For an amazing effort with your handwriting in English - you really applied yourself today and are showing great promise!!


Faith! For adopting a growth mindset and trying your hardest... even when the work challenged you! It was great seeing your determination shine through when working with equivalent fractions today.

Maths - 3D Shapes 


Beech class have had great fun topping up our knowledge of 3D shapes from previous years! Building 3D shapes from nets really helped us recognise them from 2D representations! 

Class Awards - 5th November 2021 


Today was a very busy day for handing out awards! Not only did Beech class have an enormous amount of smilies to count out after a great week, but three children were chosen for some very special certificates. 


Teacher's award - Shaye - for a great first week here with us at New Moston Primary School. We feel very lucky to have you and it's not taken you long at all to settle in and make some wonderful friends :) 


Handwriting award - Chloe - for great perseverance and effort with your handwriting... I sense that a pen licence may not be too far away...


Speaking of pen licences - well done Dallyce!! You've worked so hard all these weeks, your work is so beautifully presented and you thoroughly deserve to be writing in pen :) you should be very proud of yourself! 



Pen Licences! 22nd September 2021 


A huge well done to these 2 superstars Isabelle and Mercy who - along with Josh and Alan - who achieved their pen licence today! You've all worked so hard and thoroughly deserve them :) Keep up the good work!!


Natural Disasters - Volcano Art Work

Weekly Superstars!



This week's Teacher's Award goes to Chloe, who showed tremendous patience when completing her volcano art work this week. She experimented with different pencil pressure for shading and blended colours so well that her lava looks almost too life-like! 


This week's Handwriting Award goes to Zac. Not only did Zac produce brilliant work for his Big Write this week, but his presentation is showing amazing improvement! Keep going Zac :)


Amazing Homework! 


Well done Beech Class on submitting some excellent balanced and persuasive arguments as part of your literacy homework last week!! I wanted to add a special mention to Isabelle, who has written an excellent piece on whether Harry Potter is suitable for all ages. This wonderful, original idea is full of emotive language and persuasive features! Well done Isabelle A!


If you'd like to see Izzy's homework, please click on the document below :) homework is set on Google Classrooms every Friday. If you have any questions about homework or about how to access Google Classrooms, please email me on



Miss Robinson




A big shout out to Josh this week for always trying his hardest with his handwriting! Miss Maynard has even commented on how close you are to achieving your pen license! Well done :) 


A big well done to Brooke who (despite a broken arm!!) has completed some wonderful learning this week. It's been great to see you fully immersed in lessons and always trying your hardest. Well done Brooke :)

🌟 Superstars 🌟



Well done to Chika for earning the Teacher Award this week! Chika, your behaviour this week has been exemplary; you're always waiting patiently and making good choices in the classroom! Keep it up 😊


Congratulations to Jude for earning our Handwriting Award this week! Jude, you've been working tremendously hard to improve your presentation and have achieved your target. Your work is beautifully presented and you ought to be very proud 😊

How do we measure the properties of matter?


This week, Beech class have been conducting their own investigations to determine how hard/absorbent different solids are. Using a variety of materials, children initially wrote their own predictions and then tested their theories. Some children were very surprised when testing how absorbent greaseproof paper is (or isn't!)




Eco Warriors!


Leading Beech class in our fight against messy playgrounds are Shazam and Dorothy! 

Shazam and Dorothy have both proudly taken on the role of Eco Warrior and will help the school be sustainable and environmentally friendly :) well done!

🌟 Superstars! 🌟


Today, Brooke debated passionately about natural disasters and why they happen! She used excellent, thoughtful sentence openers and was very articulate in her responses :) well done!

Dallyce has demonstrated creative, exciting and original work all week - particularly in English! Keep it up :)

Lexi has worked tremendously hard this week to demonstrate just how much she deserves her pen license! Well done Lexi - it's a joy to read your work! 
