Birch Class
Our Amazing World!
This week in Birch class we have been learning about the different continents and oceans around the world. We have been using different sources such as atlases, I Pads and globes to locate different places around the world and interesting information about them.
Here is the homework due in the first week back after half term! Due in Thursday 5th of November. Good luck!
For Maths homework I would like you to have a go at identifying the times on the clock faces below.
For Topic lessons I’d like you to try and create a spider diagram or mind-map of all the things that we have learnt about. To do with the Ancient Egyptians. Think about how they lived, what they ate, did they have any gods? Were there any rituals performed that we have learnt about, especially what they did with their dead?
Hope you’ve had a lovely half term. See you all soon!
As always, please can you submit all homework to your class teacher’s email.
You can submit either a picture or video of the work. Or a picture or video of your child completing the work.
Mr T
This is this week’s homework for Birch class. Please complete and submit the homework by Thursday the 22nd of October.
In our maths lessons we have been looking at angles:
For Maths homework I would like you to go on an angle hunt around your house.
Take photos of angles you can find around your house, draw the angles on, and say what type of angle it was, acute, obtuse or right angled.
We are also looking at mummification in topic.
Please write a fact file on mummification for topic homework.
Things to include:
- Descriptions or diagrams of the process.
- Equipment that they used or needed in Ancient Egypt.
- Who they would mummify, and who they wouldn’t.
- Would they mummify any other animals?
You might want to research online to find out any extra information.
As always, please can you submit all homework to your class teacher’s email.
You can submit either a picture or video of the work. Or a picture or video of your child completing the work.
Mr T
This is this week’s homework for Birch class. Please complete and submit the homework by Thursday the 15th of October.
In our maths lessons we have been looking at 2D shapes.
For maths homework:
Please make a poster to describe one type of triangle, remember to include as many facts about it as you can, and draw it as well as you can!
For help on this please see the video attached below and pick a triangle that is mentioned in it.
Also, if you want, see which 2D shapes you can find around the house. They’re everywhere!
In English, we have been writing a story about an explorer who goes on an adventure to an Egyptian pyramid and gets into trouble when inside.
For English homework:
Please draw a front cover for the story, if it was to be published as a book, remember to include a title, and the name of the author. Try to design the best front cover to sell your story and make it look interesting.
Finally, as we’re looking at The Ancient Egyptians in our topic lessons.
Come up with some questions that you would like to ask an ancient Pharaoh.
As always, please can you submit all homework to your class teacher’s email.
You can submit either a picture or video of the work. Or a picture or video of your child completing the work.
Mr T
This is this week’s homework for Birch class. Please complete and submit the homework by Thursday the 8th of October.
The homework for Maths is to practice division using the bus stop method.
Have a go at these questions:
a) 72 ÷ 4 b) 57 ÷ 3 c) 78 ÷ 2 d) 84 ÷ 6
e) 154 ÷ 7 f) 321 ÷ 3 g) 775 ÷ 5 h) 648 ÷ 8
i) 261 ÷ 9 j) 843 ÷ 3 k) 6432 ÷ 6 l) 5365 ÷ 5
Our English lessons have been linked with our topic on Tutankhamen.
For English homework:
Research The Boy King, (Tutankhamen) and create a fact file about him and his reign in Egypt.
Things to include:
- When he was pharaoh.
- His age.
- What he did as pharaoh.
- Some interesting facts about his life.
- Who discovered him, when and where.
I look forward to reading some interesting facts about The Boy King.
As always, please can you submit all homework to your class teacher’s email.
You can submit either a picture or video of the work. Or a picture or video of your child completing the work.
Mr T
Good evening,
This is this week’s homework for Birch class. Please complete and submit the homework by Thursday the 30th of September.
This week in Maths the children have been looking at Multiplication and division
The homework for Maths is:
- Use the same cards as last week, make your own, or use a deck of cards. (See attached below.)
- Pick a card, note down the number and replace it. Repeat this 3 times. Each will be the Hundreds digit, Tens digit, and Ones digit.
- Pick one more card to get a 1-digit number.
- Multiply the two numbers together.
- Repeat this a few times.
- If it is too challenging, do 2-digit x 1-digit.
- For more of a challenge do 4-digit x 1-digit.
In English we have looked at how the Egyptians buried their Kings.
For English homework:
Please research the Ancient Egyptians online and create a Fact file sheet, which informs you about an aspect of the Egyptians lives.
Please can you submit all homework to your class teacher’s email.
You can submit either a picture or video of the work. Or a picture or video of your child completing the work.
Thank you,
Mr T
Good evening,
This is this week’s homework for Birch Class. Please complete and submit the homework by Thursday the 24th of September.
This week in Maths the children have been looking at addition and subtraction.
The homework for Maths is:
- Use the same cards as last week, make your own, or use a deck of cards. (See attached below.)
- Pick a card, note down the number and replace it. Repeat this 3 times. Each will be the Hundreds digit, Tens digit, and Ones digit.
- Do this again to get another 3-digit number. You should have two 3-digit numbers.
- Add the 2 numbers together.
- Subtract the smaller number from the bigger number.
- Repeat this a few times.
- If it is too challenging, make one 3-digit number and one 2-digit number. Or two 2-digit numbers.
- For more of a challenge make one 4-digit number and one 3-digit number. Then two 4-digit numbers.
In English we have been enjoying reading the book The Twits.
For English homework:
Please write a book review for The Twits (or another book that you like). Your book review should include: what the story is about; if you enjoyed it, or not, and why; would you recommend it, and a star rating. As well as some descriptive words which describe the book.
Please can you submit all homework to your class teacher’s email.
You can submit either a picture or video of the work. Or a picture or video of your child completing the work.
Thank you,
Mr T
Number Cards
Welcome to Birch Class!
We have had a fantastic few days in Birch Class, the children have made me so proud with their hard working attitude and how they have adjusted to the changes which have been made to daily life at school, keep up the great work Birch Class!
Keep your eyes on this blog as this is where homework activities will be posted each week. This will start Friday 11th September. For now homework will be submitted back to us via email not the blue learning log books. Homework can be submitted in different ways: sending us a photo of completed work, an email or even a video/photo of your child doing the activities!
All questions, homework and any other things you would like to share can be sent to the following email address:
Keep checking our class blog as this is where homework will be posted and also examples and pictures of some of our fantastic learning.
Thanks for your continued support.
Mr T