School Logo

Cherry, Honeysuckle and Blossom Class

Please scroll to see all the learning we ⬆️ have been doing in FS2 ⬆️



Welcome to the FS2 blog

and information page



Here you will find key information, dates and photographs of all of the wonderful things FS2 have been up to 🤩


FS2 staff 👩🏻‍🏫👩🏼‍🏫


There are three teachers in FS2. Blossom class teacher is Mrs Rashid, Cherry class teacher is Mrs Hindle and Honeysuckle class teacher is Mrs Ellison. 

Miss Gill is the HLTA in FS2.  Miss Pickering and Miss Honeyford are the TAs in FS2.


PE days 🏃🏽‍♀️ 


FS2 have football training ⚽️ every Tuesday afternoon with MCFC. Children can wear their sports trainers all day on Tuesday if they wish - please note they are not permitted to wear other sports clothes.

The children are developing their fine and gross motor skills daily, both indoors and outdoors. Please ensure your child has a pair of wellington boots, a coat and at least one change of clothes in school. 


Home Learning 🏡 

Your child will bring home at least one reading book that matches their phonics learning level, they should be applying their phonics learning to read the book. Your child will also bring home a FS2 Lending Library book. This is for your child to share with an adult. 

Our school expectation is that your child reads at least three times a week at home to an adult. This needs to be recorded in your child's reading record and signed by an adult. The book will be changed every Monday, please ensure your child has their bag in school. 


You can find ideas for home learning on Tapestry. We’d love to see photographs of you learning with your child at home. These can be added directly to Tapestry ☺️


Contact us 📧 

If you have any questions or queries you can contact me on this email:


We very much look forward to working together this year! 🙂 

Kindness 🩷


It was kindness week at school and we thought about all the ways in which you can be kind and thoughtful.



We made cards to share with the school community to say thank you. We made lots of people smile.





Autumn trees 🍂


Following our walk, we talked about all the wonderful colours we saw. 

The children made their own autumnal trees.



Hedgehogs 🦔 


We learnt that hedgehogs hibernate when it gets colder. They don’t go to sleep but make themselves really relaxed and stay still till the weather gets warmer in spring and there is lots of food around. 


The children used the leaves we collected on our walk to make leaf hedgehogs 🦔 


Autumn Walk 🍂


We talk about the season and weather every morning but this week we learnt all about Autumn. We learnt that the leaves change colour, they fall down, it gets colder, wetter and we need to wear our coats more. 


On the walk the children collected leaves and we learnt not to eat anything they find including mushrooms and bright berries because they could make us poorly.


FS2 family reading event 📕



We welcomed our families into FS2 to share books  with their children.

A huge thank you to all the families that came. 


We look forward to seeing you at the next one on Monday 9th December at 2.30 for a festive reading event.



Thank you for your continued support ☺️

Play-doh 🐻🐻🐻


This week’s play-doh challenge was to make a bear 🐻. The children were further challenged by being asked to make the whole family. We used language associated with size including big, bigger, small, smaller than and medium sized.

Dough Disco ✋🏼 🪩 🖐🏻 


The children love doing dough disco! 

'Dough Disco' is a fun activity for the children which combines the use of play dough with a series of hand and finger exercises designed to improve fine muscle control.


Here we are doing Dough Disco with ‘Shake it off!’

🐻 Baby Bear’s chair 🪑 


The children have been working hard to help Goldilocks make Baby Bear a chair because she broke his. 


We have been lots of work on counting, number recognition and beginning to understand what ‘one more’ means. 

Outdoor maths! 🤩


Whenever the sun has been the children have chosen to discover outdoors. 

We made a hopscotch and then used its numbers to count sets on our fingers.



The children ordered Numberblock numbers and then matched the correct Numicon shape to each.


Reception baseline 2024



The EYFS Reception Baseline is statutory, which means all the children will work 1:1 with an adult in FS2 to complete a set number of questions. 
The children point, listen, speak and count to answer questions. 

The parents guide can be found here:



To see the privacy notice please click 


Please speak to a member of the team if you’ve any questions 😊

Zephan, what does Pantasaurus say?

Still image for this video

Elsie, what does Pantasaurus say?

Still image for this video

Pantasaurus 🩲🦖


We have been thinking about how to keep ourselves safe in school and outside of school.


Pantasaurus teaches us that our private parts belong only to us.



If anyone asks to see them you say no and run to tell a safe adult. 


Learning super powers! 🤩


This week we have been reading stories and thinking about the learning superpowers the characters have. 



The adults, when talking to the children have been and will continue to highlight what learning superpowers the children are displaying ⭐️

Coach Jess ⚽️ 



Coach Jess from MCFC will be coming into school every Tuesday afternoon to do football training with the children. 


The children do not need a sports kit but please do send in your child with trainers for the session 👟 

First week in FS2, done ✔️


We have had a super busy week in FS2. The children have enjoyed Discovery time both indoors and outdoors, listened to stories, learned about feelings and how they make our bodies feel as well as making lots of new friends and having fun! 




Each of the children drew a self portrait of themselves.


They will do this at the beginning of each half term.  The children will learn how to draw themselves with the support of the adults in FS2.


Mrs Bennett 🩷


Mrs Bennett is leaving us 🥲 


She has been a super important part of the EYFS for many years and has been fundamental in making it a happy and safe space for all the 100s of children we have had the privilege of helping start the learning journey in education.


She will be missed immensely.
We wish her all the very best for her next adventure 🩷

FS2 Graduation 👩🏻‍🎓👨🏻‍🎓👩🏽‍🎓

THANK YOU to all our families for taking the time to come and see our superstars graduate EYFS.


We are so proud of every single one of our children for all they have achieved 🩷

EYFS Party Day 🥳


Party Day in FS2 was filled with food (thank you families!) dancing, party games, playing on the equipment! 



It was a brilliant day! 🩷 

EYFS Fun Day 🩷

We had the BEST day! We bounced, we went down bouncy slides, we got glitter tattoos, had our faces painted and ate ice cream in the sun ☀️ 






Special stories 🙂


This week we have been learning about the learning superpowers that story characters have.




We have learnt how we can have superpowers like them to become super learners 🤩

Family Reading Workshop 📕



We had our final family reading workshop. The children loved reading stories with their families, some of you were kind enough to read with children whose families couldn’t make the workshop, thank you 🩷



Different families 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜


On Rainbow Day we wore all the colours of the 🌈 


We read lots of stories about different families. After each story we reflected how the family in each story was different or the same as our families.


These are the stories we read…

We also read stories that helped us understand that it doesn’t matter whether you’re a boy or girl, you can do ANYTHING! 

FS2 Sports Day 🏃🏽🏃‍♂️🏃🏽‍♀️


We had lots of sporting fun this afternoon! 
We did the following sports:
⭐️ladder hurdles
⭐️hoola hoop race
⭐️balancing beanbag race



The children all tried super hard and most importantly were very supportive of each other 🩷



The parents race was brilliant as it is each year! Thank you to all those that joined in! 🙌🏽

“Not I!” 🐱 🐶 🐷 🍞 


Our story this week was Little Red Hen. We read different versions of the story, tasted lots of delicious kinds of bread and acted the story out. 

Over the week the children have learned the repetitive phrases and have enjoyed using them when role playing the story. 



We tried cheesy bread, salt and pepper bread and cranberry bread with pumpkin seeds. The cheesy bread was the clear favourite! 


Class photos day 📸 


We had our picture taken in small groups. The photographer will then put all the images from our individual classes together to make a class photo! 

My holiday adventures 😀

The children write about what they did in the holidays. Such a joy to see the children applying their phonics learning ⭐️

Toys 🚙 🚗 


The children in KS1 made cars for the Reception children. 

The criteria for the car was:
🚙it had to have wheels
🚗it had to move
🚙it had to be colourful




The project was a great success!
Thank you KS1 🩷

FS2 family reading workshop 📕


It was wonderful to welcome so many family members into FS2 today to read with the children. 




The children love seeing you and it’s lovely to see you all enjoying a story together.


Thank you for your continued support 😊 


A reminder that our next event is Monday 1st July

NMPS Mental Health Week 🌼


This week we have talked about the BIG emotion of anger. We’ve talked about how it makes our bodies feel and look. We read Ravi’s Roar.



We have focused on learning new ways to calm down. 


We have practiced:


🌼Belly breathing 



🌼Rainbow breathing 


🌼Butterfly hug 


Spring Walk 🌸


This week we are learning about the signs of spring. As part of that learning we went on a spring walk. 


The children noted:
🌸the sun is shining
🌸the trees were starting to grow green leaves again 
🌸there are flowers
🌸 the cherry blossom is blooming! 
🌸berries are growing (we discussed the importance of not eating anything they see growing unless an adult tells you it is safe)
🌸insects such as ladybirds and bees are around more


It’s been busy! 🐝 


It’s been a busy week for FS2. We’ve done phonics, maths, football, Think Equal storytime, learned about people who help us, read The Enormous Turnip, made full use of the sunshine outdoors and do much more!





Easter competition 🐣


We had lots of brilliantly creative entries for the Easter bonnet and Easter egg competition. 

Miss Maynard had a super tough job judging the competition! 



The winners were:
🐥Lily F



Thank you for all the hardwork and creativity! 🐥

Easter competition entries 🐥

A special visitor…✝️


Reverend Pam came to visit us. She told us what the cross means to Christians. She talked about Jesus’s life. She said that although he died he came back to life because he loved his fellow Christian so much. 


She taught us a hymn and the actions to go with it. 

Keeping NMPS tidy! ♻️ 🚮 


FS2 have been helping with the big school clean up!



The children went around the school playground looking for any rubbish picking it up with the litter pickers and putting it in the bin bags. 


Easter disco 🐣🪩


We had great fun at the Easter disco. We danced, ate hotdogs, drank juice and visited the tuck shop!



The children took it in turns to pick the songs. They loved following the dancing moves! 


Lots of videos on Tapestry! 💫


World Maths Day 2024 


We marked the day by making number octopus 🐙 The children cut out the body of the octopus and 10 legs. On each leg the children had to carefully add dots for the corresponding number. 


Family reading workshop 📕


A huge thank you to all our families for attending the parents reading workshop.



The children throughly enjoy sharing new books and old favourites with you.



The next reading workshop for families is Monday 13th May at 2.30.



 Book fair! 📕 


The Scholastic book fair visited school this week. The FS2 children were able to view the books and make a wish list. 



A huge thank you to our KS2 children for helping our children by writing their wish lists 🩷

🐣 Holding


The children have had lots of opportunities to hold the chicks. We learnt that they like to sit in cupped hands with thumbs on top of their body. 


They feel safe like this. 


We learnt that the brown chicks are girls and the yellow ones are boys.


🐣 Growing 


We have been watching the chicks grow. Mrs Chambers has been telling the children all she knows about chicks! Her daddy kept birds when she was younger so she knows lots! 



🐣 Hatching 


We have had an exciting week in the EYFS! A farmer came and dropped off eggs in an incubator. We have been watching them hatch! 




The children have been busy naming the chicks and drawing pictures 🐥

EYFS Easter competition


As part of our Spring activities in EYFS we are pleased to inform you that we are having an Easter bonnet competition and a design an egg competition. 


All children are welcome to enter!


They need to design and make a bonnet and/or HARD boiled egg at home and bring it into school on Thursday 28th March.  The entries will be judged by Miss Maynard.


There will be prizes for ‘best of show’ in both competitions.


Thank you for your continued support


Mrs Rashid

There’s a Tiger on the loose! 🐯


Our story this week was The Tiger that came to tea. We started with a newspaper front cover about a tiger on the loose!  The children recreated their own. 

World Book Day: Break the rules! 📚

For World Book Day we broke all the rules! The children wore what they wanted including super comfy pjs, brought cuddly toys in, painted their nails and wore jewellery! 

We had a book cover quiz! The children had to guess the story from the front cover. How many of these do you know? 


EYFS had a competition to see who could design the best book character. Mrs Toshkazi, our English lead judged! She found it super hard!!



She managed to pick three winners! 


Huge well done to Riley, Florence and Olivia ⭐️


Thank you to all our families for supporting the children in taking part, in the slideshow above you can see all the entries 🤩 We will be putting all the spoons up for everyone to admire!

I love mum 🩷


This week the children wrote about their mums and why they love them.  

The children are getting more confident in applying their phonic knowledge when writing words. 


It’s brilliant to see the progress they have made 

Who do I love? ❤️ 

The children thought very carefully about who they love.


Some wrote labels, others wrote captions whilst some wrote short sentences.


The children are increasingly confident in applying their phonics learning and we’re all very proud 🩷

FS2 Family Reading Workshop 📕

Thank you to all our families for coming to our reading event. 





We look forward to seeing you all on Monday 25th March at 2.30pm 📕

Pancake Day 🥞 


We enjoyed eating pancakes whilst listening to the story of Mr Wolf’s Pancakes.


We talked about our favourite fillings and a lot of the children like chocolate on their pancakes! 


Our pancakes were filled with chocolate 🍫 

Book and a brew with Miss Maynard ☕️ 


It was the turn of FS2 to visit Miss Maynard and tell her all about the fun learning we do.



The children were able to recall lots about the learning we have done and the books we have read.


The dentist came to visit! 🦷


We had a visit from Kathryn, the dentist this week. She reminded us of the importance of brushing our teeth at least twice a day, only eating sweet and sugary foods as treats and at mealtimes. She also said we should visit the dentist and only drink water or milk.



Some of the children got up to help by role playing being at the dentist and demonstrating how to brush teeth.




Every child got a toothbrush to take home! 

Ice experiment 🧊


We have been investigating what makes ice melt. We investigated the effect of warmth and salt as well as what happens if we don’t change the conditions.



We found that the block of ice that we warmed with our hands melted the fastest.


More photos on tapestry! ☺️

Snow day ⛄️❄️


We had super excited children coming into school today because of the snow! After registration, we all got cosy and warm in our coats, hats, scarves and gloves and went outside! 



We made a snow person, snow baby, snow angels threw snowballs and got well and truly snow-happy! 

Lots more pictures on Tapestry 📸 

A fantastic first week back!


We have had a busy first week back! 



Thank you ❤️


A huge thank you to all our families in providing costumes, jumpers and food to ensure all the festive events were a complete success! 

Thank you from all the FS2 staff for all presents and cards! 

Santa Claus came to NMPS EYFS 🎅🏽🎄

Santa came to visit our children today! We sang him ‘We wish you a Merry Christmas!’

He brought everyone a present! 🎁 





More pictures are available on Tapestry 🎄

Christmas Jumper Day! 🎄


On the last day we wore our Christmas jumpers, had our Christmas lunch and watched a Christmas film! 



Christmas fun in FS2 🎄

We have had so much fun this Christmas!
We had a Christmas party where we played games like pass the parcel, musical bumps and musical statues. The children ate cakes, biscuits, sweets, crisps and drink juice.



THANK YOU to our families for providing the food 🩷

We’re going on a baby hunt!’ 🎶 

All the children took part in the EYFS Christmas show called ‘We’re going on a baby hunt!’

The children sang and danced brilliantly!


More pictures from the show can be found on Tapestry 🎄

We’re going on a baby hunt! 👶🏻🎄



Rehearsals are in full swing for our EYFS Christmas show. 

A few Christmas related notices! 

Thank you to all families that have provided the requested costumes for the show.  All children not in the cast need a Christmas jumper.


Christmas Sing-a-long
Families are invited only to their own child’s class performance.  3 adults per family, per child.

The shows dates and times are as follows:

Seedlings: Monday 11th December 2023 @9.30    
Saplings: Wednesday 13th December 2023 @9.30     
Cherry: Monday 18th December 2023 @9.30    

Honeysuckle: Monday 18th December 2023 @2.15    

Blossom: Tuesday 19th December 2022 @9.30

It’s Christmas! 🎄 


Christmas came to NMPS EYFS this week! It’s bright, glittery and inviting! Lord of fun Christmas activities will be going on over the next two weeks! 



Show & tell 🌸


Adley, Andrew, Florence, Max and Grace all took part in show and tell this week. 
Adley spoke about his spider, Grace spoke about swimming, Florence shared her success at bakery and Max & Andrew shared their favourite books. 


Yoga! 🧘🏻‍♂️🧘🏾‍♀️🧘🏻


This week we have been learning how to resolve conflicts which can be hard when we are angry. So we have been doing yoga to see how our bodies feel relaxed.



The children were careful to manage their space, not a single one of them hurt someone. 

Look what I did! 🤩


We love it when our children share their out of school achievements, activities and experiences 🩷

This week Max and Imogen shared with us…




Story telling with the Gingerbread Man!

We used Talk 4 Writing to make a story map and then made up our own actions to go with the map. Here we used our actions and story map to act out the story using character masks. 

Family reading morning 📕 


We welcomed our families into FS2 to share books with us. 





Huge thank you to all our families for coming to read with us 😊

The Gingerbread Man 


The children were very excited about finding out with our story of the week is because they got to enjoy the biscuit of the same name! 



Children In Need 🤩


We marked CIN 2023 by coming to school in our pyjamas. The children were asked to bring a voluntarily contribution of £1 to raise funds for CIN.



We made play dough Pudsey’s.



We collaged Pudsey’s.



We made Pudsey masks.



A huge thank you to our families for their generosity and for supporting pj day! 

Poppies ❤️


This week we have learnt why we wear poppies in November. 

We watched colourful and age appropriate  animation to help us understand what the poppy represents.  This animation was the children’s favourite.



CBeebies Remembrance Day


The children made play dough poppies, made poppies to wear by cutting and sticking and poppy wreaths.






We came back after lunch to underpants strewn everywhere! 


We then found a book! Aliens love underpants!! We read the story hoping we might find out where the underpants came from.



It was the aliens! They’d been rifling through our spare clothes! 



Thank you to our fabulous families 🩷


Huge thank you to all our families for supporting the children’s progress with name writing. Almost all the children can now write their name using the correct letters in the correct order.



Please continue to support us by encouraging your child to form letters correctly.


Thank you 😊 


Our children love the rain because rain means puddles! The bigger the puddle, the better they are for jumping in! 


FS2 Christmas photographs by Leanne Hindle Photography

Family photo day 📸 


The children had their individual photographs taken as well as family portraits.



Keep your eyes 👀 peeled for the personalised order forms! 

Halloween 🎃 


The children enjoyed a range of activities in the continuous provision during Discovery Time. 

Making potions 🧪 

Making potions!

Making skeletons!


We learnt how Halloween is celebrated around the world and enjoyed the story ‘Room on the Broom’ by Julia Donaldson.


Show and tell 👀👄


Each week the  children have take part in show and tell.


They speak clearly and tell the class all about their item. This week Imogen brought in a set of Russian dolls whilst Lily talked about her picture made with dyed pumpkin seeds.

Autumn Walk 🍂


FS2 went on an autumn walk today. We looked at pictures of what we might find.
We found lots and lots of leaves! 


The children knew they were autumn leaves because they weren’t green! They were yellow, orange and red! 

The children behaved really well 😊

RWInc phonics: e,l,f&h 


This week the children learnt:




Think Equal: Ted the tiger tamer 🐅 


Ted's anger is a tiger! When he's angry his body goes hard, his hands become claws and his face all scrunched up!

He learns how to calm the tiger down by breathing.



We practiced long, deep breathing and thought about what animal our anger is.




RWInc phonics: c,k,u&b


This week we learned 






Hand washing ✋🏼✋🏽✋🏾✋🏿


We have been learning all about keeping clean. 

We completed a experiment with glitter. The glitter was used in all our hands to show germ’s because germs are so teeny tiny that they can’t be seen.

We learned that the best way to get rid of the glitter germs was to wash our hands with soap and water. 

All of the children had a go! 

We also used glitter to show how germs spread if you don’t wash your hands. 

Yummy! 😋 


Our new school kitchen opened this week and the children all approved of the freshly cooked food!


Bagels! 🥯 


Bagels are back! All of our children get a bagel every morning to give them the energy to use their brains to be super learners! 

RWInc phonics: i,n,p,g&o


This week we learned 








What is RWInc phonics? 

All primary schools have to adopt a synthetic phonics scheme to teach children how to read and write.


At NMPS we use Read Write Inc.


You can find out more via this link:

Think equal: Week 3 ☀️🌦️🌧️🌩️


This week we have used all the learning from last week about feelings to use different types of weather to describe them.


This week’s book was called ‘The Weather Inside Me’


Different types of weather were associated to different feelings. It resulted in expanding the children’s ability to describe their feelings with a wider vocabulary.


The children continue to learn that each feeling has a range of strength, you can be happy or very happy! We used the Mood Meter to track the strength.


Name writing ✍🏼 


All the children come into school and write their name. It’s been fabulous to see the improvement over the last week. 


Thank you for spending time with your child practicing their name. Keep going please! 🩷

RWInc Phonics 🏔️ 🍎 🐍 🦖 


This week in Phonics we learnt the following sounds:



The children worked super hard! 




Think equal: Week 2


This week we have been reading ‘The Feelings’ from the Think Equal programme. 
It’s all about describing feels and giving them a colour.
It tied in brilliantly with our work around ‘The Colour Monster’

The children were encouraged to make faces to show the emotions as well as showing us what their bodies look like for each. They particularly enjoyed showing ‘calm’ 




The book introduced us to the ‘Mood Meter’ and describing how each feeling can be of different strengths. We equated it to dark yellow, light yellow etc 

Name writing ✍🏼 


All the children wrote their name 1:1 with an adult this week. 



Every child has been given a target to support their ability in writing their name independently. These can be found on Tapestry.


Your child should have brought home a pack with a name writing board and whiteboard pen. Please use this when working on your child’s name writing target 😊

My family 🩷


All of the children worked in small groups with their class teacher to draw a family portrait. It was a valuable opportunity to find out more about each child.



As a result of the activity we will have one session a week as a class to practice drawing people on our whiteboards. We had a range of portraits from mark making to actual figures. 


Our aim will be for every child to draw a figure with a head, body, legs, arms and facial features independently.

We will track their progress through the half termly self portraits. 

A huge thank you 🩷 to all the families who have sent in a family photo, we are going to use them in our home corner role play and in the area with the giant dolls house.


In FS2, all the children draw a self portrait of themselves each half term. By the end of the year, we can see how the children have progressed in their writing skills. 


We send these portraits home at the end of the year with the end of school year report 🩷

Pippa came to visit! 

Our school dog, Pippa came to visit FS2 with Miss Maynard, our headteacher. 


We loved having her with us. 

Find out more about Pippa here 

Our first week in FS2 😊


The children have all had a a brilliant start to the year. We had some tears on our first morning but as the week passed, we’re happy to report that the beginning of the day got calmer.



We are super excited about seeing our children flourish! 

Huge thank you to all our families for their support 🩷 

Marvellous Me! 🤩


We are a Think Equal school.

Think Equal is a holistic Early Years Programme based on a commitment to social equality, gender, racial and religious equality, social and emotional health and well being and global citizenship, based in social-emotional learning.



This week we read Marvellous Me! It’s all about each of us being unique. We looked at how we look I terms of the colour of your skin, eyes and hair. We thought about how some of us are tall, whilst others are short.


The children each completed a little version of themselves. We used a mirror to look at ourselves and it prompted discussion about how they are different or similar to their friends.



Welcome to FS2 🤩


A big hi there and hello to all our new children in FS2. We are super excited about this coming year! We have lots of fun learning planned to help make the children’s brain bigger 🙌🏽


There are lots of adult in FS2 to make sure the children are safe, happy and learning.



Ms Rashid, Mrs Hindle, Mrs Ellison, Miss Pickering, Miss Gill and Miss Chambers are raring to go!

Archive 2022-23

Thank you 😊 


Huge thank you to all our families this year for their support and kindness.


It’s been a pleasure to support the children on their school journey.


We look forward to seeing the children flourish next year.


All the very best, take care 💗

FS2 Sports Day 🏆


FS2 throughly enjoyed sports afternoon in the infant hall.


We did the following races:

  • Running
  • Jumping
  • Hopping
  • Balancing
  • Obstacle 
  • Skipping

Lot’s photos and videos on Tapestry 😊

Getting ready for graduation 👩🏽‍🎓👨🏻‍🎓


The children have been practicing the graduation ready for Tuesday 18th at 1.45
Today we had our dress rehearsal 🙌🏽




We look forward to seeing all our families on Tuesday 18th July at 1.45 🥳

🩲 🩲 Pantasaurus 🩲🩲


We have been learning about keeping our bodies safe. Pantasaurus taught us that our bodies belong only to us, so what’s in our pants or underwear belongs only to us! If anyone asks to see what’s in our pants, we say “No!” and runaway to find a safe adult 🩲


The video can be found here

Storytime with Miss Lusk 💗


We have been super lucky to have Miss Lusk with us over the last couple of weeks.


Miss Lusk did her first ever storytime session with the children. She read Mr wolf and the three little pigs 🐷 


🏳️‍🌈 This is Me! 🏳️‍🌈


June is Pride month. This year we focused on the Pride flag 🏳️‍🌈. We started by looking at what the different parts of Union Jack 🇬🇧 flag mean and then moved on to what each colour of the Pride flag means 🏳️‍🌈 


The children then designed a flag that represents them! 


Some lovely, colourful flags 💗


EYFS events


We have lots going on in the next couple of weeks so please take note of these dates:


EYFS sports day
Monday 17th July
All children can wear sports clothes, trainers and sensible shoes only please.  No heels or sandals please.
FS1 10-11.30 EYFS playground
FS2 1.30-2.45 School field


FS2 Graduation
Tuesday 18th July
This event is for families of children in FS2 only.
2 members of the family per child.
Entry through the main entrance, event in Junior Hall.


FS2 Disco
Tuesday 18th July
This event is for FS2 children only.
The event is £3, please pay via Pay360.


EYFS Fun day
Wednesday 19th July
Children can wear what they like for the day but must wear sensible shoes-no heels or sandals.
Thank you to everyone who has already paid £10 for their child.  If you haven't paid, please do so via Pay 360.  


Thursday 20th July 
School is out for Summer!


If you have any questions, please speak to a member of the team.


Thank you 😊

Super special story-time 📚 


This afternoon we had a very special treat. As part of our transition the children were able to enjoy a story with their new Y1 teacher, sat with their new Y1 classmates!



The children will continue to take part in lots of lovely transition activities over the next few weeks. 

They were all so excited! 

Special friends 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽


We have done lots of work on special friends as a class this week. We have learnt ‘oo’ and ‘ee’


A special friend is a set of 2+ letters that make a different sound. 


We wrote words and then sentences.




Super sentences! All the adults were very impressed 🤩

Special day 🤩


The children made a card for the person who they think are the most fabulous person in their world 💗


Graduation photos 👨🏻‍🎓👩🏽‍🎓


I  delighted to let you know that Mrs Hindle is returning to school on Friday 14th July to take pictures of the children in their graduation gowns. 

Mrs Hindle is doing this as a professional photographer with her own business.

There is a charge for the photos, please see letters below 👇🏽 





Super sentences 🤩


It’s been a complete delight to see the children writing sentences independently. As it was super hot, we wrote about the sun! ☀️


The Little Red Hen 🌾


We continue to read all the different versions of The Little Red Hen. As always, the children have access to writing frames to encourage them to write their own version of the story.



It’s brilliant to see the children applying their phonics learning 🤩

Cooling off ☀️🍦


 The children enjoyed ice lollies as it was super hot! They throughly enjoyed this treat 😋


Fun in the sun ☀️ 🛝 


The sun has been shining and the children have started transition activities to get ready for Year 1. This week we have been in KS1 playground. The children have LOVED it 🙌🏽






World Environment Day 🌍 


On WED we received a letter from the ‘litterbug’ who needed our help. She had dropped some litter in the outdoor area and was trying to sort it into groups so it could be recycled but kept getting confused. The children went on a ‘litter’ hunt and then we sorted it into two groups- plastic and cardboard and explained the importance of recycling. The green bag had cardboard and the blue bag had plastic.



We read a story called The Odd Fish and talked about protecting animals, particularly those living in the sea, by recycling waste to prevent it from entering our seas and other animal habitats. 
To encourage us to think about keeping sea life safe by preventing our trash from entering their habitat, we created fish, jellyfish, and turtles. 


Bread 🥖 🍞 🥯 


Our story is The Little Red Hen this half term and we made a delicious start! The children enjoyed a variety of bread whilst listening to the story. 



We spent time smelling the bread and describing what it looks like and feels like in our mouths. 



The children throughly enjoyed the bread and the chocolate chip brioche was absolutely their favourite 🤩 

Miss Maynard’s proud book 💗


We do guided writing at least once every week. This week we are writing a mini book about The Enormous Turnip!


Sophia, Adil, May and Daniel all went to see Miss Maynard with their mini books. She was so impressed with how well they were using their phonic knowledge, all the children got their name in her proud book and a prize! 


National Numeracy Day! 🥳


In FS2 we do adult led maths learning everyday as well as working independently in all areas of provision during Discovery Time.




In addition to all our regular maths learning we took part in the special dance with the Numberblocks and Katy’s Jones. It got faster and faster!





Special visitor! 

We had a very special visitor at school. The Lord Mayor of Manchester came to look around our school and look at our learning. 


FS2 made her a special card to keep as a memory of her visit! 

FS2 PE Kit ⚽️ 


Huge thank you to all the families who have sent a PE kit in for their child to wear at football training.



The children really enjoyed getting changed for training.


ALL children need a kit every Tuesday. Thank you for your continued support.

FS2 Coronation Collective Art 👑


All the children in FS2 painted a pebble each and we then put each together to make a crown! 


Coronation Party Day 👑🇬🇧


We have learnt all about King Charles and ended the week with a party! 

We played pin the crown on the King! 


Had afternoon tea outside!



Made crowns!


Coronation 👑🇬🇧


To celebrate the coronation we themed the provision for Discovery Time around London, the Union Jack and royalty small world.


EYFS clubs 🌸


Blossom class are now being welcomed to clubs throughout the week. On Thursdays it is the Bookworm club. We enjoy sharing stories from the teachers bookshelf!



This week we read Barry the fish with fingers and the hairy scary monster as well as The Runaway Dinner. The children loved being Barry with his moustache! 

Sunflowers 🌻 


Mrs Pickering has been planting sunflowers with the children. 


We are all hoping they will grow really tall! 🌻

We’ve gone dotty! 


Last half term we learnt about Lowry and this half terms artist is called Damien Hirst. We have looked at all the art he’s produced using different coloured dots. 


The children have gone all dotty and made their own versions! 


Eid at NMPS ⭐️🌙


The children enjoyed Eid party day in FS2. We did lots of learning about what Eid is and how it’s celebrated, there was a lot of comparison to the children’s lives and how they celebrate Christmas.

We tasted chappatis and dates, the dates were a huge hit! 


We finished off the day with Bollywood dancing 💃🏽 🕺 


Eid Mubarak 💚


Happy Eid to all those celebrating today, enjoy the delicious food and have the best day.



We look forward to celebrating Eid and learning all about how Muslims celebrate on Monday with our children.

WOW writing 🤩


The progress most of our children are making is astounding! RWInc has had a huge impact in making our children confident when writing.



We are super proud 💗

Seasons: Spring 🌼


As part of our continued learning about seasons we have learned about the signs of spring.


We went on a spring walk! We found spring flowers like daffodils, used magnifying glasses to spot mini beasts, looked for fresh green leaves and blossom.





A special delivery ✉️


Each of the FS2 classes had a special delivery! 


Inside we found glittery beans! 


We thought long and hard about who else got some magic beans? Jack! Jack from the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.



Our story over the next two weeks is Jack and Beanstalk. 

Easter competitions 🐣🤩


The children were invited to take part in an Easter bonnet and Easter egg competition. We had some brilliant entires!





Miss Maynard had a really difficult job in choosing winners from each class! 


The winners were Lucas, Ruby-Rose, Verity, Albie, Bobby and Penny. 

Miss Maynard was super generous and bought every child with an entry, a chocolate bunny. The children were delighted 😀 


Vicar Pam 🐣 


This week we are learning about Easter, as part of our learning Vicar Pam came to see us. 


She told us the Easter story and talked about why it’s the most important festival for Christians. 

Getting creative 🎨 


We are having lots of building work done at school because we are having a new school kitchen built.

To make it look as nice as possible whilst work is going on, we have been given boards to decorate. Some of the FS2 children worked with Mrs Bradshaw, our Art subject leader, to decorate a board. 


It’s a tree! 

Cake 🧁 


The children throughly enjoyed eating the cakes they bought to support our Eco-school club raise money for ‘The Marine Conservative Society’ to help protect our oceans and seas


Number bonds ➕

We are currently working hard to learn number bonds for 5 and 10.


The children spend time every morning before phonics practising them.



They need to know all the number bonds for 5 and 10 without any songs, prompts or equipment.


The children love listening to Jack doing number bonds! 



Number bonds to 5


Number bonds to 10

Cherry Class Teacher 🍒 


We had a very special visitor today to meet the children.


As you know Mrs Hindle is leaving us next half term so the new teacher, also called Mrs Hindle will be doing visits to get to know the children.


She’s a lovely lady and the children enjoyed getting to know her during football training.

Book fair 📕


The children throughly enjoyed making their wish list of books at the book fair. 



The book fair is on before and after school till Friday.


 If you’re struggling to take your child please send the correct money in a named envelope with the name of the book and we’ll do our best to get the book.

Duck lifecycle 🦆


It has delightful to see the children illustrate the life cycle of a duck after having the opportunity to see duck eggs hatch and grow.



Next week we will be doing some guided writing based upon the duck lifecycle

The Dentist 🦷 


We had a visit from the Dentist in the EYFS. She came armed with toothbrushes and toothpaste! She explained to the children that they need to brush their teeth twice a day and only eat sweets after tea time.


She encouraged them to say no to sweets at home-time! She told them to drink only out of a cup or glass and not use a dummy or milk bottle. 


She taught us how to brush our teeth in circular motions to ensure we brush our teeth and gums. Matilda gave us a demonstration. Jenson and Bobby showed us what happens at the dentist so that children know what to expect  and don’t get scared.


Snow! ❄️ ⛄️ ❄️


Almost every one of our little weather watchers exclaimed “SNOW!” as they walked through the door this morning. 


So, we seized the moment and went outside to make snow people ⛄️



5 little 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆 went swimming!


The ducks have grown so much over! Today they had a lovely play in the water, kicking their feet and splashing the children as they chased each other!


🦆 update 


The children each had the opportunity to hold the ducklings.




The children commented on how soft they left and squealed with delight when they wriggled! 

World Book Day 🌍📚💗


The children have come in looking like absolute bobby dazzlers! HUGE thank you to all our families for their efforts 💗






We have had a day of stories. All of the adults in FS2 have each read their favourite stories to the children. 


We did a book swap which means that we can share our favourite stories with our friends 😊


We finished the day with our families coming into FS2 to share books 📚 




5 little 🦆 🦆🦆🦆🦆


The children arrived in school to find 5 little ducks in their new home! 


We talked about how we are going to look after them until they go back to the farm next week. These are our rules:

🦆 Only an adult is allowed to open the brooder box and get a duck out 

🦆If we handle the ducks, we must wash our hands 

🦆 We don’t feed the ducks anything, their food is already in the box

🦆 We don’t put our fingers into the box, we might get nipped! 


They’ve hatched! 🦆

This morning the children arrived to one duckling and another on the way! 


Then just before lunch the children were giddy to learn that another duckling had hatched whilst they were learning!



The children have been mesmerised by the ducklings and they are super excited to find out what we will find in the morning.


They’ve arrived 🦆 


Farmer Jodie from Incredible Eggs delivered our 5 duck eggs!!


They are ready to hatch and Farmer Jodie has said if we are really quiet, we might hear them churp/tweet inside the shells! 


The children have visited in small groups, they were very quiet 🤫 

Mental health & wellbeing day 😊


Mental health & wellbeing day at NMPS was our version of the #HelloYellowDay from the mental health charity for young people, Young Minds.


As part of our MHWB day all the children had  to take part in a Yoga session…



Wear yellow…


Learn how to breathe using shapes to self soothe…



We did star and square breathing too! 



The children finished the day as classes to work out how we can help ourselves when we are struggling. All the children made a ‘helping hand’  of strategies to help us learn how to manage our own MHWB.


Can I make a card?


Following on from the excitement of making Miss Maynard birthday cards, the children wanted to make cards for their loved ones.


Alice made her mum a card



Happy birthday Miss Maynard 🥳


Miss Maynard’s birthday created lots of excitement and prompted the children to make birthday cards for her! 

Capacity & Volume 

We have been learning about volume & capacity and used specific mathematical language such as - 
- full
- empty
- half full 
- most 
- least 
- volume 
- capacity 


We made potions with Wizard Will and the children were brilliant at using their talk partners to discuss the language and correct volume of liquid! 


Some of the children enjoyed exploring captaincy and volume in the water tray with various sized containers.


They used the mathematical language independently in their play and we are really proud of them 🤩

The Big Bad Wolf 🐺 


This week we have been learning about adjectives. During Discovery Time the children were keen to gain a great writing sticker by writing adjectives for the wolf 🐺 


It’s brilliant to see the children getting more confident in independently applying their phonic language ⭐️

Little Red Riding Hood 🌲


We have been reading the story of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.

As part of our planned activities for Literacy, the children role played the story.


It was really good to watch them children acting and it was brilliant hearing the voices they used! 🤩

Lunar New Year 🧧 


This week we have been learning all about the Lunar New Year which is also known more commonly as Chinese New Year


The children have read the story of the animals that started the LNY many, many years ago, they have had the opportunity to wear traditional oriental clothing, learnt how the festival is celebrated around the world and helped to put decorations up.



It’s the year of the rabbit 🐰 and we have made ‘cut and stick’ bunnies.

We learnt that LNY is similar to Christmas and Divali 🌸


Do you want to build a snowman? ⛄️ 

The children were super excited to be able to play and explore in the snow ❄️ 



The children made snow men, snow balls and even used their feet to write their name in the snow! 

Football training ⚽️ 


Coach Jess has returned for football training with our children. 


The children have to follow instructions by listening carefully, control their body movements, safely move around the hall avoiding accidents and handle equipment like balls and cones.



The children throughly enjoy every session 😊

It’s snooooooowing!! 🌨️ 


The children were so very excited at the first sign of snow today. 


They were so very excited to get their coats on and explore! 

Bagel breakfast 🥯


Our school has recently joined the government’s National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP), which is being delivered by the charity Family Action.

As a NSBP School we are pleased to offer a healthy school breakfast of 1/2 of a buttered bagel, available to all, and enjoy the benefits that brings, with children settled and ready to learn at the start of the school day. 

Huge  thank to the Bagel Girls, for toasting and buttering each bagel.



They will be free of charge and  are available for the first 10 minutes of your child's day, whilst they register and settle in, in every classroom  

Reading together 👧🏽🧑🏻👱🏻‍♀️👨🏿🧒🏽


Every Thursday and Friday our children in FS2 are lucky enough to have children from Key Stage 2, come and read with them! 


It’s delightful to see our eldest children supporting our youngest children whilst they get more confident in applying their phonics learning! 


Creative cutting! 

We have identified that our children need to practise cutting with child scissors so each week we have a different task for them. 

This week they had to make characters from our focus story, can you guess what the story is? 🐖 


Early morning writing ✍🏼 


We have added an activity to our morning routine at registration.  Children come into class and apply their phonic knowledge to write simple sentences.




It’s important that children have plenty of opportunities to apply their phonics knowledge. The children have made fantastic progress in phonics and it’s a joy to see them gaining confidence when writing.



We learn about correct letter formation everyday in phonics.


Rain, rain don’t go away! ☔️💗


Although most adults have hated the rain this week, our children have loved it! They have pulled on their wellies and gone jumping! 


Santa came to the EYFS! 🎅🏽


We could hear the bells on the sleigh, we waited quietly and who appeared? SANTA! 🎅🏽 



The children were beyond excited!


They all got to sing him ‘We wish you a merry Christmas’ and then got to meet him 1:1!  Such fun 🤩 

EYFS Christmas party day 🎄🎅🏽🥳


We’ve had SO MUCH fun at our Christmas parties today!



We played together outside, played musical statues, musical bumps, musical chairs and pass the parcel. We had dancing competitions and got cosy with some yummy food and a Christmas movie!




EYFS Christmas Show! 🎄🎸🎅🏽🎶


This year we told the Christmas story in our show called ‘We’re going on a baby hunt’


The cast did brilliantly!



The singers did a brilliant job in supporting the show!






Huge thank you to our families for supporting the show by providing costumes, Christmas jumpers and coming to the shows ⭐️ 

Christmas crafts 🎄


The children made Christmas cards to give to their families. This year we have gone for a modern look! White background with an pop of colour (and glitter!) in the outline of a Christmas tree 🎄 



In addition to the ‘official card’ the children had the opportunity to make a card completely unaided. 

They had to cut, stick and colour. We love the concentration faces our children make when creating! 

Vicar Bob 💗


We had a visit from Vicar Bob today. He came to talk about Christmas and why Christians celebrate it.
Vicar Bob is Mrs Studholme’s daddy! 


He said Christmas is the birthday of Jesus and it is celebrated with a big party where we eat yummy food, get presents and make memories. 

He used a lovely pop up book to tell the story of the Nativity. He left us with a advent calendar to help us count the days down to Christmas Day.


The children were mesmerised and were super respectful 💗


A Christmas Coat Challenge 🎄🧥🥼


We promote independence in the Early Years, it’s an important life skill. The children are encouraged to manage their own needs such as toileting. 


One thing we want all our children to be able to do is zip up their own coats!



So! A Christmas holiday challenge!!

Can you support your child to learn how to zip up their own coat? 

If they already can, (woohoo! 🥳) can they put their own gloves, shoes and socks on?


There will be a certificate for every child that can show us in January that they can zip up their own coat. 

Christmas fun 🎄


The staff in FS2 have been working extra hard to make all the provision for Discovery Time all about Christmas 🎄 


Take a look! 




We will be posting pictures on Tapestry of the children having fun in the provision! 



EYFS Christmas party 🎄


The EYFS Christmas party is on Thursday 15th December.  We are asking for your help in catering the party, as we do each year. 


Please send enough for 10 children please 💗
Requests are as follows:


Drinks; Cherry
Crisps; Saplings
Biscuits; Seedlings
Cake; Honeysuckle
Sweets; Blossom


Thank you in advance 🥰

EYFS Christmas Sing-a-long 🎄🎅🏽


Christmas has come to the EYFS at NMPS! Rehearsals are in full swing for our Christmas Sing-a-long!

PLEASE send in your child’s costume or Christmas jumper ASAP. If you need any help with this please talk to any member of the team 💗


Each class will be performing for their own parents. These are the dates and times:



We will take a picture of every child in their Christmas jumper/costume and class photos. These will be posted onto tapestry. 



Christmas Show 🎄


We are busy rehearsing the Christmas Show everyday.  We go into the hall once a day and the children practise the songs and dances for our version of the Nativity called ‘We’re going on a baby hunt!’



Huge thank you to all those families that have brought in costumes already. All costumes need to be in school by Thursday 1st December. 

Thank you for your continued support 😊

Outdoor fun for the EYFS staff 🍃 


New Moston Primary School is delighted to announce that we have been awarded a Local School Nature Grant, thanks to players of the People's Postcode Lottery.

Our pupils will be benefitting from Log Seats in the Early Years playground, a Wildlife Kit to be used in Gardening Club and a Woodland Activity Kit which will be used at Forest School.


In addition to this our Early Years Team received training to increase the outdoor provision available to our pupils.


The EYFS staff used natural resources to make fly away art as part of their training


Pupils played an important role in applying for the grant and selected equipment that would benefit their peers.

The project is run by Learning Through Landscapes and is funded by People's Postcode Lottery, Postcode Neighbourhood Trust, Postcode Places Trust, Postcode Society Trust, Postcode Local Trust or Postcode Community Trust.


Fiona Macnab from Learning Through Landscapes

Let’s get writing! ✏️ 


The majority of our children are making great progress in phonics and are increasingly given opportunities to apply their learning independently so that they can show us just how clever they are!


We have started to learn red words. These are words that the children need to learn to read and write without blending. We have been learning the.


The children have been attempting to read very short sentences independently. We are super proud of their efforts! 


World Cup 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿⚽️🥳


The children were super excited to be wearing their football kits or being in red and white clothes to mark England’s first match in the World Cup.




The children (& staff!) were giddy that England won so spectacularly! 

Children In Need 💗


All of the children dressed up for Children In Need day. They were head to toe in polka dots and had lots of fun showing off their amazing outfits! 



The children made Pudsey masks! 


Thank you to all of our parents, carers and children for getting into the Children In Need spirit and for your Christmas fair donations. ☺️✨

Friends 💗


We have been learning how to be good friends. We will be doing lots of activities  to help the children understand all the 

different ways that a good friend behaves.

In this activity, the children supported an adult to write all the qualities a good friend has inside the outline of a body (we drew around one of our children!) and all the qualities of an bad friend outside it. 


We will continue to learn how to be a good friend over the coming weeks 💗

EYFS extra curricular club

Maths fun!


Mrs Hindle hosted her first Maths fun club! The children were super excited and enjoyed playing Number match!

The children had to find a pair of matching numbers.




EYFS extra curricular clubs

Book worms 📚🪱


The children throughly enjoyed reading two of our news books, one about mermaids and the other about the first hippo on the moon!




EYFS extra curricular club

Funky fingers 🤚🏻 ✋🏾 


We had lots of fun using our fine motor skills to pinch tweezers so we could place colourful pom-poms carefully onto a rainbow.



We finished off the session by doing some dough-disco!!🕺🏽✨


We still have places for this club. If you’d like your child to join please speak to Mrs Leyland or Mrs Hindle.

Football training ⚽️ 

This week the theme was transport. The children were using the cones as steering wheels and then had to do ball skills around roundabouts, hills and curvy roads!




Positional language: Describe where the bear is 🧸


In Maths we learnt lots of new words today that describe the position of objects. The words were:
-on top
-next to
We used a Teddy and chair to describe each word.


EYFS extra curricular clubs ⭐️
Being active 🏃🏽‍♀️

On Tuesdays Mrs Bennett runs the Being active club.


The children will complete sessions from our school PE scheme, REAL PE. This week it was pirates 🏴‍☠️




Book fair 📚


FS2 had a super exciting trip to the KS2 hall. They all had the time to browse the fair and choose 3 books that you’d like to buy. Some of the older children helped by writing each child’s wish list.
Every child that was in school on Monday was should have come home with their wish list.


The book fair is open before and after school all week.



Huge thank you to Ceder Class and Mrs Bradshaw for helping us out on Monday afternoon ⭐️😊

Crash landing! 🚀💥


We had quite the surprise at Literacy time. We came to the carpet and it was covered in tiny gold stars, with a teddy, wellies and a box on top! Where did they come from? 
We found the book ‘Whatever Next’ near the teddy and realised that the teddy had crash landed 🚀 on our carpet! Eeek 😦



As you can imagine it was super exciting and the children were full of questions and covered in the tiny stars! ⭐️

EYFS extra curricular clubs ⭐️
Mindful Monday 🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏾‍♀️

We had our first yoga session before school. This week the children did yoga with the theme of Frozen: The film.

We took our shoes and socks off and started with the yoga greeting of ‘namaste’ The children then listened to each instruction for each pose.


Remembrance Day 


On Friday the children and all FS2 adults came together to observe the silence at 11am.


We watched ‘Poppies’ which is a CBeebies film that explains Remembrance Day at an age appropriate level.



The children were super respectful and observed the silence time at 11am.


FS2 Parents Reading Morning 📚 

We had our first reading morning in FS2 this week. We had a huge selection of books out ready for the children to pick and read with their family adult, especially books by Julia Donaldson, who is our author of the half term. 




Our next reading morning is Friday 9th December at 2.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there 😊

Football training ⚽️🚑🚓🚒


This week training was all about the emergency services. The children did different actions for each service after a verbal instruction.



Jumping over a cone and jumping to the side of a cone was practised.
The had to work in pairs to kick the ball to each other and then independently to jump with the ball between their feet.


The session finished with an exciting game of ‘What’s for tea Mr Wolf?’


Lots of fun was had 🤩


School photos 📷 


Our children came to school looking super smart for school photo day. Fresh haircuts, the prettiest hair accessories and clean uniforms made for the best photographs.



We went on a mini adventure around school because the photographers were in the junior hall, the children were excited but well behaved ⭐️

Keep up, not catch up! ⭐️

As a Read Write Inc school we believe that when learning, where possible, our children should receive swift and discrete intervention to ensure they keep up, not catch up!



The children love 1:1 time with an adult and benefit hugely with their learning.


One of the interventions we are having at the moment is for phonics.


How to learn! 🤓


This week we have been reading books that help us understand what we need to do, to be good learners.  In the EYFS framework these are called the Characteristics of Learning.


The books we read and the key messages for each are below!





We will continue to look at the messages in each of these books to ensure our children understand how they can learn in order to be all they are capable of 💗

Banana, banana, meatball! 🍌 🍌


This week, following a look at our timetable, phonics now starts starts slightly later at 9.30


This gives us the chance to shake our wiggles out ready to sit and learn in Phonics after collective worship.

We use a number of activities to get the children moving. At the moment, they love following the Go Noodle dances.

Here the children followed the movements to, Banana, banana, meatballs!!



We’re going on a Bear Hunt! 🐻



We read We’re going on a Bear Hunt to learn how to be good explorers when learning.  The children adore this story and were on their feet doing the actions and joining in with the repeated refrains 🐻 


Floating and sinking ⬆️⬇️

The children have been working in the water tray to embed the learning and language around floating and sinking.



The children have been predicting and experimenting and explaining what is happening!



Absolutely delightful listening to the children showing off what they have learnt! ⭐️ 


Football training ⚽️ 


Our children in FS2 will now receive football training for 1 hour on a Tuesday afternoon. 

The training is with Coach Jess from Manchester City Football Club.



The children do not need a PE kit and there is no charge for the training.

This week the children were developing their listening skills, hand eye coordination and started to learn ball control.


All of this was done in the context of fireworks! The vests were the colourful fireworks!


My family 🖤


The children had worked really hard at creating a beautiful display of family portraits. They thought carefully about the members of their family and drew them beautifully. 



After learning about pulling by playing tug of war, we had car races to learn all about pushing! 
We learnt that the harder you push the car, the faster it will go!







We learned about the force of pulling. 

The children had a game of tug of war. The group pulling the hardest wins! 

We now know that when you pull, it’s to bring something closer to 


The Nurses! 👩🏼‍⚕️👩🏻‍⚕️👩🏽‍⚕️👩🏾‍⚕️

Lots of excited children could hardly wait to go the LINC to visit the nurses to have their height and weight checked! The children followed instructions carefully and behaved brilliantly



Show Racism The Red Card!


Our learning about brave black people from the past concluded with us all wearing red to remember that racism has no place in our school.





We learnt what giving a red card means in terms of football. So, to show racism the red card means to get rid of any bad thoughts and talk that don’t show equality and doesn’t follow one of our school rules of ‘Be respectful’

Black History Month: Martin Luther King Jnr


As part of our learning about brave black people, we looked at the life of Dr King.  We focused in on his famous speech, ‘I have a dream!’



Here’s what some of the children learnt:



Black History Month: Rosa Parks

Today the children learned about a special lady called Rosa Parks. She was a brave, black lady many years ago who refused to be treated differently because of the colour of her skin.



The children heard the famous story of Rosa on the bus and how she refused to move from her seat because of the colour of her skin. She went to jail but eventually because of her bravery, everyone was allowed to ride the bus and sit wherever they wanted to.

Black History Month


This week we are learning about the brave men and women that worked hard to make our world equal for everyone, no matter what colour their skin is.


We started our learning by watching a special episode of JoJo & GranGran. Children learned about GranGran’s journey from St Lucia to England



Shape hunt 🟢🟨🔹


We have been learning about 2D shapes in FS2. As part of the learning we went on a shape hunt around the unit.



Experiment: Floating & sinking 


We have been learning about things that float and sink. The children have tested out a number of objects by exploring which of them float in water and which sink. 


We have had discussions around size and weight because their was suggestion by the children that it was an objects size and weight that matters. But big wooden spoons floated whereas a small key sunk.



The children were encouraged to predict which objects might float and which would sink.



The children will continue to explore floating and sinking in Discovery Time.

Talking Tuff Spot: Autumn 🍂 


We’ve had  discussions about the leaves, they start off green, become red, then yellow and then die when they are brown. The children have ordered the pumpkins by size and we have had a lot of discussion around why the conkers have a spiky shell! 

Autumn 🍁 


To celebrate Autumn and to give the children a chance to talk about Autumn we have set up a talking tuff spot! It’s filled with all things Autumn like leaves of different colours 🍁 pumpkins 🎃 conkers and pinecones. 


We will be reading the autumnal themed stories over the next few days.

Puddles 🌧 ☔️ 


The children enjoyed the huge puddles after all the rain this week. They have learned that in Autumn the weather gets colder and wetter. 



We are looking forward to all the puddles coming up! 

Parents and Carers, please make sure that your child has wellies, a coat and a change of clothes including socks everyday. Thank you 😊

Storytellers 🤓


This week we have been using the language from the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff to retell the story but with new characters!


The children have really risen to the challenge and thought of actions, voices and different ways different animals would get the troll into the water! 


We’ve had pandas 🐼 using their bellies, giraffes 🦒 using their necks, dogs 🐩 using their barking and my personal favourite penguins 🐧 using their flippers to push!


In the pictures below the children told the story of The Three Elephants 🐘🐘🐘, The biggest elephant used his trunk to get rid of the troll!



⬆️⬆️ The elephants!! ⬆️⬆️


⬆️⬆️ The Trolls! ⬆️⬆️

Autumn crafts 🍁


The children have been very busy today creating an autumn display for along our corridor for everyone to see!

We made hedgehogs using
- leaves from our autumn discovery walk


-paint and a dishbrush


- wooden sticks and lentils


We also did some beautiful autumnal handprint leaves 🍁 


Autumn Walk 🍁🍂👣


Autumn has well and truly arrived! It’s got colder, it rains a lot and the trees are losing their leaves.


They found leaves in all the colours associated with Autumn




We learned that the leaves change colour and fall because in Autumn their isn’t a lot of light.


The children were super excited and did the walk with great pleasure.

Counting sets 😁


Ms Rashid has enjoyed learning with the children in the maths area to support, guide and photograph them.




Children had to count the set of pictures and then indicate the total number using a peg. Not only did the children count, they developed their fine motor skills by using the wooden pegs 



We will be counting with conkers, leaves and pine cones next week 🍁

RWInc star of the week ⭐️🤩⭐️

This week Matilda has used her phonics learning so far to read a book all by herself! She made Mrs Leyland giddy and all of us proud! 


Well done Matilda ⭐️

Phonics 🤓

Some of the most important learning your child will do in the early years is phonics.



In FS2 children learn to say the sounds, we do it every single day to embed the learning. It’s super important that children say the sounds correctly without adding ‘uh’ at the end.


Mrs Leyland has put on some helpful advice for our parents and carers to support their child’s phonic learning at home.  This advice can be found on the Tapestry app in your child’s account.


To watch the video, click here…


If you have any questions please do come and ask! 😃

Practise makes perfect! 🤩

We write our names every morning and we hope you are using the name writing packs we sent home earlier in the term.

It is super important to practise every single day just like Rosie has, from mark making her name  to writing her name and all in four weeks! 


Well done Rosie 💗

Counting 🔢


We have been learning to count accurately. Some of our children rush when counting so it’s super important that they learn to count each time they touch a counter etc, we call this 1:1 correspondence 


We have played Counting Corners too!



The children all danced, an adult shouted a number out and the children had to go to the correct set to represent that number, such fun 🤩 



RWInc learning 🤓


We continue our phonics journey in FS2, this week we have learnt t, i, n, p & g.



The children are doing amazingly well! We ensure that all previous learning is recapped each session.


Please use the resources and videos on Tapestry to support your child’s phonic learning, thank you 😊 

🐐🐐🐐 and 👹 story telling!


We have continued to explore the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. We retold the story with actions…



… and role played it!

The facial expressions were brilliant! It is evident that the children know the story really well 🐐


Reading books 📚 


Your child should have brought home a book bag this Friday with a word less book and reading record.  The books have no words at the moment because we are at the beginning of our Phonics learning. 


There is a letter in the bag that explains how to share a wordless book with your child.

As the children progress through their phonics learning they will begin to bring books with words we know they are able to read using their phonic knowledge.


RWInc Phonics 


This week we have been learning to read and write sounds. These sounds included m, a, s & d.



The children are getting used to the routine of our RWInc phonics session, they are getting better every day 🙌🏽

You can help us at home by using the resources we will be sending every week on Friday to practise the letter sounds and formation.


There are lots of new sounds to learn!



Mrs Leyland has been adding other resources on Tapestry to support the children’s learning in Phonics, please do have a look 👀 😊



We’re going on a Troll hunt! 

We went on a Troll hunt! The children were so very brave and wanted to find the Troll to tell him to share his bridge!



The children had great fun in taking turns to be the Troll! They made their most scariest face and behaved like the Troll trying to find his dinner!


I can confirm that the children all returned safely!


The Billy Goats Gruff! 🐐 🐐🐐


The footprints on the floor belonged to the Billy Goats Gruff!



They had trip trapped through our corridor on their way to the bridge! 

Footprints! 👣


We came into school on Monday and found footprints on the corridor! 


The children were puzzled as the footprints weren’t like our feet. What animal could they be? There were big prints, medium sized prints and small prints! 

Who do you think it is? 

Pantasaurus 🦖🩲


We have been watching Pantasaurus and learning how to keep our bodies safe.

The children have learnt that their bodies belong only to them, their private parts are covered by pants and if someone wants to see or touch under your pants we say “No!” and tell an safe adult such as your mum, dad, grandma, grandpa or teacher.



The video can be watched here

Bye bye Ma’am ♥️


School is closed today for Queen Elizabeth’s funeral.  Mrs Studholme has added a post on Tapestry to help parents and carers answer any questions our children may have about todays events.


Take care 💗


Reception Baseline 2022


The EYFS Reception Baseline is statutory, which means all the children will work 1:1 with an adult in FS2 to complete a set number of questions. 
The children point, listen, speak and count to answer questions. 

The parents guide can be found here:


To see the privacy notice please click 


Please speak to a member of the team if you’ve any questions 😊

Name Writing ✏️

We are having a huge push on all our children being able to write their name independently.



Please check Tapestry to see your child’s next steps in this process. All the children will be coming home with their own name writing pack. Please spend a few minutes practising everyday with them. Thank you 😊 

Our first week back 😊


It was a super busy week in FS2! 

The children were eager to access all the provision on offer especially the Construction area and all the areas with Mark Making such as the writing table and bakery.




Huge thank you to all of our parents and carers for getting the children to school in uniform ⭐️and then trusting us by handing your child over to us at the entrance ⭐️ especially if they were upset ⭐️



All of the children settled really well and most tears were gone once they were sat on the carpet with their friends.

We are looking forward to all the learning and memories we will make this year 💗

Thank you Ma’am ❤️

In honour of The Queen the children have produced some beautiful collective art. It has been proudly displayed in the window into school so all the parents and children can see it on their way to school. 


It was a lovely opportunity for the children to talk about the Queen and for us to answer any questions they may have about her passing 🤍 

Don’t forget to take a look the next time you come to school!

The Queen 1926-2022


Our children came into FS2 full of news about the Queen passing. We read lots of stories in memory of her.


How did they feel? 😊😢🫤😯


As part of our learning about feelings we explored how different characters from various stories felt in stories.




The children used brilliant facial expressions and were enthusiastic about using new words to describe how each character felt. They used the vocabulary from The Colour Monster to describe what colour each of the feelings was. 

Our feelings 🧡💚🖤💛💗💙♥️

We have been exploring how we feel makes us look and learning what we feel in terms of colour using the Colour Monster. This week we focused in on what makes us happy, angry and sad.


The Colour Monster 🌈



Over the next week we will be learning about feelings. 


The Colour Monster uses colours to describe feelings. We will think about what colour we feel and how each colour looks.



We intend to introduce new vocabulary to the children about feelings.


You can watch the story here…



Welcome back!



The FS2 teachers are super excited about welcoming our children into Cherry, Honeysuckle and Blossom classes!

We will see you bright and early tomorrow morning.  Teachers will be out on the playground tomorrow morning to welcome the children into class and answer any questions.

See you at 9.00 tomorrow morning 💗

Archive 2021-2022

Class of 2020 💗


…and that’s a wrap!! After two disrupted years due to covid, we finally managed a full year in school! 



Our children have worked super hard in all areas of learning and made amazing progress. 


We are exceptionally proud of all they have achieved and can’t wait to see how they progress throughout the rest of their years at New Moston.

Thank you for all your continued support and for trusting us with your precious little one 💗


Have the very best holiday, take care and keep safe! 🤩



EYFS team 2022 💗

Teddy bears picnic 🐻 ⭐️

We danced, played games, watched a magic show, got an ice cream from an actual ice cream van and had a picnic. 

The children had THE best time with Thomas our party entertainer! 


We danced and played games until our feet hurt! 💗


We cooled off with an ice cream from the van 


Enjoying a picnic with their bears 🐻 


So much fun 🤩 

EYFS graduation 👩🏻‍🎓 👨🏽‍🎓


HUGE thank you to all our parents and carers for coming to watch our graduation ceremony today. 
We are incredibly proud of our children and all that they have achieved
Thank you for trusting us to take care of your little lovelies and for your continued support!



The obligatory hat throw! 

FS2 disco 💃🏽 🕺 


The children had the best time at the FS2 disco. We started off outside with FS1 and had a good old boogie in the shade. 



We then moved into our classrooms to do some dance routines followed by hot dogs 🌭 and juice 🧃 



We finished off in the hall and became dancing penguins 🐧 



Fun times all round! 🤩

EYFS Graduation 👩🏻‍🎓


We have started rehearsing for the EYFS graduation on Wednesday 20th July at 9.30. 


All our parents and carers are invited to attend on 20th July.


Getting ready for Year 1 ⭐️

The children continued their transition into Year 1 by having a fun arts and crafts workshop with their parents in there new classes 



The children were buzzing with excitement when they got back to FS2 and couldn’t wait to share all they had done⭐️

Experiments! 👩🏽‍🔬 👨🏼‍🔬 

This week we have been scientific investigators and found out how to keep porridge warmer for longer and how the water that the roots of plants suck up gets around the plant.



We discovered that the porridge we wrapped in foil stayed the warmest because the foil reflects the heat back into the porridge 🥣 



The children discovered that the stem delivers water around the plant through teeny tiny tubes. We coloured the water orange so we would be able to see the water travelling.


Summer fair 2022 ☀️

It was the school summer fair and the children had an epic time! Face painting, tombola, cakes, biscuits, sweets and lots more! 



Cakes 🧁 


For the summer fair at school today FS2 made cakes to sell! 


We iced each cake and decorated them with haribo, jelly beans, foam sweets and dolly mixtures! 


Complete success! We sold out 🙌🏽

Science experiment: Porridge 🥣 


This week we will be doing lots of experiments as a unit. 
Our first experiment was all about porridge. How do we keep it hotter for longer? 

We made up the porridge with hot milk. We then put it into 3 bowls. We cover one with a plate, left one open and the last one we covered in foil.


The children learned what foil does-it reflects the heat! We talked about what reflecting means-it’s when light, air etc bounces off the shiny surface of the foil and stays inside

We left the porridge for 30 minutes. When we checked one of the porridge bowls were still warm, the one with foil wrapped around it! 

Our first assembly 🙏🏽🤲🏼

Miss Maynard has invited FS2 to attend Wednesday afternoon assembly. Our very first assembly was about NMPS Children’s Mental Health Week with Mr Kinch.



Our children did very well and were super keen to answer Mr Kinch’s questions. He gave out attendance certificates and this week Riley and Areaya had the best attendance 🤩


FS2 Sports Day 2022

It was FS2 sports day and the children had a blast! 
There were 3 races and a parents race!
The children cheered each other on and were very well behaved ⭐️

Huge thank you to all the parents, carers and families that came to watch 😊





A small selection of our smiling winners…


Reading buddies 📚 


Upper Key Stage two children come into FS2 everyday. Each group in the juniors sits and reads with different phonic groups each day.


Such a lovely, valuable experience for the youngest and eldest children in our school 💗




Thoughtful Thursday 😊


The fourth day of NMPS Children’s Mental Health Week was all about being thoughtful. The children shared ways that they are thoughtful and then made cards and pictures for their friends and family. Some children even went one step further and gave up chairs and glue sticks to demonstrate how thoughtful they can be 😁






Well-being Wednesday 


It was a screen free day! The sun was out and so were we ☀️ 

We practised all the different games the children would be doing on Sports Day, practising the crab 🦀 race brought about much laughter and a lot of concentration. Mr Haywood was our sports model for the afternoon!


Teamwork Tuesday 🙌🏽

Continuing with NMPS Children’s Mental Health week we marked Teamwork Tuesday with a team game! 

The main aim of the game was to keep the balloon in the air. We started off by working in small groups and then worked up to the whole class. 




Mindful Monday


It is Children’s Mental Health Week at NMPS. Today was Mindful Monday. We concentrated on being aware of our bodies and our breathing. 

The children worked with the meditating Pirate and used the spyglass to focus on each part of their body and relaxing it.



We then concentrated on our breathing by breathing in deeply to smell the flowers and then breathe out to blow all the birthday candles out.


The children were so engaged and it was a delightful sight to see them all with their eyes closed and fingers pinched focusing on their breathing 💗

Reading buddies 📚 👧🏻 👦🏽

Reading is very important for all children and every FS child needs to be able to apply their phonic skills by reading suitable books.


We’ve paired some of our children up with children from Upper Key Stage Two; they are reading buddies! 



The FS2 children have been inspired to retell stories to each other: this is brilliant because practise makes perfect! 

Transition to Year 1 ☀️

Over the next few weeks the children will spend time in the KS1 playground, corridor and classes. This is to ensure that the children become familiar with their new environment ready for September.




This week has been all about sharing the equipment outdoors.the children have loved having fun in the sun ☀️ 



Outdoors ☀️

Our Outdoor area looks glorious in the sun! The blazing sun and Miss Toshkazi’s commitment to getting all the children to water the plants, has meant that all the plants are blooming! 






Our story this half term is Little Red Hen. We’ve retold the story using actions, watched the story, discussed the different versions, made story maps and introduced different characters to our own version of the story. 


As the basis of the story is baking bread, we have learned how bread is made and different breads around the world. The children have particularly enjoyed bread tasting!! 



Red word sentences 🙌🏽

Red words cannot be sounded out, the children need to be able to read them on sight.


The children have been working super hard to use red words in sentences when writing independently 
We are so very proud of them!





Please help us at home by supporting your child to read red words independently. The red words the children need to know are:



Thank you for your continued support 😊

Number bonds! 

Each morning the children are now coming in and writing all the number bonds for 10.  This is in an effort to support them in being confident when recalling number bonds to 5 and 10




You can help at home by encouraging your child to give you the pair for a number 0-10 to make 10





The Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations 👑🇬🇧

We celebrated the Jubilee

today after learning all about the queen and how she has served us for 70 years.


The day caused a LOT of excitement!!
We started off with a fashion show: the children wore their smartest clothes in the colours of red, white and blue 🇬🇧






We spent the morning getting our picnic made. There was:
Jam sandwiches 🍓 🥪 
Cheese and crackers 🧀 
Apple juice with berries 
Homemade trifle 






We ate our picnic whilst listening to songs over the decades, 7 decades to be precise 🎵 



We finished off the day with an outdoors dance party whilst Ms Maynard judged the crown competition 👑




HUGE THANK YOU to all our parents: carers for helping us to have the most amazing picnic food ❤️

Shapes ⭐️

We are revisiting shapes this week, with a focus on 3D shapes.


The children have played lots of games including shape splat, shape corners and shape bumps. 

The children enjoyed an indoor 3 shape  hunt immensely but we couldn’t find a single cube, can you find one at home? 🤔



WOW writing 🤩


This half term we have seen a huge improvement in our children's writing. They are getting more confident in segmenting words when writing: the impact of phonics learning in Read Write Inc is clearly evident.



Super proud of our children 🙌🏽💗

Islam 💚


This week we have been learning about Islam in RE.  The learning has been based around the 5 pillars of Islam.



The children have learnt that Muslims believe in one God, give to the poor, spend one month not eating when it’s daylight, pray 5 times a day and the special space of most Muslims in Mecca.


We compared how Muslims celebrate Eid to to how Christians celebrate Christmas.  We found lots of similarities especially when it came to getting presents!


Rainbow Day ❤️🧡💛💚🌈


We celebrated International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia  with Rainbow Day 🌈


The children dressed up in all the colours of the rainbow.






We read lots of stories about different families.



We talked a lot about what makes a family, a family? The overwhelming answer was LOVE 💗 

We talked about our own families and how even though they are all made up of different people, they are a family  because they love each other ❤️




Letter families:

Curly Caterpillar Letters 🐛 


The children are working super hard to make their writing neat. The children are practicing letter formation in groups called letter families.  There are four altogether:



Today we practiced Curly Caterpillar letters 🐛 



The children worked hard…

The children had 2 challenges; they had to write a sentence using correct letter formation. We wrote:
I had cod
A fat dog



The children did really well! ⭐️ 

Duck lifecycle 🦆 


Last week we learnt all about the life cycle of a chicken.
Today in science we continued to learn about life cycles and focused on the life cycle of a duck.



The children followed the cycle & we then worked together to the steps in the correct order. 
We are looking forward to learning about different life cycles this week 🥚🦆

Home learning 🏡 
Encourage your child to talk about each stage of the cycle.  
Ask them about the story of Brenda’s Boring Egg! It can be found by clicking on this link…


Say cheese!! 📸 


It was class photograph today! All the children came in looking very smart ⭐️ Their uniforms were clean, hair styled  perfectly and the biggest, happiest smiles! 


We can’t wait to see the final images 💗

Bye bye 🐥


Our chicks have been with us for 2 weeks now and are going home to their farm. 

The children have watched the eggs hatch 🐣 into lively chicks that have got bigger day by day. 


They have all got to hold them and learnt to do it with care.  The children helped to clean, feed and give them water.




We will continue to learn about life cycles next week including frogs, ducks and butterflies 🦋 


Home learning
Encourage your child to talk about each stage of a chicks life. 
*how did the chick get out of the egg?
*how do we look after the chicks?
*Do they eat what you eat?
*what will the chicks become?
*how does the lifecycle carry on?

Subtracting 🤓


We have been learning how to subtract! We are reading number sentences and using the correct symbols.
Today we subtracted from 10. The children knocked down a tower of cans, each can had a number. The can they made contact with was the number we subtracted from 10. Individual children wrote the number sentence and then we used our fingers to work out the answer
We had much fun 🤩 


Home learning 🏡 
Lots of free games on this website to practice subtracting!


Chicks 🥚🐣 🐥 


Once the chicks had dried their feathers, had a rest and eaten; they were ready for the children to handle.





The children were careful and super calm when holding them, they commented on how soft the chicks were. It caused much excitement when the chicks discovered thy can jump out of the blue tray! 

Chicks 🥚 🐣 


We had a delivery of chicken eggs earlier this week and it caused great excitement when they started to hatch!



The awe and wonder that the hatching created was truly wonderful 🥰

Phonic Superstars 🤩


Following another round of phonic assessments, the group that are now working alongside Year 1 children, has got even bigger!


Violet,  Aimee, TJ, Minnie, Hayden & Ralphy are the latest set of FS2 children to join Year 1.  Ellie, Andrew, Sarah, Luna, Matthew, Finn and Isla continue to make excellent progress. 

We are so very proud of them and all the other FS2 children because they all made progress 😊

Vincent Van Gogh


In Art we have been learning about the artist Van Gogh.  The children learned that Van Gogh painted in colours that showed his mood.


The children in FS2 thought that Van Gogh was happy when he painted his Sunflower painting because it’s in different shades of yellow.


The FS2 children painted flowers in colours to show how they feel. They used the colours from the story of ‘The Colour Monster’


How do you think the children were feeling when they painted flowers? 


5 year old Dental Health Survey 🦷


NMPS is one of the schools in Manchester that has been randomly selected to help with the Oral Health Survey of five year old children 2021-2022.


It’ll help provide vital information about how to plan dental services where oral health is poor. This is particularly so in the North West of England and especially in areas of Manchester. 


Julie Laverock, the community dental nurse came with a dental nurse to check the selected children’s teeth



Julie asked us to let you know that if you don’t have a dentist:

  • call NHS 111
  • log on to NHS choices at and click ‘Find a dentist’

For emergency treatment call 03333323800 between 8am and 10pm


Thank you to all our parents/carers that gave consent for their child to take part in the survey 😊

International Day of Dance 🕺 💃🏽 


Friday 29th is International Day of Dance. It is to encourage people across the globe to cherish each other's dance forms. Our children had great fun at the FS2 dance party 🥳


FS2 provision 


The staff in FS2 have been super busy enhancing the indoor environment. Our topic is plants and in addition to this we will be learning about being safe on the roads, near water and at home. Here is a small selection…






EYFS Outdoor improvements ☀️ 


The EYFS team are continuing to work hard to make the outdoors as amazing as our indoor environment, for our children 


We have been busy painting! 🎨 



Mrs Bennett has been our resident artist and has painted some brilliant backdrops.


We have designated areas for different provision.  





Keep your eyes peeled for more improvements! 😎





The Enormous Turnip


This half term we are learning all about plants! The story we are reading to support our learning is The Enormous Turnip. 


We have read and watched the story. The children have been retelling the story and they had great fun role playing the story!


Easter 🐣: Bonnet and egg parade 🥚 


To celebrate Easter all the children were invited to craft a bonnet and decorate an egg.

We had some brilliant entries!





Much fun was had by the children whilst parading their super colourful bonnets and imaginative eggs.


Huge thank you to Miss Maynard for coming to judge the competition. She said it was really hard to choose!!



After lots of pondering, our winners are…



Hugest thanks to all our families for their super crafting and decorating skills! 🐣

Easter 🐣: Pastor Bob


This week we are learning about Easter and why it is celebrated by Christians.


We started our learning with a visit from Pastor Bob May, he’s Mrs Studholme’s daddy! 


Pastor Bob explained why Easter is so important to Christians. He said that Jesus died but then came back to life. Jesus came back to life because he loves us.


He also talked about how we celebrate Easter with 

🐣chocolate eggs

🐣chocolate bunnies

🐣hot cross buns

🐣going to church ⛪️ 


The children throughly enjoyed meeting Pastor Bob and listened really well to his words.



Spring Parents Reading Morning 🌼


We welcomed our children’s families into FS2 this morning for reading morning. 
The children enjoyed quality time with their families, reading a selection of our books.




Thank you to all our families for making the time to come 😊


Hero ladybird! 🐞 👂🏽


One of the animal themed books we read this half term was called ‘What the Ladybird Heard’



We enjoyed reading about what a hero the ladybird is and how important It is to listen! 

The children applied their phonic learning to write newspaper articles. It was evident they had really listened and understood the story!





We had some super captions and imaginative drawings 🐞

Piet Mondrian


We have been learning about the artist called Piet Mondrian.  He painted using right angles, simple lines and blocks of colours. He liked to make his own paint colours by mixing primary colours. 

The FS2 children used rulers and thick felt tips to independently produce art inspired by Mondrian.




Our art is on display in the corridor outside FS2 and on the FS2 corridor.

Mother’s Day 💗


The children all made a card each for the most special person in their family who takes care of them.



All of the children chose their mums 🌸



We hope you enjoy your cup of tea ☕️ 


Thank you to all our children’s family for their continued support 😊


Happy Mother’s Day 💗



A hungry Tiger is on the loose! 🐅 😲


The New Moston News headline was shocking! 


We read it together and learnt that a little girl called Sophie and her mum had a surprise visitor for tea! 🐅 He just happened to knock on the door and mum invited him in 😲



He ate ALL the food on the table and in the kitchen. He then drank all the water, tea and juice in the house!


He then waved good bye and never returned even though Sophie and mum bought a huge tin of tiger food 🐯 



Keep your eyes peeled!! 👀 🐅

Rockstar Day ✊🏽🎸👊🏽🎸👍🏽

To celebrate World Maths Day, NMPS had Rockstar Day! 🎸👊🏽The children loved dressing up and looked amazing; huge thank you to our parents and carers for putting in so much effort ✊🏽 



The school maths lead, Mrs Waddell organised for real life rockers, Rock Kidz UK,  to come and help us celebrate



The children danced and jumped and had lots of fun 🤩


The Rock Kidz delivered the message of YASBA!










The workshop ended with a dance battle for our children and teachers. Miss Maynard and Mrs Waddell were brilliant sports and did some epic dance moves! 

A brilliant and positive day filled with Maths and positive messages!



World Maths Day 23/3/22


Today is World Maths Day. 

Below are some ideas of activities you can do at home with your child. 

We hope you enjoy doing some of them.

Helping others 😇



At our school we are collecting a variety of things for children and adults affected by war in the world. 
Requested items needed include 

  • Wet wipes
  • First aid items
  • Blankets
  • Childrens toys, books & crayons
  • Nappies
  • Sleeping bags
  • Hygiene products
  • Toothbrushes

These items can be sent into school in a bag 💗

Early Morning Writing 🌸


Every morning the children come into the class and write their name with correct formation being encouraged and modelled


They are then asked to write a caption to match the picture on the whiteboard. The adults are super impressed with the children’s attitude to independently write captions! 




EYFS Outdoor Area 🌸🌼🌻🌷🌺


Miss Maynard has given us funds to make our outdoor area brighter and beautiful! We’ve bought planters, hanging baskets and plants


The delivery for all the things we’d bought was super exciting 🤩


The children have had a brilliant time planting with the adults. Adults have used it as an opportunity to help the children learn about plant parts and what each part does especially the roots 





The planting was a huge success and our outdoors already looks brighter!



Lots of other projects are going to be going on next week to make the outdoors even more fun 🤩 


Keep your eyes peeled for the improvements 🙂

Fire drill! 🔥 


We had a fire drill today and we are happy to report that all of the children did all the right things which ensured that we were safe.


The children got to go round to the Upper Key Stage 2 playground and found it all very exciting!



Outdoor provision 🌸


Miss Maynard has been super kind and given EYFS some money to make our outdoor provision even more epic! 

We had a delivery from B&Q and Miss Pickering, Miss Leach and Mr Haywood showed just how strong they are by moving all the delivery items to a safe and secure place.



Keep your eyes peeled when walking through EYFS playground for all the exciting changes 🤩



Family reading morning 📚


FS2 welcomed families  into the unit this morning to read with the children. Some children brought their own favourite books in from home for their parent/carer to read to them and their friends. Some of the other children used our new school fiction books with their family member.





Huge thank you to all the families that came, we look forward to seeing you at the next one 🤓

World Book Day 🌍 📕 🤓


We have had an epic day celebrating WBD!
We all dressed up as adjectives…



We had some brilliant adjectives including:

🤓 magical

🤓 sporty

🤓 colourful 

🤓 sparkly

🤓 spotty 






We were super lucky and had some adult readers come to do storytime! Huge thank you to Miss Maynard, Mrs Toshkezi, Miss Richardson, Mr Kinch, Mrs Kelly Rimmer and Mrs Lucas.



Lots of fun was had by all the children and the book swap was a great success. All of the children got their free £1 book about Duggee too!

Phonic Superstars 🤩


In our most recent phonic assessments Matthew, Sarah, Isla, Andrew, TJ, Finn, Luna and Ellie did so well that they are now at RWInc Purple book level which means they go to Year One for phonics! 


Super proud of all our children as most of them made progress in phonics last half term.
We are raring to go to ensure our children achieve all they are capable of 😊


⭐️Check Tapestry regularly to see how you can support your child’s phonic learning at home ⭐️

Pancake day! 

The children were super excited about pancake day! Most of them said they would be having chocolate syrup on their pancake 🥞 


We learnt why and how pancake day is celebrated. New words including ‘Lent’ and ‘Shrove Tuesday’ were introduced. 
The children learnt that Shrove Tuesday is a Christian celebration and it’s about reminding them to slow down and remember all the wonderful things they have in life.


We ended the day by enjoying chocolate filled pancakes! 


St Davids Day


This morning we found a little surprise when we came to school, Miss Maynard had left each class a bunch of daffodils with a message…



Its St Davids Day! 

We have learnt that St David was a very special man who liked to learn about Jesus and tell stories about him.

He could make poorly people better, he grew vegetables to share and he fed the poor.



We learnt that St David is very important to the Welsh people in Wales and on the 1st March each year lots of special events take place to honour him.  These events include parades with lots of Welsh dancing, singing and foods.



Happy St Davids Day! 

Internet Safety Day 🖥💻📱


In assembly today, FS2 learned all about keeping safe online. 
the children said they use tablets, computers and phones to play games, look at Tapestry and watch their favourite programs on You Tube.

We read the story of Smartie The Penguin about keeping safe online. 


Here are some tips for keeping your child safe online…




Chinese New Year 🧧 🥳


This week we have been learning  about Chinese New Year. We have thought about similarities and differences in how Christmas and Chinese New Year is celebrated.


The children enjoyed the story of how CNY started, we read and watched it.



2022 is the year of the Tiger and we learned that is is believed that people have the qualities of the animal dependent on the year they were born in. 
The children in FS2 were born in the year of the Rooster or Monkey. 



Ms Rashid was born in the year of the dog 🐶 

What year were you born in?

Number bonds! 

FS2 have been busy 🐝 learning number bonds for 5 and 10. They are increasingly confident in being able to recall the bonds without any help.

We will continue to practise recalling them because practise makes perfect! 🤩



Weekly mile 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃‍♂️

FS2 complete their weekly mile on Friday mornings. The children really enjoy the mile especially when we go really fast on the UKS2 yard.




Having fun whilst exercising is marvellous 🤩 

The 3 little 🐷🐷🐷 & The big bad 🐺 


We have continued to explore the story of the the 3 little 🐷🐷🐷 by making story maps and thinking about how the 🐺 looks and feels.


Story mapping:


How does the 🐺 look and feel:


Our new climbing frame 🤩


Our new climbing frame opened this week and the children loved it! They were able to climb over, under and on the huge wooden logs.


We had some super excited children 👧🏽 👦🏻 🥳


The Dentist came to visit! 🦷



The dental team nurse came to visit us today. She talked to us about the importance of looking after our teeth.


Her key messages were: 
* Brush your teeth twice a day 
* Toothpaste; a pea sized blob is just the job 
* We should brush for 2 minutes in a circles on our teeth 
* Only eat sweets after teatime
* Visit the dentist to make sure your teeth are healthy 
* Dummies make our top teeth move forward which is not good
* We should only use a cup to drink, no bottles
* Look after your teeth especially your adult teeth because those have to last a life time 



Every child will be coming home with a toothbrush and toothpaste this week.

The Big Bad Wolf 🐺 


This half term we are reading the story of The Three Little Pigs 🐷 🐷🐷

We have been learning to use adjectives to describe the Wolf in the story.  Some children wrote wanted posters and drew pictures of the wolf 🐺 whilst others wrote lists of words



Check us out! 🚲 


The children the EYFS have been enjoying the new bikes and scooters we have bought with Sport Premium Grant. We love them 🤩


Phonic Superstars! 🤩


In our most recent phonic assessments Matthew, Sarah and Ellie did so well that they are now at RWInc Green book level which means they go to Year One for phonics! We are very proud of them as is Miss Maynard. They all went in her proud book and got a prize ⭐️

Santa 🎅🏽 🎄🤩


Santa Claus came to visit us!


All the children were super excited! We sang Christmas songs for him. Some of the children spoke to Santa and asked him questions. Daisy was intrigued by Santa’s beard!


All the children got a present each 🎁 


Ho ho ho!! 🎅🏽


Christmas Party Day 🎅🏽🎄🥳


FS2 enjoyed party day! We dressed up, ate yummy food, played pass the parcel and danced!!

Thank you to all our parents and carers for brining in party food.
Lots of fun was had! 🥳




Christingle 🎄


Today the children learnt all about Christingles and why they are important to Christians. 

We made Christingles in small groups 😊




🎅🏽 EYFS Christmas Sing-a-long 🎄


140 children

12 members of staff

140 costumes

13 songs with actions

Countless rehearsals 

280 parents/carers

5 performances

1 super proud Ms Rashid 🤗


The children sang and danced at each show and it was brilliant 🤩 





Lots more photographs on Tapestry 🎄

Huge thank you to all our parents and carers for all the costumes and for making time to watch! 🎅🏽


Christmas counting🎄 


We have been learning about numbers in great depth so how to recognise, count, add, subtract and subitise . This past week we have been counting using objects. 

The children used jewels and buttons to count sets for numbers 0-20

We worked on counting carefully; touching each item as they say a number 

Lots of practice is needed; it would be marvellous if you could encourage your child to count at every opportunity.  





Chocolate raffle! 🍫 

The winners were…
⭐️ O’Shea
⭐️ Halle
⭐️ Ruby Rose 

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO BOUGHT A TICKET! All money collected will be used to buy plants and bulbs for our outdoor environment 


We are selling raffle tickets for a chocolate raffle.
It’s £1 a strip
We will use the money raised to buy plants and flowers for the EYFS outdoors.
Tickets can be bought in the morning or at home time 
There are 3 prizes!
Thank you! 


Wonderful Word Writing ✍🏼 


The children in FS2 have been using their phonics learning to write words to match pictures. 

We are so very proud of them! 





We LOVE taking pictures of our children whilst they are learning in groups with adults and when they are in provision discovering how to use their adult led learning.

Unfortunately, very few of our children have been given consent by their parent/carer to have their pictures used on our blog, school website or social media


PLEASE click on this link and consent to your child’s pictures being used.

We are super proud of their achievements and are eager to share with the world! 

Thank you 😊 

FS Christmas Sing-a-long 🎄🎵🎤


Rehearsals are in full swing to be pitch perfect for our shows starting from next Thursday.


Thursday 9th-Saplings at 9.30

Friday 10th-Seedlings at 10.45

Monday 13th-Honeysuckle at 9.30

Tuesday 14th-Cherry at 10.45

Wednesday 15th-Blossom at 9.30


Please remember to wear your mask and bring your tickets. Only 2 adults per child to keeping our whole school community safe.


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! 🎄 🎅🏽 

Christmas was welcomed into FS2 with lots of decorations and new provision! 
Have a look at what we have done 🎄



We have a tree in each room! The children helped decorate the class trees 🎄




Some of the children even helped Miss Maynard to decorate her office! 


The children came into school positively giddy about the snow because they wanted to be out in it with their friends! So, after phonics we got wrapped up and put on our wellies and went outside. It was magnificent! 

The children had snowball fights!


Made snow angels!


Made snow castles!



Got cold!


The children throughly enjoyed the first snow of the season ⛄️ 

Children in Need! 

The children came into school and wore pjs for a donation of £1!

All donations are for CIN. The children learned about the charity and some of the things they do to help people in the UK and abroad.


Remembrance  Day




FS2 paid their respects on Thursday by observing the 2 minute silence at 11am

We watched two stories  about the reason we mark the day each year.

The age appropriate stories were Flanders Field and Poppies. Both can be found on YouTube 😊

Above and beyond ⭐️ 

All our children have a football training session with Coach Jack on Tuesday. On Friday the children that have gone ‘above and beyond’ by working super hard, made amazing progress, behaved brilliantly or have been kind get to have an extra football training session ⭐️

Busy 🐝 


There is lots to do whilst in our provision. The children explore and learn in lots of areas. Here is a small sample of our children in the provision!




Celebrating our children’s work ⭐️

We have put lots of new displays up inside and around FS2. We love showing off our children’s work! Make sure to have a look when you come to parents evening 😊





Ms Rashid’s absolute favourite is the staff board; it’s fabulous to see how our children see us 💗


EYFS Family Reading Workshop 📚 


We welcomed our parents into FS2 for the our first reading workshop. Some of the children brought in their favourite books from home whilst others read some of our special story time books.

It was a brilliant morning, thank you to all the parents/carers that came 😊





Goldilocks birthday party 🥳 


To finish off our learning for Goldilocks and The Three Bears we helped Goldilocks with the food for her party that Baby Bear was invited too.

We learned how to make jelly, chocolate milk and jam sandwiches. We wrote the instructions down and sent them to Goldilocks. We’ve been super busy bees 🐝 


Making jam sandwiches 


Making jelly


Making chocolate milk



Pantasaurus 🩲 


We have been watching Pantasaurus and learning how to keep our bodies safe.

The children have learnt that their bodies belong only to them, their private parts are covered by pants and if someone wants to see or touch under your pants we say “No!” and tell an safe adult.

You can watch the video here:



🦠 Germs! 🦠 


We have been learning about keeping ourselves healthy by washing germs away. 
We did the glitter experiment! We used glitter on our hands to represent germs. The children then shooky hands with each other and saw that the glitter spread just like germs do. 
We learnt that if you sing the happy birthday song twice whilst washing your hands with soap and water, almost all the germs are washed away.



We are super excited to tell you that our children in FS2 have started their Phonics learning journey with Read Write Inc! 
The children have started learning the Set 1 sounds


Please support us at home by completing the phonics homework every week 

Thank you 😊 

My family 💗



We are learning about families! The children are talking about their families, other children’s families and thinking about what makes a family. 
Lots of learning around different families and even the Royal Family! 
Every child has drawn their own family, can you spot the mummy with a baby in her tummy? 😀


In September 2021 the EYFS Reception Baseline became statutory, which means all the children have worked 1:1 with an adult in FS2 to complete a set number of questions. 
The children point, listen, speak and count to answer questions. 
We are super proud of our children for being so grown up about answering these question 😍

To see the privacy notice please click here

Thank you 😊 

This is Coach Jack! 
He is a football coach from Manchester City Football Club. 
He will be with us all year. All the children will work with him on a Tuesday afternoon and some of the children who have gone ‘Above and Beyond!’ In their learning or behaviour will get to work with him on a Friday too ⚽️ 

In EYFS we use the Tapestry app to share what we are doing in school and invite parents to do the same by uploading their own photos snd observations about what they’ve been doing at home with their child.


If you need  to register, please email


We will send you a link to access and create an account 


Thank you 😊 


Huge welcome to all our children, parents and carers to FS2!
