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Mrs Sayle

Week ending 7/02/2020

Congratulations to 3M 100% attendance last week, just a handful of late marks stopped them from achieving HERO status.

In  very close 2nd place were  4W with 99.3%

In KS1 Sycamore received the award for best attendance with 98.3% 

The classes with the best attendance last half term - Autumn 1

KS1 Sycamore with 97.1% and KS2 6T with 97.5%

There is now a dedicated email address for reporting absences, this is


KS 1 and KS 2 are enjoying a weekly reward of choosing a book for the class with the best attendance and

after the half term break Reception classes will be in competition to receive Attendance Tigger.

Nursery children  will receive recognition of their attendance at the end of each half term.
