Pine Class
Welcome to Pine Class' information and blog page. Here you will find general class information and see what we have been up to in our learning
Class teacher: Mr Howard
Support Staff: Mrs Armstrong
PE Days:
PE will be on Thursdays and Fridays. PE kit is: pair of black or navy shorts, a plain white t-shirt and a pair of pumps or trainers for going outside. Black or navy zipped hoodies can also be worn in cold weather. Children can wear their school kit all day on PE days if they wish - please note they are not permitted to wear other sports clothes.
Homework will be available on Google Classrooms and a paper copy will also be sent home. Please choose a task off the homework grid each week and submit via google classrooms or it can be brought in on paper.
Children have all been provided with a spelling level. Children need to practise these at home and bring in their ticket when they are confident they can get all right. Once they have been tested and got all correct, children can move onto the next colour before then moving up at level.
Reading and Times Tables:
Our school expectation is that your child reads at least three times a week at home to an adult. This needs to be recorded in your child's reading record and signed by an adult. This record needs to be brought into school every day. We will check this on a Monday and children achieve a reading sticker on their bookmark. Once their bookmark is full they will receive a brand new book to keep as a prize If your child has finished their reading book, please bring it in on any day to be changed.
Your child will also have access and passwords to Times Table Rockstars and Purple Mash. Their usernames and passwords will be put in their Reading Record Books.
Contact us:
If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to speak to us. You can catch us most mornings before school or wait to speak to us after the children have been released to parents/carers at home time. Alternatively, you can contact us via our class email address:
We are looking forward to having a positive, exciting year in Pine Class
Reading morning in Pine.
We have had fun with our rock topic learning the 3 types of rocks. Can you ask your child if they can remember the 3 names?
Well done Sarah and Harriet! we are very proud of you both in your extracurricular activities.
Italian Day
Badminton practise.
Children in need - Pudsey day.
Odd socks day for anti-bullying in Pine class.
Remembrance day.
English-Instruction! In Pine class we have been learning about instructions and linking that to our class book 'Paddington'. To support their creativity we made marmalade sandwiches and took pictures of each step to support their writing.

In Science we have been learning what the purpose of a skeleton is. Today we progressed this by learning about joints and muscles to teach the children that without muscles our bones can not move and without joints we can not bend.
Pine class had a great lesson today for P4C where we spoke about what made us, us. This was a good opportunity for the children to discuss what makes them, them in regards to what they like, dont like and how that makes everybody unique.
Thankyou to Zachary who has pushed his learning past pine class and created a Ancient Egyptian book. I was blown away and so was the class so thakyou Zachary.
Congratulations to Sarah Dunkerley and David Caldare on becoming the Eco warriors for Pine Class. We look forward to seeing you represent Pine class.
Congratulations to Ralphy Williams on becoming the JLT for Pine Class. Very well deserved Ralphy!
Science - In Science we have learning what a healthy plate looks like and the nutrients we need to be healthy. Today we focused on looking at food labels to identify which foods contain fats and sugar. Ask your child what they could add to their diet to make it more healthy.
English - we have started writing our character descriptions of Fantastic Mr Fox, focusing on his personality and appearance. The children have been concentrating on using adjectives and similes to make their writing more exciting and descriptive.
Maths - we are working on place value and continued exploring numbers up to 1000! We have looked at all the different ways we can represent a number and used lots of concrete resources to help us such as base ten and place value counters.
DT - In DT we have been looking at the history of the zip to help us understand more about our pencil case designs that the children will create. Today we challenged the children to practise stitches such as the running stitch and the back stitch which the children loved.
Fun day at New Moston
Pine class have had a blast making pneumatic chairs with a ladybug theme for Baby Bear. Well done everyone, they look amazing!
Pine and Elm practise for sports day
PE in pine class! The children have been working hard on their coordination and core strength.
This half term our main topic is "Does it always rain in the rainforest?." In science, we are learning about 'Plants.'
We will be using 'The Iron Man' as part of our English lessons and Whole Class Reading to support us with our learning.
Please take a look at our Topic Plan.
Well done to everybody who entered the Easter egg competition, I was blown away with the effort and creativity! Our 1st place winner goes to... DEMI! Congratualtions!
The children had fun in Pine today, making 3D shapes for world Maths day.
Reading morning in Pine class
New Moston Primary’s Big School Clean Up
This half term our main topic is "The Mayan Civilisation." We will be learning about: What life was like at the height of the Mayan Civilisation. In science, we are learning about 'States of Matter.'
We will be continuing using 'The Butterfly Lion' as part of our English lessons and Whole Class Reading to support us with our learning.
Please take a look at our Topic Plan.
New topic in Science- States of matter.
PE- This was a fun lesson for Mr Howard and the children working on their core strength and co-ordination.
Science - The children have loved learning about carnivores, herbivores, consumers and producers, well done pine class!
The children are loving the new sculpture topic in Art!

We had fun in pine class trying to guess which organs go where in the digestive system, very well done everybody!
Reading morning in Pine
Pine class’ eco warriors
More core strength training in our PE sessions with some control and awareness activities using sensory scarfs and target practise
We have been practising lining up safely and sensibly in Pine class, very impressive
The children had a great time trying and making ingredients for their salad and egg dishes in DT
Indian dance workshop
In PE we played dishes and domes working on our spatial awareness
Amazing work in PE, focusing on balance
Show racism the red card day at New Moston! Have a lovely half term Pine class
Boudica posters
We have had an exciting few weeks in Pine class, working hard on place value, and adding and subtracting numbers
Archive 2022-23
Let’s Go Wild Fun Day 🐯🐍🦓

Making shapes
World Environment Day 🌎
Celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III🥳🎉
Local area walk
As part of our Design and Technology work, Pine class have been designing and creating Stone Age pouches using an over stitch. We really had to concentrate:)
World Book Day 📚📖

Please be aware that Pine Class and Elm Class will the welcomed into school and dismissed from school via the side white door near the rear school car park. This is due to building work that has started. Please follow the signs:)
Yoga session
Wear Yellow for Mental Health Day
We have started our final piece of cave art… come back soon to see the finish product!
Last session at Forest School. What a way to end - toasting marshmellows:)
Fire Week at Forest School

Our topic this term is a History topic. We will be looking at changes from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.
Please see the knowledge organiser below for more information.
Stone Age Knowledge Organiser
Christmas Jumper Day 🎄🎅🏻
Art - making volcanoes using papier-mâché 🌋
Another successful reading morning 📖📚
Children in Need 🧸

Our topic for the half term is a Geography topic - 'Why does the Earth get angry?' which focuses on volcanoes and earthquakes.
See our knowledge organiser below for more information:)
Reading morning :)
We love reading!
Show Racism the Red Card - Friday 21st October

Pine Class had an amazing and very muddy first session at Forest School. The children enjoyed: splashing in puddles, exploring the forest school surroundings, searching for minibeasts, building dens with twigs and leaves and much more!
Favour said: 'I can't wait for next week!'
Ireoluwa said: 'It was the best day ever!'
Forest School

Pine class had a great Ancient Egyptian workshop. We found out lots of information about this early civilisation. Ask us!
Locating Egypt

To kick off Year 3, we will be learning all about an early civilization - Ancient Egypt.
Please find a copy of our knowledge organiser below which explains what we will be learning about:)
Ancient Egypt
Archive 2021-2022
Rainforest Poster Presentations
We have been learning all about the Rainforest this term. We have learned about the climate, the animals, and the many different species of plants that grow there.
In today's lesson we did some brilliant group work to create beautiful poster presentations. We collaboratively in mixed groups. Each member of the group had a different responsibility. We needed to research, select interesting facts and use our creative skills to present them on a poster. We thought about our groups different strengths and gave each child their own role. When we had completed our posters we presented them to the whole class! It was a bit nerve wracking but we all felt proud of the work we created together.
A Platinum Jubilee!
A Platinum Jubilee!
We had the best time in Pine class celebrating Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee! We created her a beautiful card, we made our own sandwiches and bunting ready to celebrate with a whole school party! Didn't we all look brilliant in our royal or red white and blue outfits!
Baby Chicks!
Today in Pine class we had a special treat! We got to visit the baby chicks in reception. We had to be very quiet and very still. They loved being held by the children and were very calm. We learned that the yellow ones were boys and the brown ones were girls. They were so cute!!!
Our new topic question is: Does it always rain in the rainforest?
We will be exploring the different layers of the rainforest, the climate and plants and animals that live in rainforests. Please find a copy of our knowledge organiser for this half term below which further explains what we are going to be learning about.
Does it always rain in the rainforest?
Pine Class Easter Egg Hunt!
Suffragettes Timeline
Suffragettes Timeline
This half term, we have been studying the Suffragettes! We have learned all about the movement for women's rights and even had a visit from a real Suffragette. We made banners and posters and went on a march chanting for votes for women. Here is a timeline of the events we have learned about...
World Maths Day 23/3/22
Today is World Maths Day.
Below are some ideas of activities you can do at home with your child.
We hope you enjoy doing some of them.
This week we practiced our speaking and listening skills in whole class reading to perform a poem in an exciting way, just like Michael Rosen, whose work we loved learning about last half term. We read "The Sound Collector" and worked with our reading partners to rehearse the poem and perform it complete with actions. The Sound collector was full of onomatopoeia (words that sound like what they are), we made sure to put lots of emphasis on these words!
Performance Poetry
Suffragettes - Spring 2 Knowledge Organisers
Money £££

Money £££
For the past 2 weeks we have been learning about how to use money. We now understand which coins and notes are in use in the UK and can name and label them. We can find the right coins to make an amount, we can add together items to find a total amount and we can now calculate the change we need!
Keep on practicing at home, if you go to the shops, can you total the items you want to buy? Can you figure out how much change you should receive?
Electrical Circuits
This term we are learning how to be bright sparks! This means that we will be focusing on light and electricity. In todays lesson we built and tested electrical circuits. We made predictions about which circuits would work and fail then tested out our circuits to see if our predictions were correct. We learned that in order for electrical current to flow around a circuit, the circuit must be closed.
Bonfire Night Artwork
This week we have been learning about the history of the gunpowder plot and why we celebrate Bonfire night. Today we spent the afternoon creating beautiful fireworks artwork. We begun by collecting twigs and leaves from outside, which we then dried in class whilst we created our oil pastel firework pictures. We considered which colours would stand out on the black background and imagined different shapes for our fireworks. Finally we created bonfires from the twigs and leaves we collected. We are so proud of the final results.
Show Racism the Red Card
For Black History Month we have been learning about famous Black figures in history. Children learned about famous musicians in school and researched other important Black figures for their homework. We have learned about the inequalities that used to exist in society and inequalities that still exist today. The children had some strong feelings that they shared about the issue. I am really proud of the maturity and empathy the children have shown this week.
Pine Class Stars in Thriller

We have been working on a spooky dance in our PE slots since the start of the year! We worked hard to practice all of the steps until we knew them perfectly. We also made up small group routines independently. This week we did our own zombie makeup and filmed our final performance. We hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it!
Battle of Boudicca vs the Romans
We have been continuing our Roman History topic. This week we recreated the battle of Boudicca vs the Romans! We created our own shields in an art lesson, the red shields were used by the Romans and the celtic design shields would be used by the people of the Icini tribe. Some children wore costumes so we could tell they were playing the parts of Boudicca, the Roman Emperor and the Roman General. Did you know that Boudicca's army was ten times the size of the Roman army? However, despite the Roman army being smaller, it was more skilled and the Roman's still were victorious! Boudicca could not accept defeat and chose to drink poison rather than live under Roman rule. As you can see, we had a lot of fun recreating this famous battle!
Roman Mosaics!
This afternoon we started work on some beautiful Roman Mosaics. We used black paper and drew designs of aqueducts, volcanoes (Mount Vesuvius), and Roman roads. Then we cut paper into small pieces (it didn't matter if it was uneven because the Romans had to chisel stones into tiny pieces to create theirs). We are really pleased with how they are turning out and will continue to work on them next week!
Bridging through 10!

This week in Pine class, we have been learning different addition methods. The children have done brilliantly, we started the week using base 10 to add together two-digit numbers and we have built up the difficulty over the course of the week. Today we learned how to add numbers together renaming 10 ones as 1 ten! Some children moved on to represent the hundreds, tens, and ones by drawing them into place value columns. A few even managed to use column addition. It was quite tricky at first but the children persevered and felt very proud when it all started to click, I'm so proud of them too!