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Maple Class

Welcome to Maple Class!

Welcome to Maple Class' information and blog page. Here you will find general class information and see what we have been up to in our learning. smiley


Class teacher       Mrs Kahn


Support staff        Phase TAs will support in the class throughout the week

PE days                 PE will be on a Thursday and a Friday. Please make sure your child has a PE Kit
                            in school.
                            This needs to simply be a pair of black or navy shorts, a plain white t-shirt and

                            a pair of pumps or trainers for going outside. Black or navy zipped hoodies can

                            also be worn in cold weather.

                            Children can wear their school kit all day on PE days if they wish - please note

                            they are not permitted to wear other sports clothes.

Homework            Homework will be set on Google Classrooms. Your child will be sent a

                             homework grid via the school app that has a variety of English, Maths and         

                             Topic activities on it for them to complete. They choose to do at least one         

                             activity each week (although they can do more!) Your child's username and       

                             password will be stuck in their Reading Record Book. Their homework needs to

                             be submitted by Thursday, as I will look at it before Friday and send a

                            certificate home to those children who have completed homework.


Reading and          Our school expectation is that your child reads at least three times

Times Tables         a week at home to an adult. This needs to be recorded in your child's reading

                             record and signed by an adult. This record needs to be brought into school

                             every day. We will check this on a Friday and children achieve a reading sticker

                             on their bookmark.
                             Once their bookmark is full they will receive a brand new book to keep as a

                             prize :)

                             If your child needs to change their reading book, they can change it on any day

                             when they go to their Read Write Inc group.

                             Your child will also have access and passwords to Times Table Rockstars and

                             Purple Mash. Their usernames and passwords will be put in their Reading

                             Record Books as soon as we have them all.


Contact us            If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to speak to us. You can

                            catch us most mornings before school or wait to speak to us after the children

                            have been released to parents/carers at home time.

                            Or you can contact us via our class email address:


We very much look forward to working with you throughout the year in Maple Class and we are sure we will have a lot of fun learning. :) 

🌈 Rainbow Day 🥰

🙏🏼 Please Mrs Butler 😁

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🦷 Dental Health 😁

Today in PSHE we have looked at the importance of dental health. We thought carefully about how many times a day we need to brush our teeth (2 times) and how long (2 minutes). 

We then thought about how much sugar is in different food items and sorted food into foods that have lots of sugar and food that has less sugar. 

We decided to keep our teeth healthy is to make sure we brush our teeth and clean our mouths, visit dentists and think carefully about what we are eating. 

🎨 Sculpting! 🙌🏻

For art this half term, we are sculptors! We have started by exploring clay and different ways we can manipulate it. We used our hands, a variety of tools and slip to help join pieces of clay together. 

🔍 Living, Dead or Non-living? 🤔

For Science this week we have been investigating if things are living, dead or non-living. We thought carefully about what they mean and predicted what we might find outside that could fit under each category. We then went outside and noted our observations before checking these against the predictions! 

👷Designing, Creating and Evaluating 🧑‍🎨

Over this half term, we have have been creating toy cars for Reception! 
We listened carefully about what Reception wanted, explored other toy cars to see what we liked about them or what we would want to change in our designs, thought carefully about a design criteria (we knew we wanted them strong and stable, colourful and have four wheels), designed our cars, created them and then evaluated them by allowing Reception children to play with them and asking them what they liked. 

📚 The Story of Hanukkah 🕎

In RE this week we have been learning about the story of Hanukkah and how the holy festival started. We used role play to help us remember the story.

🤩 Stars of the Week ⭐️

🕵️‍♂️ Characteristics of Animal Groups 🥼

Today in science we learnt that animals are sorted into different classification groups based on their characteristics. We studied images of different animals to work out what characteristics they had in common for them to be birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals or fish. We were surprised to think beyond the ideas of animals not just sharing the characteristics of ears and eyes! 

😆 Our Big Emotions 🥰

This week has been Mental Health Week! We are been focusing on our big emotions, thinking carefully about the names of different emotions, what they look like in us and how to manage big emotions. Can you guess what emotions we are showing?

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

🌸 Exploring Spring 🌱

For our first week back, we went back to the park to explore the differences in our local environment as it is now spring! We noticed that the coniferous trees still had their leaves and the deciduous trees now had started to grow blossom or green leaves. We also noted how it was a lot more muddy but the grass and flowers, like daffodils and bluebells, had started to grow. 

Many of us even noticed that the daffodils had started to die so made the connection that they only grow and live around spring time. 

👷Creating a stable box 📦

For D.T. this week we finally made our egg boxes! The children told me where to stick their triangular supports to make their butt joints stable. We then decorated them for Ms Maynard's egg. :) 

🚮 The Big Clean Up ♻️

💯 100% Attendance! 💯

🤩 Stars of the Week⭐️

♻️ Eco competition Winner 🕊️

Well done to Minnie for winning the prize for Year 2! Minnie carefully designed a bird house that we can put up around the school to help protect and look after our local birds. Very impressed with her design and hard work! 

👩‍🔬Exploring man-made and natural materials 🔍

📚 World Book Day 🥰

🥰 Parents Reading Afternoon 📚

A big thank you for the parents and carers who came in this afternoon to read with Maple Class! We all really enjoy reading books :) 

🎶 Singing a Round 🎤

Still image for this video

Today we have been practising how to use a hacksaw to help us make our boxes. We discussed carefully on how to be safe around a work bench and Jack saw before all getting to have a go. We really enjoyed it. 😁

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

📏 Exploring Centimetres 🧐

In Maths we have learnt the difference between standard and non-standard units of measure. We have focused on the importance of starting at 0cm when we are using a ruler and how to see what something is to the nearest centimetre. We had lots of fun exploring the length and height of objects in the classroom laugh

😁 100% Attendance 🤩

🎶 Improvising our own song 🎼

🌍 Where is Blackpool? 🧐

In Geography we are learning about Blackpool linked to our unit 'Where would you rather be - Blackpool or Rio?'. We used atlases to locate Blackpool and to understand how far away it was from Manchester and in what direction. 

🧑‍🔬Exploring different materials 🧐

For Science this half term, we are focusing on materials and the uses of everyday materials. We thought carefully about what a material is and then explored what materials different objects were made of. We then realised that some objects were more than one material so created a Venn diagram to show what they were made of. 

Where would you rather be-Blackpool or Rio?

We have a focus on Geography this half term and are learning about two places Rio de Janeiro in South America and Blackpool which is in Europe and in the country we live in.


We will learn lots of facts about these places, compare them and ultimately decide where we would rather be! 

The knowledge organiser below will tell you more about our learning.

In computing this week we have been exploring pointillism. We used 2Paint to create our own versions!

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

In art we have been exploring primary colours and how we mix them to create secondary colours! We then learnt what tint, tone and shade meant and used white and black powder paint to create a scale of colour! Many of us noticed that if we add white to red it creates pink!

For science this term we are looking at the seasons and seasonal changes between autumn and winter! We worked out that we are currently in winter and went for a walk to explore what winter looked like around us. 
We saw that many of the trees have lost their leaves but some trees and plants, like ivy or holly keep their leaves and still grow slowly. 

What do we know about our school?
We have a focus on History this half term and are learning about the history of our school-the buildings, what it was like to be a pupil here in the past and how things have changed compared to today.
The knowledge organiser below will tell you more about our learning.

🔍 Why is good hygiene important? 🦠

Today in science we have discussed the importance of good hygiene.  We partook in an experiment using glitter to represent germs and how quickly germs can spread when we touch something else. We then looked at washing our hands with just a paper towel, then water and finally with soap and water. We learnt that soap helps kills bacteria which is important in keeping us healthy. 

In D.T. this half term, we have been focusing on creating a sandwich! We were given a design criteria that we had to follow very carefully. It included that we had to mix a filling and use salad ingredients what we had to slice. Everyone got to pick the ingredients together to ensure not only they would enjoy them but so that everyone was successful at achieving the deign criteria. smiley

🥰 Teamwork Makes the Dream Work 💪🏻

In our PSHE lesson, we leant about how to work well in a team and different teams we have to work on.

For our first task we were put in random groups and had five minutes to find at leas one thing we all had in common. We then discussed that if talking to other classmates made them feel closer to them and how it would get them work well together in the future. 

Our second task focused on communicating our ideas and working well together to get the hula hoop around everyone without letting go of our hands. 

⭐️ Stars if the Week 🤩

💕 Friendship Week 🥰

This week has been friendship week! We have talked a lot about what makes a good friend and how a friend should make us feel.

We also discussed 'What is a bully?' and 'What is the difference between someone being mean and someone bullying you?'.

Maple Class were excellent in explain that bulling is when someone is mean to you physically or verbally again and again whilst meaning mean only happens once. We also got the chance to create posters to help inform others :)

💻 Grouping and Sorting 💻

In computing we have been focusing on grouping and sorting. This week we had to read the instructions carefully to know how to sort the shapes and then independently sorted them into the correct categories. 

📚 Family Reading Morning 💛

A big thank you to everyone who came to the family reading morning. The children loved sharing their favourite class book with you all and discussing them. 

🤩 Stars of the Week ⭐️

💕 Children in Need 2023 💕

🧭 North, East, South and West 🔍

This week we were learning about our compass points. We went for a walk around the school grounds and located north, east, south and west using a compass. 

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

What do we know about our school?

We have a focus on Geography this half term and are learning about our school-it's location, where things are in our school and using maps, compasses and other sources. 

The knowledge organiser will tell you more about our learning.

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

Well done to my stars this week!

My handwriting award is for Aurora who has been taking her time and working hard in her presentation. 
My maths champion is Loraya who has really impressed me with her knowledge in subtraction. 
My reading award is for Hayden who always pushes himself in his reading both at school and at home.  
Finally, my teachers award is for Ivy who is always such a positive role model for others. 
Well done all 🥰

🧸 Teddy Bear Picnic 😁

For all of the fantastic work Maple have done, we chose to bring in our teddies for the afternoon. This worked perfectly with our D.T. lesson as we had a teddy bear picnic trying different breads and mixed fillings as our task this half term is to make a sandwich!

🗺️ All around the school 🔍

This half term in Geography our question is 'What do we know about our school?'. Many of us didn't know where things are around school so we went on a walk to explore :) 

🤩 Stars of the Week ⭐️

Well done to my stars this week! 

My handwriting award is for Diana as she always works very carefully in ensuring she has beautiful handwriting in all lessons.

My reading award is for Harriet who has done some brilliant reading in school and at home this week! 

My champion mathematician is Violet as she is worked really hard in her addition work.

Finally, my teachers award is for Keerney as he has been working on building his independence. 

❤️ Parents Celebration 🎉

A big thank you to all the parents who showed up to our celebration afternoon! We had lots of fun showing off our art work from this half term and our skills at drawing portraits by drawing our parents 🥰

🦸‍♂️ Who is your hero? 🦸‍♀️

Linked to our History topic 'Who is your hero?' we discussed who are heroes are today and if they would have been the same when Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale were alive. We all agreed that they would be our heroes as they did amazing work at making sure hospitals were clean and Florence trained lots of nurses! 
We then met real life heroes! Ms Maynard talked about how she helps homeless people in Manchester and has set up her own charity. We also had Pete the fireman in to talk about what is like to be a fireman. We were very surprised at how hard he works and the amount of tests he had to pass to be one! 
Of course we had to dress up Mrs Waddell!

🔍 Time to rhyme! ✅

Today in English we have been looking at rhyming words. We noticed that our poem 'Cats sleep anywhere' has lots of rhymes at the end of each line. We then worked together to join the rhyming words together.

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

Well done to my stars this week!

My handwriting award is for Luna who always takes her time and takes a lot of pride in her work. 
My reading champion is for Zara who has done some fantastic reading and has a fantastic understanding of our class text. 
My maths champion is Isla as she has pushed herself so much this week in her understanding of number facts. 
Finally, my teachers award is for Rowan who always follows our school rules ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’. 🥰

🌱 Watching our plants grow... or not grow! 🌿

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We’ve really enjoyed watching our plants grow or not grow this week. We have been really surprised at the height of the ones in the dark and without soil.  😊

🤔 Will they grow? 🌱

This week in science we have started to carry out an investigation to find out what plants need to grow. We are growing cress seeds and placed them in different conditions to work out what are the most important things plants need to grow and be healthy. We have one in the fridge where it is cold, under the sink where it is dark, on the window sill where it has light and warmth, another one on the window sill but it will not be watered and then finally some seeds sprinkled onto a wet paper towel to see if they need soil or not. 
We think the one the paper towel and the one not having any water will not grow. 

🎨 Primary and secondary colours 🖌️

Today we have been learning about primary and secondary colours. Everyone was only given primary colours and had to investigate which ones to mix together to create each secondary colour. We also had a selection of different paint brush sizes and investigated how they create different paint strokes 😁

🎵 Finding the pulse 🥁

We have had great fun in music this week understanding what the pulse is and finding it in our song ‘Rhythm in the Way We Walk’ through dance.  🥰

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

Well done to my stars this week!

My handwriting award is for Riley who always takes a lot of pride in her handwriting and presentation. 
My maths champion is Ayesha who has pushed herself in her knowledge in place knowledge. 
My reading award is for Lottie who has done some fantastic reading at home and at school. 

Finally, my teachers award is for Tala who is such a fantastic role model 🥰

💻 Computing ⌨️

We have really enjoyed our computing lesson this week. Everyone has really impressed me by confidently logging on and personalising their home screens and avatars 👧👦

🤩 Stars of the Week ⭐️

It has been a super first full week back learning! Everyone has worked really hard and it was very hard to pick stars!

My handwriting award is for Minnie for taking beautiful pride in her work. 
My Maths champion is for Kuba who has been willing share his understanding with others. 
My reading award is for David who has been working extremely hard in our RWI lessons. 
Finally, my teachers award is for Esmae who has tried so hard this week and is such a super role model to others. 🥰

🧮 Tens and Ones 🧮

In maths this week we have been working hard on identifying tens and ones of different numbers. We used base ten to demonstrate our understanding 😁

♥️ Maple Classes First Week 😍

Maple Class have all really settled well this week! We have read the book 'Ruby's Worry' and thought about our worry's and how they make us feel. We also got used to the classroom and the different areas 😊

Archive 2022-23

Maple Class 22-23 over and out 😎

What a wonderful year! Thank you to parents for the support and of course everyone in Maple Class. We have learnt some amazing new things and have worked extremely well together! Watch this space for Year Three!!

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

💻 Pictograms 📊

👷‍♂️ Can we build it? 🧱

In DT this term we are creating bridges using paper and cardboard. We have looked at bridges around the world, planned and designed our bridges and have started our creating process 😁

Today we have had a very fun day walking to Moston Brook to look at different habitats for our science topic. We found three different habitats; urban, woodland and pond! 
We looked carefully at what plants and animals we can find in each habitat. 

When we got to Moston Brook, we also closed our eyes and listened carefully to what we could hear. We could all hear different types of birds and buzzing of different flies. Poppy and Victoria even spotted a dragonfly! 

🌍 World Environment Day 🌏

For World Environment Day we started our day with an assembly from Mark about endangered animals and we also looked at different animal habitats.

We then created an animals habitat in class. It was a very fun filled day :) 

🤩 Stars of the Day ⭐️

Well done to all of my stars! 
My champion mathematician is Savannah who has amazing knowledge and understanding of time.

My reading champion is Honey as she really enjoys and listens beautifully to our class book. 

My teachers award is for Demi who has been trying very hard in all of her work!  

⭐️ Stars of the Day 🤩

Well done to all of my stars this week! 

My champion mathematician if Jenson for always putting in amazing effort and knowledge of our topic on time! 

My handwriting award is for Aston who has been working incredibly hard and listening to advice on how to improve his handwriting. 

My reading champion is Alannah who should be very proud of her reading. 

Finally, my teachers award is for Carter who always puts 100% into everything he does! 

🧮 Numeracy Day 🥰

We had a great day on Numeracy Day. We watched a great live stream hosted by Katya Jones and Bobby Seagull in which we joined in with dancing and a maths quiz. It was really great as we learnt that some people may be worried about Maths but that's ok as everyone learns Maths and no one is born an expert. 
We also discussed how we always use maths and how we will use it in our future jobs! 

🧭 North, east, south and west 🧭

In Geography, we have been learning about the four compass points and how people use them to navigate and explain a location! We found north, east, south and west in our school grounds using compasses!

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

Well done to my stars this week!

My maths star is for Elsie who has been trying really hard with her fraction knowledge. 
My reading award is for Robyn who has been really enthusiastic about our class book and asking lots of questions. 
My handwriting award is for Pippa who has been listening very carefully to advice on her handwriting. 
Finally my teachers award is for Milo who has been listening very carefully and participating more in class. Well done everyone 🥰

📖Meeting different authors 📚

This week we have had the pleasure of meeting two different authors Sunita Chawdhury and Caryl Hart as well as Bethan Wollvin who illustrates Caryl's books! 

We had a great time listening to the story 'Meet the Weather' and we got to learn how to draw two of the weather characters. 🥰

'Why is our capital city so special?' knowledge organiser and homework grid.

Please find below the knowledge organiser for our new geography topic which contains everything we will be learning about as well as the homework grid for summer term :) 

💮 Printing 🎨

In art we have been focusing on printing and how different materials create different textures. We also explored how to create and make different patterns by using different colours and textures. 

🇬🇧 The Kings Coronation 👑

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

Well done to our stars this week!

Our handwriting award is for Jacob who has beautiful writing in all of his work!

Our Maths champion is Sophie who has superb knowledge on 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4!

Our reading award is for Milan who has been working really hard in her phonics. 
Finally our teachers award is for Kaiden who has been working really hard and focusing in all lessons! 

👷‍♂️ Charlie Conlon 🧱

For assembly this week we had special visitors from Conlon talking about our building work and how to be safe around building sites. We also had an extra special visitor from Charlie Conlon!

⭐️ Stars of the week 🤩

Well done to Ellis as our Maths champion who has been working really hard sun his fraction knowledge of 1/2!

Our teachers award is for Pippa who has been working really hard throughout all her learning! Well done 🥰

🥰 Fun in the sun ☀️

🎶 Learning about different notes 🎼

🎨 Tones, tints and Shades 🖌️

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

🤔 What would Moses do? 🤨

In RE, we learnt about the why Jews celebrate Passover and learnt about Moses and how he helped the Jews to safety. We had a conscious alley putting ourselves in Moses' point of view to think if we would do the same thing. 

📚 Maple's own story teller ✍🏼

I am so extremely proud of Alannah! 
Alannah entered a writing competition and won with her story Dolly's Holiday. I was so excited to read it as was the rest of the class! ♥️

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

Well done to my stars this week!

My Maths award this week is for Kaiden who has brilliant measurement skills!

My handwriting award is for Ella who has been working extremely hard on her handwriting. 
My reading award is for Belle who has been going onto reading eggs nearly every day!

Finally my teachers award is for Destiny who has been trying so hard this week! ⭐️

🤩 Stars of the Week ⭐️

Well done to my stars this week! 
My handwriting award is for Cara who has been working extremely hard on her handwriting and the size of her writing. 
My Maths award is for Jacob who always impresses me with his multiplication knowledge.

Reggie is my reading champion who has told me so many amazing facts from all of the non-fiction books he has read. 
Finally, my teachers award is for Alannah who has been doing amazing and really pushing herself in all of her work! ❤️

🐾 How does Pippa stay healthy? 🤔

For our Science topic we have been focusing on how pets stay healthy. Ms Maynard brought Pippa into class so we could ask her questions on how she looks after Pippa and what Pippa needs.

📚 World Book Day 🥰

Maple Class loved World Book Day this year dressing up as their favourite book characters! We created our favourite characters to retell the stories, had a book swap and had parents/carers in to read with. It was a lovely book filled day.  🥰

📏 Measuring using rulers and cm 📏

In maths this week we have been learning about measurement! We thought carefully between length and height and how we can measuring in centimetres. Maple were very good at starting at 0cm to measuring accurately. 😊

Knowledge Organiser Spring 2

This knowledge organiser will give you information on what your child will be learning in their next History based block of learning which is titled: "How have Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela helped to make the world a better place?"

You can also see the books they will be reading linked to this and may want to read these with your child at home.

Spring 2 Homework Grid

Below is the Homework Grid for Spring 2 for your child. 

All the instructions and expectations are on the grid.

I can't wait to see what everyone does :)

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

💛 Wear Yellow Day 💛

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

Well done to my stars this week!

My Maths champion is Robyn who has been working really hard on her multiplication and decision knowledge, especially her 2 time tables!

My handwriting award is for Kaiden who has been working really hard on the size of his writing. 
I have two reading awards this week for Ellis and Milo who have done some beautiful reading this week and wanted to share everything they had learnt!

Finally, my teachers award is for Sophie who has been working extremely hard in all of her lessons.

Well done all!

💻 Computing - creating animated story books 📚

In computing we have been looking at creating our own books! We had to think carefully about what our books were about and design each page. We our all proud of our illustrations and typing skills as each page needed a sentence to describe what is happening next in the story!

Reading for pleasure ❤️

For all our hard work this week, Maple class voted to read. We really enjoyed sharing books together and telling Mrs Kahn all the wonderful knowledge we had found out 🥰

🪡 Our Polar Landscapes 🧵

In DT this half term, we have been exploring, designing and creating our own polar landscapes and using the running stitch! We thought carefully about our designs and how we would join the materials. We are very proud of them 😊

In English and Geography, we are focusing on Antarctica and emperor penguins! For English, we are writing a non-chronological report on emperor penguins. We have learnt that male emperor penguins are the biggest penguin in the world measuring 1.3 meters but we didn't understand how tall that is! What's a better way to understand the height then measuring ourselves against a life size drawing?!

⭐️ Stars of the week 🤩

Amazing stars this week! 

My handwriting award is for Zac who has been working really hard on his handwriting.

My champion Mathematician is for Demi who has been working extremely hard with her knowledge on amounts of money.

My reading award is for Pippa who has read some excellent facts about emperor penguins!

Finally, my teachers award is for Belle who has been amazing in English! She has really focused on her non-chronological report about penguins!

Crazy for bagels 🥯

From this week forward, we are having bagels every morning! Maple class are very excited and are loving them so far! 

All about synagogues 🕍

In RE, we have been focusing on sacred places, especially a Mosque, Synagogue and Church. 
This week we have had a special visitor in to discuss what we could find inside a synagogue and how Jewish people worship. We found out some amazing facts!

Ella was amazed that the eternal light never turns off! 

Many of us were surprised that men and women sit separately. 

Savannah liked hearing the reading of the Torah in Hebrew.

Belle liked knowing they read right to left and would also write like this too! 

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

Well done to the stars this week! 

My handwriting award is for Frankie who has been really working on his handwriting making sure each letter is clear to read.

My reading champion is for Serayah who has been reading beautifully in phonics.

Finally, my teachers award is for Aston who never fails to contribute and share his ideas in all lessons. 
Well done all :) 

Threading a needle and the running stitch 🧵 🪡

Maths - making amounts 🪙

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

Well done and a happy new year to everyone for the first week back!

My maths star this week is Kaiden who has been a superstar at all of the maths vocabulary we have been using when looking at 2D and 3D shapes. 
My handwriting award is for Poppy who has been working really hard in our handwriting lessons. 
My teachers award is for Alannah who has worked really hard in our science lesson. 

I am so very proud of everyone for int he nativity this year. They all did so amazing!

🤩 Stars of the Week ⭐️

It's been a very busy week this week with our nativity play! 
My handwriting award is for Savannah who has been working very hard in improving her handwriting.

My maths champion is Reggie who has been working very hard and has brilliant knowledge of sides and vertices of 2D shapes. 
My reading award is for Cara who has been reading all of her many lines beautifully in the nativity. 
Finally, my teachers award is for Jacob who continually participates in all subjects and always tries his hardest! 

📚 Parents Reading Morning 🥰

Amazing attendance! Go Maple 🍁


🤩 Stars of the Week ⭐️

It's been a very busy week this week with us all working on our assessments! 
A big shout out for my two teachers awards! 
Jenson is such an amazing role model in class and Victoria has been a super worker this week!

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

Well done to my stars this week! 
my reading award is for Carter who always is so enthusiastic when reading and loves to tell me lots of new information!

My handwriting award is for Honey who has been working on her beautiful handwriting! 
My maths champion is Victoria who has amazing knowledge and is working really hard!

Finally my teachers award is for Ella who has been trying really hard in focusing throughout lessons! 

🧸 Sorting our toys! 🪁

This week we have thought carefully on how we could sort our toys! We thought of different ways and then placed our own new toys and old toys onto a Venn diagram! 

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

Well done to our stars this week!

Remembrance Day Art 🧑‍🎨

Science - What makes a healthy plant? 🤔 🧐

In science this week we have recapped last lesson on what makes a healthy plant and we all wanted to know if everything is important for plants to grow. We had the opportunity to plant daffodil bulbs and then got to choose where to put them. We have two on the window sill but one will not get watered, one under the sink so it doesn't have light and one outside where it is very cold! We are very interested to see what happens! 

📚 Parents Reading Morning 🥰

It was a lovey Monday morning with parents coming in to read with us! It was so wonderful to see everyone reading and enjoying lots of different books! Thank you parents and I know we are all looking forward to the next one! 🥰🤩

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

It's been a very busy and brilliant first week back after half term! 
My reading champion is Demi who is always a pleasure to listen to when she is reading. 
My maths champion is Aston who has contributed so much this week with his amazing knowledge on adding to the next ten. 
My handwriting award is for Belle who worked really hard on her handwriting and presentation in our history lesson. 
And my teachers award is for Pippa who is always kind, caring and willing to help around the class!! 

Studying teddy bears

In DT, our project is to create a moving teddy bear. Today we studied teddy bears looking at how they move. We noticed that we can move their heads, arms, legs and sometimes their ears! However, Ellis told the class how they can't move like our arms but can only move in a straight line and cannot always bend. 

Old or New - which toy do you prefer?

Our topic title this half term is 'Old and New - which toy do you prefer?' We are focusing on the history of toys and are even going to create our own moving teddy bear!

As a hook, we got to bring in our favourite toy and then got to explore different toys throughout the ages. We had to think and test how you would play with it and how long ago we thought it was created! We had lots of fun😊😁

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

We are all really proud of our stars this week! 
My handwriting award goes to Ellis for amazing handwriting, not only did he impress me but other teachers in KS1!
My Maths award is for Destiny who has worked so hard on her knowledge and participated amazingly throughout all lessons!
My reading award is for Kaiden and his amazing participation when reading our class book in phonics.

My teachers award is for Frankie who always puts 100% into everything he does and being such a great role model :) 

Give racism the red card! 🔴

This week we have completed our houses. We looked at wooden houses again and looked carefully at the colours and textures. We then picked and decided on the colours and paintbrushes we would use. Look at how amazing they have turned out! smiley

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

Well done to my stars this week!

My reading award is for Sophie for her brilliant reading of our book 'I dare you'. 
My maths award is for Alannah who has worked amazingly at ordering and comparing numbers. 
My handwriting award is for Amelie who has impressed me with her handwriting. 
Finally, my teachers award is for Cara and her fantastic knowledge in our history lessons on The Great Fire of London!

🏠 Designing houses 👷

Today we studied wooden houses and thought about the style of house from 1666. We then created our own from clay ready to be painted next week! 
We discussed how to create different textures and the depth of our pieces as well as joint pieces of clay together by using slip. 

😊 Amazing Homework 🤩

💻 computing 💻

In computing, we have been focusing on logging onto the laptops and exploring PurpleMash again before starting our coding lessons! 

⭐️Stars of the Week🤩

This week we have been very busy writing a fact file about the Great Fire of London and working really hard on our presentation. 
My star reader this week is Jacob who just wants to read all of the time and can tell me so much about them!

My mathematician this week is Charlotte who has been working really hard on her place value and counting in 10s. 
My handwriting award is for Elsie who has been working really hard on her handwriting and presentation!

Finally my teachers award is for Honey who has been working so hard and always puts 100% into everything! 

⭐️ Stars of the Week 🤩

Well done for another super week!

My handwriting award went to Milo who is really working hard on the size of his writing. 
My maths award went to Zac who has been trying super hard with his place value knowledge. 
My reading award is for Ace and his amazing comprehension skills!

And my teachers award is for Savannah who has such a sunny disposition and always tries her hardest!

Place Value 🔢🧮

In maths we have been looking closely at the place value of tens and ones. We have been using base ten, place value grids and whole-part models to help deepen our understanding. For each 2-digit number we make, we are using our sentences 'There are __ tens and __ ones. The number is __'

We have also used this sentence to help our problem solving knowledge. 😊

🎵Pitch and dynamics🎵

In music this week, we have been focusing on the pitch and dynamics of our music. We looked at a fire that had a big flame and a small flame and used it to represent a high pitch/loud sound and a low pitch/quiet sound. We also looked at the difference between a tuned and untuned instrument! 🎶🎵

Tuned instruments

Still image for this video

Vlad and the Great Fire of London 📖🐀

During our Story time, we have been focusing on the book Vlad and the Great Fire of London. We thought carefully about the main parts of the book (and our favourite parts!) and created freeze frames to demonstrate them! We are, eating cheese, sleeping by a fire and escaping the fire!

🎤 London’s Burning 🔥

Still image for this video

Today in music we looked at the song London's Burning as it links to our topic "Who was to Blame for the Great Fire of London?". We looked at what a round was in music and focused on the dynamics whilst singing the song. 

⭐️ Stars of the Week ⭐️

For the first full week back it was very tricky to select my stars, everyone has been working so hard! Well done Poppy who has been telling me a lot about all the books she loves, she also shows lots of understanding to our class book Vlad and the Great Fire of London. Well done to Carter who has been working really hard in our maths lessons and shows some super understanding to place value. Well done to Jenson who has really impressed me with his beautiful handwriting and a big well done to Serayah for being such an amazing role model for everyone in the class!! Keep it up 😍

What do we want to know about the Great Fire of London? 🔥🤔

Our new topic is called Who was to Blame for the Great Fire of London? 
We are focusing on the key historical events and where this chronologically fits in with our knowledge of history. We are also looking into the key historical figures of Samuel Pepys and King Charles II and what roles they had during the fire. This also links to our science topic of uses of everyday materials as we are learning about what is a material and what is an object as well as describing simple properties each material has.


Here are some of our questions we would like answered by the end of our topic.

Archive 2021-2022

Parent Celebration


To complete our topic about the seaside, we had lots of fun making our own ice-creams. We were lucky enough to be joined by some of our parents as well. 


They tasted delicious! 🍦

Spanish Day - 8th July 2022


Today, we became musicians, artists and dancers in our Spanish Day. 

We began the day listening to Spanish music and discussing the tempo, dynamics and pitch. 

Next we created our own art work in the style of Picasso, a Spanish artist. 

We ended the day with some dancing. 


Feel good Friday! 


This week, we have celebrated Children's Mental Health Week. We have had different themes each day;

Mindfulness Monday, Teamwork Tuesday, Wellbeing Wednesday, Thoughtful Thursday and Feel Good Friday! 


Maple class love dancing and what better way to make us smile and happy than dancing! 

Feel good Friday 🎼💃🏼🕺🏻

Sports Day 2022


What a glorious afternoon we have had! A huge thank you to all of our parents who came to watch our children participate in their sports day, and to those parents who love a good race as well - over 30 parents participated in our parent race and luckily no-one fell over! 

Sports Day 2022 🏅

20.05.22 - The day we became Palaeontologists.  


Today we we were visited by a man who brought with him lots of interesting objects from millions of years ago. Can you guess what they were? 

Take a look at our pictures to see the amazing fossils we found! 



17.05.22 - Rainbow Day 🌈


Today we celebrate. We celebrate equality, respect, kindness, and humanity. 

#internationaldayagainsthomophobia ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜



Maths Learning in Maple - Summer 1


This half term, we have been learning about measurement with length and height. We have completed lots of practical learning around this. 


World Maths Day 23/3/22


Today is World Maths Day. 

Below are some ideas of activities you can do at home with your child. 

We hope you enjoy doing some of them.

Parents’ Reading Afternoon


A big thank you to our parents and carers who came in to read with us this afternoon. 



We love to boogie! 🕺🏻


Sometimes, we just need a little brain break and what better way than having a dance! 

Spring 2 🌼 


Hello everyone,

I hope you have had a lovely first week back in school. Although this is a very short term, we’ve got lots of exciting and fun things planned. 


We have now moved our PE slot to a Thursday. Can we all make sure our PE kits are in school, and stay in school until the Easter holidays. 


Keep your eyes peeled on our blog page to see all of the things we get up to this half term. 


Miss Jones 🌸

Homework Grid Spring 2


Hi Maple,


I have attached your new homework grid below. 

I really enjoy looking at the homework you do and send to me on Google Classroom. It always makes me smile :)

Thank you for all the hard work you do at home and thank you to your parents for supporting you with homework.

Remember, you choose what you would like to do from the homework grid. We ask that you complete at least 1 task per week, but you can do more if you want. 

I am looking forward to seeing some more fantastic homework!


Miss Jones

Fruit Kebabs! 


Today we spent the afternoon creating our own fruit kebabs linking to our topic about Africa. We had learnt about which fruits are grown in the UK, and which fruits are grown in Africa. 

We then developed our cutting and slicing skills - Miss Jones held her breath the whole time! 

Take a look at our pictures. 🍎🍐🍌🍑🥝🍉

Homework Grid Spring 1


Hi Maple,


I have attached your new homework grid below. 

I really enjoy looking at the homework you do and send to me on Google Classroom. It always makes me smile :)

Thank you for all the hard work you do at home and thank you to your parents for supporting you with homework.

Remember, you choose what you would like to do from the homework grid. We ask that you complete at least 1 task per week, but you can do more if you want. 

I am looking forward to seeing some more fantastic homework!


Miss Jones

Our Topic - Who is your hero?


Over the last 6 weeks we have been learning about heroes. 

Our topic working wall helps us to see an overview of everything we have learnt. 


What do you think?

Tuesday 12th October 


Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole


During our topic, we have learnt about the lives of 2 significant people. Alongside this, we decided to learn some important skills. This week we have learnt how to apply a bandage to a wound and create our own herbal remedies, just like Mary Seacole. 


Take a look at the fun we had! 



Google Classroom


We are now putting homework on Google Classroom for the children to complete. 

There would also be learning put onto Google Classroom if the school had to shut due to unforeseen circumstances.

There has been an invitation sent for them to accept and join the classroom. 

Every child has their e mail address and password which they will need to access the classroom in their reading record book. 

I am also attaching a guide to using Google Classroom which will hopefully help you if you are new to this!

If you need any support with this, please contact your child's teacher or me (Mrs Waddell) and one of us can go through this with you. 

There are also useful Read, Write, Inc videos for the children to watch to support their learning in school. 


Remember: we are here to help! 

Mrs Waddell

A helpful guide to Google Classroom

Friday 24th September 2021


Who is your hero?


This week we were lucky enough to have a visit from some real life heroes:

Lisa and John our PCSO’s

Sergeant Dickinson a police officer

Vicky and her guide dog Albie

and Mrs Waddell - our longest serving teacher at New Moston. 


The children thought of questions they could ask our heroes about their jobs. 

Friday 17th September 2021


Superheroes and Biscuits - what more could you want? 


We designed our own superhero logo and then had a go at creating our own biscuit. We have evaluated our biscuits stating what we liked, what could be improved and of course completed a taste test! 


Have a a look at some of our designs 😋

Sunday 12th September 2021

A big hello Maple Class! 


We have had a great first week getting to know each other and our new classroom. Mrs Whittaker and I are looking forward to this year! In our assembly this week, Miss Maynard talked about a new year, making new memories and writing your own story of Year 2 - hopefully this blog will show all of our memories over the year.


On here, I will be posting updates on what we get up to in school; lessons, amazing pieces of learning and star of the week to name a few things. 


I am looking forward to next week with you and getting to know you even more!



Miss Jones 



Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield
