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Redwood Class

Welcome to Redwood’s Class' information and blog page.  Here you will find general class information and see what we have been up to in our learning. smiley


Class teachers

Mrs Toshkezi and Mr Kinch


Support staff

Mrs Spence

Mrs Connelly


PE days

PE will be on a Monday and a Thursday. Please make sure your child has a PE Kit in school. 

This needs to simply be a pair of black or navy shorts, a plain white t-shirt and a pair of pumps or trainers for going outside. Black or navy zipped hoodies can also be worn in cold weather.


Children can wear their school kit all day on PE days if they wish - please note they are not permitted to wear other sports clothes.



Homework will be given out every Friday and will be due the following Thursday giving the children 6 days to complete it. This will consist of a piece of English and Maths. In year 6, this is paper homework which can be written on and returned to school.


Reading and Computing

Our school expectation is that your child reads at least three times a week at home to an adult. This needs to be recorded in your child's reading record and signed by an adult. This record needs to be brought into school every day. We will check this on a Monday morning and children achieve a reading sticker on their bookmark. 

Once their bookmark is full they will receive a brand new book to keep as a prize :)

If your child needs to change their reading book, they can change it as and when needed.  

Your child will also have access and passwords to Purple Mash. Their usernames and passwords will be put in their Reading Record Books as soon as we have them all.


Contact us

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to speak to us. You can catch us most mornings before school or wait to speak to us after the children have been released to parents/carers at home time.


Or you can contact us via our class email address:



We very much look forward to working together this year to ensure that your child has a great last year at New Moston. smiley



A creative afternoon in Redwood Class

Art- Sculptures - Check us out making our sculptures in the style of The Martin Brothers

Rainbow Day

Gulliver's World

The children had the best day at Gulliver's World. They went on plenty of rides and enjoyed the sunshine. 

They represented the school impeccably. We hope you enjoy looking at our photos. 

Today the children supported the baton relay in support of protecting our environment. In class we made posters and banners which we enjoyed waving as they rode passed. 

We loved how many members of the public beeped their horns and waved at us. 

We hope you enjoy the pictures. 

Sports Day 2024 - Redwood Class are the overall winners

Today in Art, we started our new topic "Sculptures". 

Today we began to explore using the clay. 

We had to make different objects with the clay. The hardest one to make was a pyramid. 

We then got to make a secret animal and the rest of the class had to guess what our animal was. 

Empathy Day ❤❤❤❤❤

Well done to Redwood Class - what an amazing attendance - 99.38%. 

We are all incredibly proud of you all. 

Today Redwood Class went to Manchester City as part of our fieldwork for our Geography learning. We interviewed members of the public to find out the answers to the questions we devised as a class. 

Mrs Toshkezi was so proud of us all. We were confident, polite and impeccably behaved. 

We did New Moston Primary School proud. 

This afternoon, Redwood class worked alongside the Redcross to learn vital first aid. We learnt what to do when a person cuts themselves badly, what to when a person is burnt, what to do if a person is choking and CPR. 

We also learnt that we must ensure that it is safe for us to help someone before we start and that it is our responsibility to help others when they need it. 

Music in Redwood

Another super reader - Well done Max

Science experiments this week

Today we joined a live event run by Kooth. This was to help us with SATs coming up. We learnt some strategies that we could use if we are starting to worry and feel a little anxious and stressed. 

Amazing Readers in Redwood

PE in Redwood

Which book will Redwood choose this time?

Lunchtime Golden Plate winners

Today we went on a walk so that we could look at the traffic lights and watch the sequence. We learnt that the traffic lights do not follow the sequence of red, amber, green, amber and red instead they follow the sequence of red, red-amber, green, amber and red. We timed how many seconds the traffic lights work for. 

Another super reader in Redwood

In Science this week we began our topic on forces. We conducted an experiment to see whether the  surface would affect the amount of friction to move an object. Take a look at our pictures. 

Easter egg competition winner and runners up.

Today we had a visitor who came to speak with us about the dangers of gangs. It was a very informative lesson and we all enjoyed it very much. Here are a few of our pictures. 

Litter Picking in Redwood

Super Readers

SATs information. 


Please see below the information shared with parents during a SAT's coffee morning if you were unable to attend. 

Thank you 

Super Science


Today in Redwood, we combined Maths with Art to produce the most beautiful Waldrof Star. We hope you enjoy the pictures. 

A massive congratulations to Freya who was a winner of the Eco Warriors bird house competition. 

Well done Freya. We are so very proud of you. We hope you are proud of yourself. 

Even more super readers in Redwood class- well done guys.

More World Book Day Fun

More super readers in Redwood Class

World Book Day - Break the Rules Day


Redwood have been busy making pop up cards, games and puppets for our reception children to try. They are having a great time. heart

The start of our Art Topic- Painting and L.S. Lowry

Today in Science we conducted an experiment to see how light travels. We really enjoyed it. We learnt that light travels in straight lines. When light hits an object, it is reflected by that object and travels in straight lines to our eyes. Our eyes take in some of this light and information is sent to the brain.

Which reading for pleasure book will Redwood choose?

Well done to Pippa and Yu-Ling for completing your reading bookmark. Enjoy reading your books. 

Congratulations to Wisdom and Italia for 100% attendance so far this academic year. Amazing achievement guys. Well done to both of you. 

Computing in Redwood

My stars this week are Summer for excellent Reading, Daniel for some super writing in our English lessons, Ellen for excellent Handwriting and Taim for being an absolute Maths genius. Well done to all of you. We are really proud of you all. heart


Check out our super readers. These children have completed their home reads and now have their very own book to keep. Well done guys. Redwood are super proud of you. heart

Design Technology Day


Today we put our design into practice. We made our fruit taquitos. We learnt new skills along the way. Kneading dough, measuring ingredients accurately, cooking the taquito as well as creating a filling. Take a look at our pictures. 

In History we took on the role of different people in WW1. Take a look at our pictures. 

Check out this guy. He's absolutely loving reading at the moment. He can't put this book down. Reading at any opportunity. Well done Reegan. 

Who will get my postcard home this week? 

Is it going to be you? 

Have a think, have you gone above and beyond this week? Can you go above and beyond next week? 

We had a visit from the NSPCC. We learnt about different ways in which we can keep ourselves safe.  Take a look at our pictures. 

A lovely afternoon spent with our parents and carers. We enjoyed showing them all what skills we have learnt and our amazing end products.  Our parents and carers did a fantastic job creating their own eyes and lips. 

A massive thank you to all that were able to attend. 

Welcome back to the new term.

This term our main topic is "Can any good come out of war?" We will be learning about: Germany’s invasion of Poland  which caused France and Britain to go to war with them, 

how many children were evacuated from cities to live in the country side, due to transport issues, all food was rationed and many people started to grow their own food.

We will be using the book Goodnight Mr Tom as part of our English lessons and Whole Class Reading to support us with our understanding of war. 

Please take a look at our Topic Plan. 

Myself, Mrs Spence and Mrs Baxter would like to wish you all a wonderful and restful Christmas break. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to each and every one. 

Lots of loveheart


Take a sneak preview of just some of the amazing artwork that will be on display for you all to see. 



Today Year 6 took part in "What's your job?" focusing on careers and aspirations. A group of volunteers came into school organised by the North Manchester Business Network and the children had to guess the jobs by asking questions. We hope you enjoy our pictures. 

This afternoon Redwood class participated in an  Empathy Plus Migration workshop  with the British Red Cross. We really enjoyed the session and Dan, who delivered it, was very impressed with out knowledge which we have developed in English and our Class Story The Boy at the Back of the Class.  

Empathy Plus Migration Workshop

My stars this week are Tyla for his excellent story using dialogue to advance the action and convey character, James for fantastic effort with his handwriting and Oscar for some super reading to the rest of the class. We are super proud of you all. Keep up the hard work boys. 

My stars

This week in Art we used different media to create our drawings. Take a look at our fantastic work. 

Art in Redwood

smileyCOMING SOONsmiley


After Christmas we will be studying the book Goodnight Mr Tom. Why not get ahead and have a read of Chapter. Let me know what you think so far. I cannot wait to hear what you think about the story so far. heart

In our Art lesson we were developing out drawing techniques using different grades of pencils. Here are some examples of our fantastic skills. 

Children In Need - PJ day!!

My stars this week are Salmah for excellent reading in partner read, Tileigh for trying hard with her handwriting, Summer for excellent Maths and Yu Ling for a superb Big Write. 

My stars this week

Redwood class - ATTENTION NEEDED!!!!

Some of us have been getting a little confused with the homophones there, their and they're and the use of the apostrophe. To help you understand, I have added two links below to help you - that way our Big Writes will be even more amazing than they already are. heart

We will be going over this in class too. 

Enjoy guys

Love Mrs Toshkezi heart

My awards this week went to Pippa for a super graffiti tag, Eli for excellent reading in class, Reegan for some amazing Maths learning and Jake for working incredibly hard with his handwriting. Miss Maynard was super proud of them all too. Well done guys. 

My stars

Remembrance Day Artwork

Check out our graffiti tags - we LOVE them!!

My awards this week go to Daniel for working really hard in all of his lessons, Tyler for super learning and application of long multiplication and division, Italia for excellent handwriting  and to Summer and Olivia for completing all of their reads even after they came home from Ghyll Head. 

Well done to each and everyone of you. We are so proud of you all. 

Teacher Awards

Our learning - Show racism the red card

Here we are in Reception asking the children to try out our moving toys. We think they really enjoyed it. It is safe to say that they were a hit! 

Show racism the red card

Here we are making our moving toys. We love how they have turned out and they all work! We cannot wait to try them out with our reception class tomorrow. 

Design Technology


Mrs Rashid is after our help. She is desperate for new toys for her children. We have been asked to help her out. We need to make a moving toy. 

Today we developed our sawing skills, ready for the big make!!

Take a look at our pictures. 

In our English lessons we had to write a character description of Lucy and Mr. Tumnus. We did lots of reading to help us understand the characters using our text detective skills. We linked our learning from our Whole Class Reading lessons to help with our writing. 

Mrs Toshkezi is incredibly proud of us all. 

Take a look at some of our writing. 

My awards this week go to: 

Summer for amazing reading in our Whole Class Reading.

Italia for excellent writing of a character description. 

Zach for working extra hard (and at home) to improve his handwriting.

Yu Ling for excellent learning in Maths this week. 

Well done everybody. We are really proud of you all. Keep up the good work. 

My Stars

My awards this week go to Olivia for super reading, Zoya for always giving 100% in all that she does, Lori for beautiful handwriting and Josh for excellent Maths. 

My awards this week go to Lucas for working hard on his reading, Oscar for always putting the most amazing effort into all of his learning, James for super maths learning this week and Reegan for producing perfect handwriting in all if his lessons.

Music - look at our Music leaders - they had to keep the pulse and we had to follow their lead. 

Here we are in our Whole Class Reading lesson completing our "Partner Read." We help each other to get better with our reading. We coach our partner to make sure we read with fluency and expression. Mrs Toshkezi is really proud of us. 

Partner Read

Big Write


Today we completed out first Year 6 Big Write. We all worked really hard. We enjoyed the relaxing music and more importantly the biscuits!!. 

Keep your eyes peeled to see our final pieces next week. 

Our class awards this week go to Erin Cahill for beautiful handwriting, Layla Marshall for great reading and Lucas Cale for working incredibly hard in all lessons. 

In History we have been learning about the Great Plague. 

We know where, when and why it started. The symptoms and "cures" as well as the role of the Plague Doctor. 

We also have made links to our learning from Year 2 - The Great Fire of London. 

Ask us about our learning- we are happy to talk to you about it. 


See our learning below. 

Our class awards this week go to Olivia for exceptional handwriting, Wisdom for some super sentences and Tyla for amazing reading at home. Well done guys - I am really proud of you all. 

We had great fun in the sun this afternoon riding these BMX bikes. We followed the track to perfection. 


Archive 2022-23

Art in Redwood

Today for World Environment Day we planted our own sunflower seeds making our own greenhouses. We worked in small groups to make our greenhouses. 

World Environment Day

Empathy Day

In our P4C lesson this week we continued to look at racism related to our RE learning. We listened to the story "Let's Talk About Race." We had a lot of discussion around this and found the story very insightful. We agreed that we are all the same and we should always treat everyone equal. 

Take a look at our learning in our P4C book. 


Watch the You Tube video below to listen to the story. We know you will enjoy it. 

P4C- Racism

Let's Talk About Race by Julius Lester

National Numeracy Day

Redwood attendance award- well done guys

Congratulations to Kyle and Lexi who are the lucky winners of the UKS2 flag competition. 

We are so very proud of you both. 

Coronation Day

Our Upper Key Stage Two Art work. The children worked together as a phase to produce these beautiful pieces. We are so proud of you all. 

King's Coronation 2023

Here we are getting ready for the celebrations. 

We worked together as a team. 

Reading Champions - well done on completing your book mark

A big congratulations to this week's stars. 

Bella for making great progress with her comprehension skills.

Jael for always presenting her learning beautifully.

Mason for working extremely hard in our Maths lessons. 

Godwin for amazing learning in the run up to his SATs. 

A massive well done to all of you. 

We are very proud of you all. 

A big congratulations to Jude, Abigail, Chloe and Samuel who have successfully completed their reading book mark. They have each chosen a book to keep and read at home. Well done to all of you. Keep up with the super reading. 

Teacher Awards

My stars this week are Brooke for super learning in English, Jude for excellent handwriting and Daniel for a much improved attitude to his learning and reading. 
Good job guys. Keep this up. 

In our English lessons we have been studying the book Holes by Louis Sachar. We have completed lots of different pieces of writing around the book but one of our favourite pieces was our persuasive leaflets. Take a look at them. Have we persuaded you to visit Camp Green Lake? 

In our PSHE lesson we looked at Mental Health. We enjoyed learning about what is Mental Health and ways in which we can keep our body and mind healthy. 

We came up with lots of ideas. 


In our DT lessons we researched, designed, made and then evaluates our bridges. We really enjoyed working as a team and reviewing and designs as we went along. 


We made our bridges unique. We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed making them. 

My stars

My stars this week are: 

Daisie Hall for amazing reading, Lucas for excellent maths and Abigail for always completing learning to an excellent standard. 


My awards this week go to:

Daniel for an excellent letter in our English lessons.

Samuel for super reading. 

Treasure for excellent work in Maths understanding how to find the area of triangles. 

Ava for working incredibly hard on her handwriting. 

My stars

Reading Award


A big congratulations to Niamh who has completed her book mark for super reading at home. 

We are all very proud of you. 


Please find the below the information from the SAT's Parents Meeting being held on Tuesday 7th March.7

Mrs Toshkezi 

Today in Design Technology Mrs Toshkezi gave us the challenge of building the strongest bridge which would have to hold a cup of coins.

About 10 minutes into our construction Mrs Toshkezi asked us to consider what was working and what was not working. We realised that the shorter the columns of the bridge the stronger it would be. We also thought about how the distance between each end of the bridge might affect the strength.

We discussed that our bridge needs to withstand forces pushing down upon them.  The bridge must be able to endure tension and compression.

Some of us where more successful than others. 

The strongest bridge built was by Mason, Ava, Brooke, Samuel and Denzel. 

Great job guys! 

Design Technology - Who can make the strongest bridge?

My stars this week are: Brooke for excellent retrieval skills in our Whole Class Reading lessons.  

Treasure for great improvements with her handwriting, Kyle for an absolute super week and finally to Jacob for some fantastic learning throughout the week in Maths. 

Well done to all of you. 

Keep this up xx

My stars

Well done to this wonderful bunch who all have 100% attendance. You have all done amazingly well. I am very proud of you all. 

Well done to:

Chika, Abigail, Mason, Lexi, Niamh, Daisie, Treasure, Samuel, Zac, Danie, Nevaia, Chloe and Umaizah. 

Keep this up guys. 

Attendance superstars.

Computing in Redwood


Today we started our new topic  using 2Create a Story Adventure mode.

We enjoyed getting started on this and creating our own story maps. Here we are in action. 

Computing in Redwood

Mental Health Day - Here we are in our yellow clothes

My stars this week are: Nevaia for always reading at home and sharing what she reads with us. 

Umaizah and Chloe for achieving their pen this week and to Ava for some fantastic learning throughout the week. 

Well done to all of you. 

Keep this up xx

My Stars

On Friday, your child will have brought home a pack. Inside this pack, there is knowledge organisers for maths and SPAG. This is everything a Year 6 child has to know. Booster letters for those child who are invited to morning booster lessons, starting this week (30th January 2023). There is also a letter outlining your child's current attainment and progress from Key Stage 1. If you have any questions please contact your child's class teacher. 


Below is a copy of the letter 'Ways to help your child at home', with the live links.

Music in Redwood


Today we built on our prior learning to develop our performance skills. 

We used glockenspiels to play alongside the music. 


We used the notes G A B and worked hard to stay in time. It took us a little bit of time but we got there in the end. We had lots of fun too!


Maths learning

Today we looked at simple formulae and how to express missing numbe problems algebraically. 


Here we are using our counters and cubes to simplify equations.

Mrs Toshkezi is very proud of us all. 

Star of the week!⭐

This weeks teacher award goes to Umaizah for having a fantastic first week in Redwood class!

Reading morning

Thanks to all the parents who came in this morning to read with our children. 

Year 6 had a fantastic afternoon at Crucial Crew. We learnt many different ways to keep ourselves safe out in the community and what to do if we felt unsafe. 

My stars this week are: 

Lexi for amazing fluent reading. 

Manha for always producing beautiful handwriting.

Eiliyah for amazing writing in English. 

Redwood are very proud of you all. 


Great job guys. 


Anglo- Saxon baking

Today we made a traditonal Anglo-Saxon recipe. We made honey, oat and spice cakes. 

We melted the butter and added the oats, dried fruit, honey and cinnamon. We mixed it all together and then pressed it flat onto a baking tray.  Next we baked it in the oven for 30 minutes before letting them cool and enjoying eating it. 

Honey, oat and spice bakes

Anglo - Saxon weaving. 

Today we acted like Anglo-Saxons. They were skilled in making cloth. Our task today was to make our own cloth. We showed lots of skill and patience. 

Here we are completing our cloths. 

 Here we are taking part in The National Literacy Trust Take 10 and read. 

We enjoyed listening to the author Natalie Costa  and then we dropped everything to read. 


Meet Redwood's digital leaders. 

A massive congratulations to Denzel and Niamh. 

They will be working closely with Mrs Kahn and the computing team. 

Well done to both of you. 


My stars this week are:

Jude Humble for amazing handwriting in all lessons.

Chloe Smith for always giving 100% in all that you do. 

Summer Ankers for amazing learning in maths 

Barin Taha for excellent skimming and scanning skills in our whole class reading. 

My stars

In our History lesson this week our objective was to know that people in the past lived differently.

In one of our lessons we designed our own Anglo Saxon Village. 

We hope you like our ideas. 

Our Anglo Saxon Village

My stars this week are: 

Jael for the most beautiful handwriting. 

Daisie for developing her ability to answer questions in detail. 

Chloe Trans for being an amazing mathematician.

Jude for putting 100% into all of his learning. 


Well done to all of you. I am so incredibly proud of you all. 


My stars

My stars this week. 

Lexi Czapla for fantastic handwriting 

Brooke Ainsley for great reading

Emmanuel for excellent maths work this week

Nevaia Smith for making a great start to Year 6. 


Well done to you all. 


Partner Read

Today we developed our map skills. We used maps to identify where the Angles, Saxons and Jutes came from. Here are some of us hard at work. 

Well done Redwood. 



In English we are reading the story of Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo. Here is a link to the audio version that I thought you might like to listen to. This will help you with your writing this half term.


We are going to be writing a character description about Grendel so listen carefully to the way he is described in the story. 

What adjectives are used to describe him? 

What impression do you get about Grendel? 

What other ways could you describe Grendel? 









Our first class read this year is "WONDER."


Here is the Blurb. 

"I won't describe what I look like. Whatever you're thinking, it's probably worse."



Want to get started? 

Let's hope so! 




Archive 2021-2022

Reading Award

My stars this week

Reading Award. Well done Olvier for completing your bookmark

My awards this week go to:

Harrison Horrocks for trying his best in all of his learning

Evie Beesley  for beautifully presented learning

Olivia Redoules for great maths learning 

Ronnie Brown for always reading at home. 


Well done guys. We are very proud of you. 


My stars

Well done to Layla and Oliver for reaching their bronze award. 


We are very proud of you both. 

Bronze Awards

Well done to more children in Redwood who have completed their reading bookmark.

Fantastic guys - a very well done to you all. 

More Reading Stars

Stars of the week

My stars this week are: 

Ameila for super maths learning. 

JJ for great improvements with his handwriting.

Layla C for showing great improvements with her comprehension skills.

Lilly- May for always giving 100% in all lessons. 

Well done to all of you . 

Redwood is very proud of you. 

My stars

My stars this week are: 

Handwriting Award-  Ewan Geaves

Reading Champion - Amy Matley - our class bookworm!

Maths Champion - Jacob Denny for his resilience 

Teacher's Award - Neeha Chowdhury for always giving 100% in all that she does. 


Well done to all of you . 

My Stars

World Maths Day 23/3/22


Today is World Maths Day. 

Below are some ideas of activities you can do at home with your child. 

We hope you enjoy doing some of them.

Congratulations to all these chidlren who have completed their reading bookmarks. 

Well done to you all for doing  fantastic reading at home. 

Reading Awards

Redwood Bronze Awards

My Stars this week are: 

Maison Wright gets my teacher award this week for working hard with his learning. Well done Maison. 

Congratulations to Michael Wood for much improved handwriting. 


My Reading Champion this week goes to Evie Beesley who is never far away from a book and my Maths Champion this week is Oliver Rooney who has made fantastic progres in all areas of his maths learning. 

My Stars

Reading Morning

My stars this week are Macie Bowles and Millie Harrison. Millie for much improved presentation of learning and to Macie for perservering and trying her best in all that she does. 

Well done guys. xx

My stars

World Book Day 2022 - Redwood Class

Drama - To be able to perform a play script

Maths Knowledge Organisers 


My stars this week are Olivia and JJ. OIivia has been working really hard in all lessons but is particularly growing in confidence with her English skills. 

JJ has been trying really hard with his handwriting and we have all noticed a big improvement. Well done to both of you. 

My stars this week are Jacob for much improved handwriting and Faiqah for always giving 100% in all that she does.

Well done to both of you. 

My Stars

My stars this week are Rhianna for a great improvement with her handwriting and to Dayley for a super piece of letter writing about life as an evacuee.

Well done to both of you. We are very proud of you both. 

My stars

My stars this week are Tyrae for a great improvement in his overall attitude to his learning  and to Olamide for a great improvement in his handwriting. Well done to both of you. We are very proud of you both. 

Whole class reading in Redwood


Today we practised our coaching skills with our partner. We read aloud to each other and helped each other. Some ways in which we helped were: 

* encouraging each other to use the punctuation

* helping our partner when we read a word incorrectly

* asking our partner to read with a little more expression 


We enjoyed doing this today! 



SAT's Revision Websites


Below are a list of websites you may wish to use to help you. 




The English area of the Bitesize website is packed with activities and questions to help you prepare for the National Tests in English.


These revision pages have been put together by Woodlands Junior School to help students with their revision.




The Maths area of the Bitesize website is packed with activities and questions to help you prepare for the National Tests in Maths.


Top Marks has a wide range of Maths games to brush up on all your skills.


Woodlands Junior School has several fun online interactive activities to help you with SATs . (videos and worksheets) (good for revising formal methods of calculation, including fractions) (create  your own worksheets on subjects you have found difficult)



Headteacher  Award. 

Here we have Noah, Amy, Ewan and Evie who were lucky enough to go into Miss Maynard's proud book. She was incredibly proud of you all. Your writing was fantastic. 

Be very proud of yourself- we are!

Well done xx

Miss Maynard's Proud Book

This week we finished our learning about the book "The War Game." We hav enjoyed doing all this learning and enjoyed reading the book. Our writing outcome was to write our own version of the ending ensuring that we used dialogue to move the action forward as well as use descriptive language to engage the reader. 

Here is just one example of what we produced. 

My stars this week are Ronnie Brown for an improvement in his handwriting across all subjects and Jacob Denny for writing a super ending to his story. Jacob's knowledge of events in History astounds us all. We are all very proud of them both. 

Well done xx

My stars

Here is the Knowledge Organiser for our Topic 

"What would life be like if Germany had wonn WW2?"

Here you will see all the things we will be learning about and the key information we need to know? 

What would life be like if Germany had won WW2?

Goodnight Mr Tom - Audio Book 


Below is the link for the audio version of the story. 

I hope you enjoy listening to the book. You could follow as you listen if you have your own version of the book. 


My stars this week are Noah Rawley for excellent handwriting in all lessons and Ronnie Brown for always giving 100% in all that he does. 

Well done to both of you and keep working hard. 


My stars

GoodNight Mr Tom - Michelle Magorian. 


Over the next few weeks we will be studying the book Goodnight Mr Tom by Michelle Magorian in our English lessons. We will also need to use all our knowledge from our topic "What would life be like if Germany had won WW2? 


 Here is the blurb for the book. 

Willie Beech is evacuated to a tiny English village in the country just before the outbreak of World War II. A lonely and deprived child, he finds himself living with the reclusive, gruff old widower, Thomas Oakley. Although the two find it hard to adjust to their life together at first, they gradually develop a strong, mutual bond. Willie begins to enjoy life and make new friends in the village.

However, everything is thrown into confusion when Willie is suddenly recalled to London by his neglectful and abusive mother. After several weeks with no letter from Willie, Tom Oakley becomes concerned for his welfare and sets out to London in search of him.


Have a think about what things you might expect to read about? Who are the characters? Can you draw any conclusions about the characters from the information from the blurb?  Can you predict what might happen? Ask yourself, why do you think this? What words make you think this about the characters?

Can you think of any other books that have a similar theme? 


Vocabulary from the blurb


Look at the words below. They have been taken from the blurb. 




Do you know what they mean? What do you think they mean? Can you think of synonyms for these words?   How many synonyms can you come up with?  Can you use these words in your own sentences?

Let me know- I cannot wait to hear your ideas and get started on this book!


Goodnight Mr Tom



In our English lessons we have been looking at the book The War Game. 

We have really enjoyed reading this book and getting to know the four main characters: Lacey, Billy, Freddie and Will. 

We now know that each of these characters have different personalities as we can tell this by their actions. 

Will is cautious as he does not want to go to war. Freddie is quite mature and thinks it is the right thing for him to go to war as it is the responsible thing to do. Billy gets very excited and is quite immature and Lacey is Billy's older brother and will only go to war in order to look after his brother. 


We are doing lots of learning around this book, developing our use of good vocabulary, developing our knowledge of characters as well as recapping previous learning on grammatical structures such as phrases and clauses. 


We look forward to sharing our learning with you all. 



My stars this week are Yara for always producing learning that is beautifully presented and to JJ for using some fantastic pieces of vocabulary during our Topic lesson about what qualities you need to have to be a good leader. 

The War Game

My stars

Parents reading morning! :)

Children in Need- check us out in our PJ's!!!!

My stars this week are Keira Watson for always producing beautiful learning in all lessons and to Ameila Abernethey for always putting 100% in all that you do and with the biggest smile upon your face. 

Well done ladies. 

My Stars

Remembrance Day 


As a class we wrote some poems for  Donald McCaig who served in the Regiments- White Rhino 40 Queens Bay and 2nd Dragoon Guards.

He is 100 years old!


We enjoyed writing these and they were presented to him on Remembrance day. 

We hope you like reading them. 

Remembrance Day

My stars this week are Reggie Smith for always producing neat handwriting in all lessons and to Demi Childs for giving 100% in all that she does. Well done to both of you and thank you. 

Redwood class is very proud of you both. 

My stars

In our English lessons over the next two weeks we are going to be doing our learning around the book "The Day of Ahmed's Secret" wriiten by the authors Florence Parry Heide and Judith Heide Gilliland. 

The Blurb

" Trucks and donkeys, cars and camels, carts and buses... the bustling streets of Cairo are exciting, but today Ahmed will share his secret, which is even more exciting."


What do you think the book will be about? What will Ahmed's secret be? Where do you think Ahmed is from? Can you make predictions? 

My stars this week are Evie Beesley for fantastic learning in English. Her vocabualry and sentence construction was fantastic - well done. My handwritng award this week goes to Olivia for always producing beautiful learning no matter what lesson we are doing. 

Well done to the pair of you xxx

My stars

Today, in support of the campaign "GIVE RACISM THE RED CARD" we all came into school wearing something red. 

Well done everybody. xx

Say NO to Racism

My stars this week are Amy Matley for beautiful learning and Noah Rawley for fantastic art work for Black History Month.  Great job guys and well done from all of us in Redwood. 

My stars of the week

Today we did baking!!


As part of our Science Learning, we looked at reversible and irreversible changes. We discussed what things can and cannot be reversed. 

Each of us made our own cupcake. We know that a cupcake is an irreversible change. Apparently, they tasted good too. 


My stars this week are Layla Crossley for always presenting her learnign beautifully and to Tyrae for excellent learning in maths and english.

Well done guys. 

We are very proud of you all.

My stars

Art in Redwood.


This week we have been developing our art skills. We used shades and tones to create our tornado pictures related to our topic " How would I survive a natural disaster?" We are incredibly proud with the final outcome. We hope you enjoy them.

Our amazing art work

My stars this week are Faiqah for always producing beautiful learning. Jacob fro fantastic paragraphs of writing in English and JJ for amazing art work. 


Well done guys 


This lovely bunch have had an important job this week - they have been helping Miss Maynard, Mrs Mitchell and Mr Kinch with interviews. 


We are all very proud of you and your confidence. You were all stars!!

Well done guys and thank you!

My stars this week are Layla Ward for producing beautiful learning and Yara De Barros for fantastic learning in  English this week. Yara had fantastic ideas and used good pieces of vocabulary when writing. 

Well done to both of you. 

Mrs Toshkezi xx

My Stars

Science in Redwood


This week in our Science lessons we have been looking at materials and their properties. We have experimented with different ways we can seperate materials.  We used scientific language to explain the different seperation processes. 

We really enjoyed it and got a little messy!!! Here a couple of pictures. 


My stars

This week my awards go to Lily- May Kelshaw for consistently producing beautifully presented learning in all subjects and to Ewan Greaves for excellent learning in English, both written and orally. 

Well done guys - we are all very proud of you. 



My Stars

Congratulations to Evie and Noah for writing a fantastic paragraph in English. 

Miss Maynard was incredibly proud too. 

Well done guys  xx

Haedteacher Good Learning



Meet Redwood's Eco - Warriors Evie and Faiqah. 


They will help Redwood to be as Eco- Friendly as possible. They will encourge and remind us to recycle paper, not be wasteful of resources, ensure that lights are switched off, make sure that the taps are turned off properly and lots more. 


We are sure that they will do a great job! 



This week  my stars are Amy Matley for fantastic English work and Neeha Chowdhury for amazing handwriting. 

Well done. We are all super proud of you both. xx


Look who got their pens!!!

We are very proud of Ronnie and Yara today who both managed to achieve their pens. 

What an achievement - Well done!!


My stars of the week are:

Lily-May Kelshaw for always producing beautifully presented learning and Oliver Rooney for sharing a wealth of knowledge about the environment and climate change during our English lessons.

Well done to both of you. 

We are all very proud of you.


My Stars


In our English lessons this week with have been focusing our learning around the book "The Bear in the Stars." We are using this book to write balanced arguments around climate change and the effects of Climate Change.

We have come up with lots of reasons for and against single use plastic. 

The children all share the belief that we all need to change the way we do somethings in order to protect our environments and world.


We look forward to sharing our learning with you. 


