Pine Class
Circus Sensible
We had a fantastic time watching the circus show this afternoon and loved our plate spinning workshop, even Mrs Munro and Miss Walker had a go.
Look at our pictures to see how good we were at it! Mrs Munro struggled to catch some of us for pictures as we were chasing our plates around 😂
Young Writers
After writing their Stone Age stories in class this week, these children have used their time at home to write their own versions of the story where their character travels to a new place, back in time or set in the future. I am so proud of all of the children with how they are putting their imaginations into their writing and how they are inspiring others in the class to get writing. Well done to Faith, Emilia and Olivia, I loved reading your stories and everyone else that has taken the time to write a story for me to read in class :)

As part of our Stone Age topic, today we have learnt about Stonehenge. We then had a go at creating our own version using biscuits. Have a look at the pictures below to see how they turned out!

The Stone Age
In our topic this term, we are learning about The Stone Age and reading a story called ‘Stone Age Boy’ in English. You can listen to the story yourself on the link below.
In the story, the boy goes into a cave and sees lots of cave paintings. We decided to create our own cave environment by putting paper under the tables and used charcoal to create our own ‘cave paintings’. We also used colours that would have easily been able to have been made in the Stone Age like red and brown.
Have a look at what we created, we think they are fantastic!

Celebrations - Ramadan
As part of our learning on celebrations and festivals, we learnt about the holy month of Ramadan and created some art work around the theme of the moon and star which is a symbol that is often used as a representation for Ramadan and Islam.
Have a look at what we created...
Our Amazing World
Since returning to school we have been taking part in a whole school topic called ‘Our Amazing World’. For our class display, the children coloured in the Earth before drawing around their hands and writing ways we can help to stop climate change such as, switching off lights that aren’t needed, walking or using the bus instead of a car, recycle, reuse and repair where possible.
From next week in P.E. (Monday and Tuesday) children in Pine class will need to ensure that they can take socks/tights and shoes off. If wearing skirts, it is suggested that children wear shorts/leggings underneath.
Thank-You for your support
Mrs Munro, Miss Walker and Mrs Timmins
Homework Week 7
We have reached the end of our first half term! Well done! It has certainly been different but you have all done so well with the changes in place as well as moving up to the juniors!
Over the half term break we would like you to continue to work on your times tables in whichever way you learn best. Try doing them out of order as well as in order.
For English/Topic, we would like you to create a mind map on Ancient Egypt to show us everything you have learnt during the topic.
Finally, read as much as you can, as many different books as you can. If there is a book that you read that you really enjoy, tell us about it by completing the book review attached to this post.
Please email any work that you complete to the class email address before the next homework is set on the 6th November.
We hope you have a lovely, well deserved break and look forward to seeing you back at school on Tuesday 3rd November.
Homework Week 6
For Maths, we will be continuing to work on our 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables. There are some activity sheets attached to help you to practise and you can also still use the times table songs.
Well done to Elm class, the winners of last week’s TT Rockstars battle! As we enjoyed the battle between the classes last week, we have decided to have another battle this week. Again, there will be a reward for the winning class so get logged on and battle hard! Which class will win this week? Come on Pine class!!!
For English/Topic, we would like you to write some instructions for mummification. What would you need to mummify a body? What are the different stages of the process? There is a sheet provided if you would like to use it.
Good Luck Everyone!
Elm vs Pine - Battle of the Classes - Who Will Be Victorious?
Homework Week 5
As we have been learning our times tables this week the focus of this week’s homework relates to this. Please continue to practice your times tables as much as possible at home, it is really important to know them and in out of order. We should be learning our 2, 5, 10, 3 and 4 times tables.
To motivate you, as well as the videos attached we have organised a TT RockStars Battle between Elm Class and Pine Class!!! There will be a class reward for the winning class so get logged on and battle hard.
For Topic this week we are challenging you to write something in hieroglyphics! This could be your name, a sentence about you or anything you like! There is space to draw a picture and write about it on the sheet attached.
Good luck everyone!
Resources for Week 5
Homework Week 4
This week’s homework is a mix of Maths and Topic. Next week in Maths we will be focusing on multiplication so the homework this week is to practice your times tables! This includes the 10, 2, 5, 3 and 4 times tables. You can practice these times tables on TT Rockstars, reciting them out loud or however you like! For Topic, this week’s focus will be the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Your challenge is to research and find facts on any Pharaoh of your choice!
Please ensure your homework is completed and sent to the class email address before the next one is set (every Friday). If you have any questions regarding the homework you may also use the class email address to ask them.
Good luck everyone!
Homework Week 3
This week’s homework is split into Maths and Topic.
For Maths, you will be able to show your addition and subtraction skills that we have been working on in class for the past two weeks, ask an adult to write out some sums for you and have a go at working them out.
For the Topic, I would like you to tell me what you remember from our hook week for the Egyptians, what was your favourite bit? What are you excited to learn more about?
Spelling will be sent home for you to practice, the highlighted words are words that you can spell. Please practise spelling the words that are not highlighted. You do not need to bring the sheet back into school. After half term you will have the opportunity to spell the words that you have been practising.
Please ensure that your homework is completed and sent to the class email address before the next one is set (every Friday). If you any questions regarding the homework you may also use the class email address to ask them.
Good luck everyone!
Topic Hook - The Ancient Egyptians
Today we started our new topic ‘What happened to the Boy King?’ This morning, the children were able to go into the hall and explore a range items to hook them into the topic. On one table there were globes for the children to locate Egypt and non fiction books to discover facts. On a second table there were examples of Egyptian clothing and on a third table there were some Egyptian artefacts and examples of hieroglyphics as well as our own canopic jars containing organs 🤢 as were used to store some of the organs from bodies after mummification. The children seemed to thoroughly enjoy this experience and we look forward to learning more about the items we saw in the coming weeks.
Take a look at some of our pictures:
Homework Week 2
This week’s homework is split into Maths and Topic. For Maths, the children will be trying to find numbers that are one more/one less or ten more/ten less than a given number. There are different sheets to challenge the children. For the Topic, the children will be researching about the Egyptians! I’ve attached a few different chapters to get stuck into. You can read them all, a couple or any that you think look interesting!
Please ensure that your homework is completed and sent to the class email address before the next one is set (every Friday). If you any questions regarding the homework you may also use the class email address to ask them.
Good luck everyone!
Homework Week 1
This week’s homework is split into English and Maths and links to the learning that we have completed in class this week. For Maths, the children will be comparing numbers, identifying the largest and smallest using the correct symbol. There are two sheets, the second is more challenging. For English the homework will be based on the book we are focusing on in class which is The Twits. The homework is for the children to write their own trick that Mr or Mrs Twit might play on the other (be creative!).
Please ensure that your homework is completed and sent to the class email address before the next one is set (every Friday). If you any questions regarding the homework you may also use the class email address to ask them.
Good luck everyone!
First week back
Just a quick message to let you all know what a fantastic first week we’ve had back in school.
The children have settled very well into juniors and with the new routines in place. In lessons, we have concentrated on supporting their emotional wellbeing and the children have created their own worry boxes. This week so far, we have looked at what is different since our return to school, what is the same, what we will miss about being at home so much and how we feel about being back at school. See the picture below for some of our comments.
Thank-you for all of your support with pick ups and drop offs and ensuring that the children are only bringing what they need to school.
Mrs Munro
Homework, Reading, TT Rockstars and New Class Email
As of next Friday we will begin to set homework again for the children. However, instead of this being completed in learning logs, we will be continuing with our online homework for the time being. There is a new class email address which I will add to the bottom of this post which you can send any completed work to. Homework can be completed anytime between the Friday it was set and the following Friday (before new homework is set).
Also, TT Rockstars is up and running with the same username and passwords as last year. Please practice the set times tables with your child :)
Reading books will be sent home on a Monday to be returned on a Friday. Please email the class email address when your child has read at least 3 times and finished their book so we know to change their book as their green planners will not be sent home.
If you have any questions about the homework please feel free to email me through the class email address and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
New Class Email Address: