Sycamore Class
The Day the Circus came to New Moston!
We all had a great time watching the circus and completing the workshops after.
Here are a few photos.

Our Fairy Garden

We have created a Key Stage 1 Fairy Garden.
The children love looking at it.
Butterfly release day.

This morning Sycamore and Maple class released their butterflies.
We had seen their life cycle from an egg to a caterpillar to a chrysalis and finally to the beautiful butterfly that we released.
I wonder where they will go. Will they visit our Bug Hotel?
We had seen their life cycle from an egg to a caterpillar to a chrysalis and finally to the beautiful butterfly that we released.
I wonder where they will go. Will they visit our Bug Hotel?
Butterfly release.

Butterfly release.

Butterfly release.

Rainbow Day
Today we all dressed in rainbow colours or as many colours as we could to celebrate we are all different and unique.
We read a story about a little girl who had two mums.
We thought about our own families and drew a picture of them.. We talked about the fact that all our families are special and the most important thing is that we love each other.
Our bug hotel
First of all, a big thank you to all of our parents and carers who donated materials for making our bug hotels.
The children have have enjoyed thinking about the best materials to use, designing the bug hotel and then making it with Miss Leach.
We even have a ladybird in our hotel today!
Have a a look at our photos. We are very proud of our work.
Read, Write, Inc
Your child may have come home from school talking about Read, Write, Inc.
This is a new way we are teaching phonics across the school. Phonics help your child with reading and writing.
To help you as parents, I have attached some links which may help you to understand what we are teaching, how we are teaching phonics, as well as some useful resources for you to use as well.
If you have any questions about this new, exciting way of teaching your child phonics, please come and ask us!
Crazy Hair Day for Comic Relief 19/3/21
We had lots of fun today being able to come to school with crazy hair.
Have a look at our photos!
Sycamore’s Litter Pick 15/3/21
As part of our topic about Our Amazing World, Sycamore have been learning how to look after our environment.
We went on a litter pick and found lots of rubbish. We collected it safely using litter pickers and disposed of the rubbish in the bins. Let’s all help to keep our school a nice place to be.
Sycamore class.
Here is your homework for Autumn 2!
I think everyone enjoyed choosing their homework from the grid last half term so you have a different homework grid this half term that links to your new topic-All Creatures Great and Small.
There is a grid with activities for English, Maths and Topic. You can choose which activities you would like to do each week.
You should complete at least one activity and send it for me to look at on the class e mail page. The address is:
Send it by Thursday and I will send you feedback.
I can't wait to see your home learning.
Lina made this Tudor House as part of her homework.
What a great effort!
Lina's Tudor House
This week we have planned, designed, made and evaluated our Tudor houses.
The class liked painting the houses and made them all their own!
Have a look at the photos of them.
Thank you to everyone who has completed homework so far.
I have really enjoyed looking at what has been sent to me.
You will receive a Homework Hero certificate each week when you do your homework.
You will also receive a Reliable Reader certificate if you read 3 times in a week to an adult. Let us know you have read by getting your adult to write what you have read in your planner.
Keep enjoying your learning!
Mrs Waddell
Sycamore class.
Here is your homework!
It is different from usual but we hope you will like it
There is a grid with activities for English, Maths and Topic. You can choose which activities you would like to do each week.
You should complete at least one activity and send it for me to look at on the class e mail page. The address is:
Send it by Thursday and I will send you feedback.
I can't wait to see your home learning.
Hi Sycamore Class!
I hope you are having a lovely summer holiday!
I am really looking forward to being in Year 2 in September and can't wait to see you all on the first day back!
If you want to prepare yourself for Year 2 and have time to, you could:
-practice writing your name
-practice the 2x, 5x and 10x tables
-practice adding and subtracting numbers up to 20
-practice writing and knowing the order of the days of the week and the months of the year
But, most of all, have a lovely time off with your families, stay safe and come back with a big smile on your face in September!
Mrs Waddell