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Keeping Your Child Safe

In accordance with the Education Act 2002 and guidance set out in ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’, New Moston Primary School will work in partnership with other organisations where appropriate to identify any concerns about child welfare and take action to address them.


New Moston’s Child Protection and Safeguarding policy -  linked to at the bottom of this page - has been developed to ensure that ALL adults in New Moston Primary School are working together to safeguard and promote the welfare of all of our children and young people.   Our culture is vigilant and staff are regularly trained to ensure we have relevant and up to date information at all times. 

Our safeguarding policy is ratified by the Governing Body and is reviewed annually.


Our policy describes the management systems and arrangements in place to create and maintain a safe learning environment for all our children, young people and staff. It identifies actions that should be taken to redress any concerns about child welfare.


The Headteacher or, in their absence, the authorised member of staff, the deputy headteacher has the ultimate responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people goes beyond implementing basic child protection procedures. It is an integral part of all activities and functions of New Moston Primary School.

The policy describes the ethos that New Moston Primary School aims to create and how we work with pupils, parents and other agencies in order to safeguard our pupils.


If you are concerned about any child's safety and well being or have any questions regarding the school's safeguarding approach please contact Mr R Kinch, who is our Designated Safeguarding Lead, or in his absence ask to speak to a member of the safeguarding and pastoral team:-


  • Mrs Danni Mitchell - Head Teacher
  • Mr R Kinch- Assistant Head Teacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead 
  • Mrs J Kelly-Rimmer - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 
  • Miss L Slack - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (on maternity until Easter 2025)


Safeguarding Governor - Mrs D Edwards 


In the event that you have concerns about any child/children outside of school hours i.e weekends, school holidays etc, we would advise you to report these to the relevant city council Children's Services Department or alternatively report your concerns to the NSPCC using the link below. 


Manchester Children's Services - call: 0161 234 5001


Oldham Children's Services - 0161 770 7777


Please find our school's Safeguarding Policy on the link below.