Cedar Class
Cedar's artists!
This week the children have turned into artists, I have been extremely impressed with what they have produced. They have adapted and refined their ideas as they progressed and used shading to show different tones to mirror the image given.
Artwork- Noah, Charlie, Daisy-May, Neeha, Lillie-Mae
Outstanding work, Cedar!!
Rainbow day 🌈
Our topic this term is 'Is it always the strongest that survives?' We have been learning about Charles Darwin and his scientific theory of evolution on natural selection. We have learnt about his expedition to the Galapagos Islands and his discoveries on this island.
The children had a go at drawing a variety of flowers that were found on the Galapagos Islands using different media. Have a look at some of their fantastic art work!
Crazy Hair Day for Comic Relief 19/3/21
Week Beginning- 16/11/20
Hi Cedar,
I hope you are all safe and well. Remember home learning will be on Google Classrooms and you will have a Maths, English and Topic lesson everyday. Each morning I will write a message onto the 'stream' telling you what lessons you are to do that day and the time for the 20 minute live lesson.
If you need any help please email me on cedar@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk
Miss Swapp
I will be checking your diaries for your 3 reads on Tuesday, so please don't forget to get your diary signed by parent/carer.
Looking forward to seeing you all!
Miss Swapp
Well done to everyone in Cedar class you have all worked very hard this term and I am very proud of how far you have come, I am looking forward to seeing all after half term. Enjoy your week off and stay safe
Miss Swapp
Teachers award!
This weeks teachers award goes to Oliver for his fantastic maths learning on coordinates, translation and reflection- well done!
Handwriting award!
This weeks handwriting award goes Safiya for trying her hardest to join her handwriting- well done Saf keep persevering with it!
Congratulations to you both!
Homework set 23.10.2020
Due 5th November. Email to cedar@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk
Miss Swapp's group
Mrs Parr/ Mr Mason's group
Maths Homework
Choose your own level! Complete a translation homework sheet and a reflection homework sheet. If you can't print the homework, used squared paper to draw the axis and continue from there.
English Homework
In the style of the image below, create your own self portrait made using the words that describe you and make you unique and wonderful!
This way of presenting words and phrases is called a calligram! Begin by sketching the outline of your face and hair and fill in with words in darker colours. I can't wait to see them!
Teachers award!
This week's teacher award goes to Jacob for writing a fantastic narrative, including descriptive vocabulary and direct speech.
Handwriting award!
This week's handwriting award goes to Goodluck for persevering with joining his handwriting and for taking care with his presentation in his books.
Congratulations to the both of you! Keep up the fantastic work!
Homework - set 16.10.2020
due in on 22.10.2020, email cedar@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk
Your English and Maths homework documents are attached further down this page! Complete at least 1 page from each - each page becomes gradually harder so don't worry if this becomes challenging!
You do not have to download or print the worksheets, you can copy the answers on to the worksheets and complete that way. If you have any issues let me know on Monday or through email.
Have a fab weekend everyone!
Miss Swapp
English Homework - set 16.10.2020
Maths Homework - set 16.10.2020
Homework 09.10.20
email to cedar@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk by 15.10.2020
What's the rule we discussed for rounding? Write it at the top of your page!
Complete the following questions:
Round to the nearest 10:
23, 45, 78, 112
Round to the nearest 100:
127, 413, 798, 4103
Round to the nearest 1000:
1569, 4872, 9664, 32 408
Round to the nearest 10 000
27 393, 74 523, 86 673, 333, 147
Round to the nearest 100 000
354 352, 563 835, 912 873, 1 236 935
Round to the nearest whole number
1.3, 3.7, 6.5, 11.2
Round to 1 decimal place
2.72, 3.56, 27.19, 217.091
Can you use a metaphor to describe a character from clockwork? e.g. Dr Kalemius' were caverns of darkness.
Can you use a simile to describe a character from clockwork? e.g. Gretl's heart was as pure as gold.
Can you use a relative clause in a sentence about a character? e.g. Karl, who was incredibly lazy, hadn't created a clock piece after all.
Can you use personification to describe the setting? (Remember, this is when you give human characteristics to something that it not human.) e.g. The moon was resting in the midnight sky as it shone down on the town of Glockenheim.
Well done for another amazing week, Cedar Class.
Have a fantastic weekend
Miss Swapp
Teachers award!
This weeks teacher award goes to Lillie-Mae for making fantastic progress in her maths learning.
Handwriting award!
This weeks handwriting award goes to Neeha for her beautiful joined handwriting and presentation in her books.
Congratulations to you both! I am extremely proud of you.
Homework 02.10.2020
email to cedar@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk
Miss Swapp's group:
1. calendar
2. caught
3. centre
4. century
5. certain
I would like you to make a list of the key events of Clockwork so far in order! Think carefully about who the characters are and what they have been doing. Don't worry about getting this absolutely correct as this is what our focus is going to be next week.
I have written what I think are the first 3 key events to get you started:
1. The characters are waiting for Fritz to come and tell his story.
2. Karl does not want to join in because he is angry at himself for not making a clock piece.
3. Fritz begins to tell his story. Everybody is scared.
Continue this list until you reach the point where Gretl says the secret word that makes Sir Ironsoul come to life. It doesn't matter if your classmates have more or less events than you. This is simply to help you with next week's task.
I have attached 2 documents below, focusing on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. Complete 1 sheet from each of these, the sheets get gradually harder so select your difficulty level carefully.
Have a fantastic weekend every body! I hope you've had as good a week as I have.
Miss Swapp
Maths Homework (Choose a level - complete 1 multiplying sheet and 1 dividing sheet!)
Homework 25.09.2020
This week, I'd like you to focus on building your number sequencing skills!
Please spend 30 minutes this week working your way through this sequencing game:
If you can't access the link, follow the below steps:
- Google 'top marks number sequencing ks2'
- Click the first link
- Scroll down to 'sequence'
You can select your own level and your own difficulty! Make your way through it until it becomes a challenge and then keep going! You can even choose to sequence numbers with decimals.
Can you find the definitions for the following words:
Can you give me three examples of each?
Where do you find them?
How do they help you lead a healthy lifestyle?
Email me your work at cedar@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk
If you work Mr Mason for your spellings, your spellings this week are:
If you work with Miss Swapp, your spellings are:
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Miss Swapp
Homework 18.09.20
We want to hear your opinion of Phillip Pullman's 'Clockwork: All Wound Up'! Write a review of the story so far.
Consider the following questions:
Are you enjoying the story? Why/why not?
What has been your favourite part?
Were there any parts that shocked/scared you?
Would you recommend it to a friend? Why?
What do you think is about to happen next? (Is Karl going to steal Sir Iron Soul and pass him off as his own work to avoid embarrassment? Is Dr Kalmenius truly evil or is he trying to help Karl? If we think that Gretl is the girl on the front cover, how is she going to become intertwined with the story?)
I have attached your Maths homework underneath. We'd like you to focus on multiplication, as this is something you expressed that you struggled with this week!
Choose a multiplication sheet that you feel most comfortable with! Don't worry, you don't have to complete both. However, if you choose to challenge yourself by multiplying by 2 digits, there are some really useful Youtube videos out there to help you, including: https://www.google.com/search?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVYwunbpMHA
Remember to email your hard work to me at cedar@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk!
Miss Swapp x
Maths Homework
Thank you so much to those of you who have emailed me your learning, it has been lovely to see your fantastic work!
Please email your homework to cedar@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk I will then be able to feedback. Remember homework is due in on a Thursday.
Keep up great work!
Miss Swapp
Every Friday your child will come home with their weekly spellings. They will be tested on them the following Friday.
Today your child has come home with their weekly spellings. There are 5 spellings a week to learn. Please encourage your child to learn these spellings as they will be tested weekly.
This weeks spellings are:
accident accidentally actual actually address
Maths Homework
Hi everyone,
Happy Friday!!
This week, your homework is to practise your column (written) addition and subtraction. I have attached two documents below, one for each method. Please make your way through these sheets, you can copy the questions down on some paper so there's no need for you to print :)
Take a picture of your completed homework and send it to me at cedar@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk so I can see all your hard work. If you've tried really hard and you still find the homework too tricky, email me and we'll see what we can do.
Don't forget to practise your spellings, read three times a week and log reading in your diaries!
Miss Swapp x
For English this week I would like you to choose a character from the story "Clockwork".
Fritz- the story teller,
Gretl- the barmaid,
Herr Ringlemann- the clockmaker,
Karl- the apprentice clockmaker
Dr Kalmenius
Thinking about what we have learnt about the characters I would like you to write a character description for ONE of the characters, you may also draw a picture to accompany your character description.
Hi everyone,
I hope you're not too exhausted after your first week back!
Your homework this week is to practise your timestables. I would like you to focus on:
3 x timestables
4 x timestables
5 x timestables
6 x timestables
I would also like you to write a paragraph all about your first week back at school! You could include how you felt on your first day, what we did together in class and how you feel now that we're back into the swing of things.
This paragraph can be emailed to me at cedar@newmoston.manchester.sch.uk. This is where you will be sending all your homework to for the time being. Remember, homework will be set every Friday.
See you on Monday!
Miss Swapp
Hello Cedar!
I hope you are all okay and enjoying your break so far! I just wanted to let you know that Mrs Parr and myself are very much looking forward to seeing you all in September. We cannot wait to see your faces and to find out more about yourselves!
Stay safe and we will see you all very soon!
Miss Swapp