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WELCOME TO SYCAMORE CLASS with Mrs Waddell and Mrs Whittaker


We hope you have had an amazing summer holidays and spent lots of time having fun and making memories with people that are special to you. We can't wait to hear about all you have done. 


We are really looking forward to starting a new year with you in Sycamore class. We know that some of you might be feeling a little nervous but that's ok - we all are.  We can all help each other by being kind and helpful and trying to come into school each day with a smile to share with each other.


Things to help you coming into Sycamore Class.



PE  will be on a Monday and a Wednesday. Please make sure your child has a PE Kit in school.  This needs to simply be a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and a pair of pumps or trainers for going outside. 


Homework will be set on Google Classrooms. Your child will be sent a homework grid via the school app that has a variety of English, Maths and Topic activities on it for them to complete. They choose to do at least one activity each week (although they can do more!) Your child's username and password will be stuck in their Reading Record Book. Their homework needs to submitted by Thursday, as I will look at it  before Friday and send a certificate home to those children who have completed homework.


Reading - We expect your child to read at least three times a  week at home to an adult. This needs to be recorded in your child's reading  record and signed by an adult. This record needs to be brought  into school every day. We will check this on a Friday. Again, they will get a certificate if they do this.

If your child needs to change their reading book, they can change it on any day when they go to their Read Write Inc group. 


Your child will also have access and passwords to Times Table Rockstars and Purple Mash. Their usernames and passwords will be put in their Reading Record Books as soon as we have them all.


If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to speak to us. You can catch us most mornings before school or wait to speak to us after the children have been released to Parents/carers at home time.


Or you can contact us via the email address: 


We really look forward to working together this year.


Mrs Waddell and Mrs Whittaker




Sycamore transition book
